2 days until the weebacolypse

2 days until the weebacolypse

How many of those are actually going to be good though?


guess which ones I'm putting where.

took me years to recognize this gif is from golden boy

All of them besides the Jojo game

All of them desu senpai

Fuck off nigger

>People are actually looking forward to buy this shit

I don't even know why you otaku-fags praise japanese games when they're usually low-budget trash made to get a quick buck off of your worthless asses. Kind of like that game that keeps censoring your shitty fanservice, they're practically screwing you over but you're still going to kiss their ass.

Jojo can't be good
The others seem ok
(I played GE2 it's ok)

>30 year old NEET basement dweller calling anyone worthless

I don't know why you post in threads for games you're not interested in

Because, you faggots waste around 30-60 dollars on this trash when you can actually get something half decent with that kind of money.

I'm not interested in your shitty western games

>not japanese games
>half decent

As a long time Star Ocean fan, I'm buying SO5 in a heartbeat. My standards are kind of low, so as long as its better than SO4, I'll take it.

probably none.
but weebs have low standards, so they will tell at least 2 are good.

I can see how that would upset you.
Do you personally knock on the doors of people who buy boats and keep them in their garage to tell them your feelings on how they could have better spent their money?

>Calling Western games shitty
>Pretending that Japanese games are better


I'm not pretending they're better.
I'm saying they are.

had to look up what grand kingdom was.
looks like a shitty mobile type game with fake vanillaware style graphics.

It was made by people who used to work at vanillaware
There's a demo on psn for the first two chapters to try if you're intersted

Only one I've played there is GE2 and it's like a 6/10

star ocean already confirmed for trash
jojo is pretty trash to begin with; expecting even less out of the game
ZTD could go either way at this point based on the last game.
god eater meh.
Grand Kingdom must save us all.


ill pass but thanks for trying Mr. Shill.

They aren't necessarily better, but Japan really is the last bastion of small-scale non-indie developement.
You really can't make non-AAA games on west anymore without being indie, but Japan still has smaller developement teams, some of which have been in business for decades.
What good anime does Sup Forums shit on?

>Went on a normie ship trip just a few days ago
>Blower 200 bucks during the trip

I was planning on buying those games but not anymore, being a normie must suck

No, I'm sick of you faggots praising Japanese games when they're really just as bad as Western maybe even worse lately due to how many of them try be the next Final Fantasy. It's either turn-based shit, or ecchi shit where you can go just on pornhub and fap for free.

No one cares
Fuck off

Is GE2 good?

you had lots of sex though right? that's what they do on those cruises right?

What's wrong with SO5?
I've never played any of them and my brother wanted to get it for me as a late gift.

more like what isn't wrong with it at this point.

SO5 and SO4 have probably killed the series.

The only complaint people can lodge at it is that it's low budget and suffers because of it

Significant difference is what kind of games west and Japan are known for. West has huge expensive AAA titles, and Japan has something on level NISA and Atlus. Yeah, there's also Nintendo, but people don't generally perceive them as being Japanese. Even bigger productions like Yakuza feel relatively cheap.
...In that sense I really gotta praise Bethesda. They have some of the best-selling games ever, but are still making them with mostly same team as during early 360 days.
But yeah, West has moved beyond PS2 days of shovel-ware, the idea of cheap games like that still lives on in Japan. To some people that has appeal.

And then there's Japanese indie scene, from which only handful reaches west. Every Comiket there are tons of doujin games released, and just few like already profilic ones like Touhou series, or ones that are localized like Recettear get any attention.

Care to explain in better detail? Nobody ever says legitimate issues and I'm convinced at this point it's just people parroting since everyone just says it's shit. Is the camera shit? Battle system shit? What is the real problem?

who cares

weebs probably no need crying

Star Ocean is the best selling PS4 game and the second best selling game behind Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, at the moment, on Amazon. Even if it is short, it will still be in high demand.

Grand Kingdom's community has already undermined the limiting factor of online war. If every mercenary signs on to a single faction, everyone shares the glory of victory.

Zero Time Dilemma's pre-order watch bonus is delayed.

God Eater 2 will probably remain at a ridiculous price until Best Buy has a daily deal like they had a few months back, where every Bandai game was $14.99.

and Jo...wait a minute, OP. American's aren't even getting that release.

god eater comes out in august

Op posted the wrong God Eater
Resurrection comes out on the 28th standalone digital on ps4/vita

I have played every star ocean so I am looking forward to it. I enjoy the series.

is God eater as good as MonHun? What are the major differences. I need another console monhun experience.

The 3 are Grand Kingdom, Jojo, and ZTD. Such Sup Forums-tier taste, user.

3 of them are on PC. Feels good.

Eyes of Heaven is not on that list, it is a god awful unplayable piece of shit.

You can tell by their uninspired box art they are gonna suck.

star ocean is "generic good" the rest is just "game of the week" that people buy to put in their collection and pretend their system is winning.

It's fun. I finished every story related quest and then dropped the game since the end game is simply you fighting stronger monsters.
Story is pretty shit but that par for the course with anime game.

I can give you a write up but I won't instead I;ll tell you that it is A LOT like SO1 and it feels like a classic kind of SO unlike 3 and 4 and has less content than 2 (like most games in the world)

The characters are some of the best in the series, the graphics are great especially considering 1080p 60FPS, the music is BETTER than the average shit Sakuraba does for RPGs but not groudbreaking.

It does have a shitty loli character though - and the game IS easy BUT it has difficulty settings so it really doesn't matter. It also has a ton of side content which some is derivative and some is good. It's a nice distraction.

The game is COMPLETE and not unfinished like some games lately and it's also technically almost flawless. Also the art design is great as well, it has some nice medieval designs and come classic SO hi tech ships and shit.

The ONLY thing people bitched about it was because NO SPACE TRAVEL as if that was the foundation of the series from day 1 (it's not).


But Zero Time Dilemma is going to save the industry, silly anons.

Grand Kingdom is a legitimately very good SRPG.

Thanks for writing this up.

Hoping Star Ocean has fun combat like the first two games or at least an interesting world to explore.

I would be getting Zero Time Dilemma if the animations weren't so unbelievably atrocious. I enjoyed the first two games, but this is a game releasing on current gen consoles and PC. Put some fucking work into your animations.

Grand Kingdom looks meh.

Watched some gameplay of JoJo's and I can't believe how generic the sound design is. I swear they must have bought a CD titled "Sounds from every Japanese game ever".

And I guess God Eater is some kind of Monster Hunter game? Haven't played a single enjoyable MH rip-off on a Sony console yet, so hopefully that one is better.