Divinity: OS: EE pros/cons

+Pretty to look at
+lots of loot

+Boring repetitive combat
+Quests are hard to do because it doesn't tell you how/where to complete them
+leveling takes too long
+Slow moving characters
+Repetetive looking armor
+No such thing as party share skills. So if I'm controlling my character who has a 10% speed boost and accidentally start an argument with someone, it doesn't use my main characters speech skills or let me switch, can't talk to animals either I MUST switch to the party member who has it
+Lots of inventory management
+Unrewarding quests
+literally every fucking item you pick up has 3 different descriptions.
>"Useless. Sell it"
>or no description

quality game

This game ruined my friendship. I let my friend have the identify skill and thought it was curious nothing good ever came out. Later when I hosted the game I realised he'd just taken all the good items for himself and given me his old gear

Now we're not friends

That's another thing this game is inconsistent with.
You can identify any gear if one of your party members can identify.
You can use items on objects if any member has the correct item.
But you can't talk to fucking people or animals unless you are specifically using your speech main character.

half of your cons sound like pros to me so go fuck yourself

>one of the heroes walks on lava
>turns into dust
>revive him with scroll
>gets revived but still stands on lava
>turns to dust again
>repeat untill no scrolls left

And also the boss that BTFO me in a single turn, pretty good game.

>game just started
>go to the beach
>get raped by works
It's an awesome ideia to make the player fight 10 characters that are 10x stronger than the player at the same time.

Teleport, Featherfall, Fire Immunity, Tornado?

You can also pick the spot where you want to revive him.

It's literally impossible to lose the fights on the beach even on highest difficult. Holy fuck, please upload a gameplay video so that I can laugh about you.

>+Boring repetitive combat
What is wrong with y..oh wait the whole thread is bait

Are you fucking stupid nigga?
All the mobs have higher damage than you and higher health. You only win if you let the npcs do 75% of the work.

You could have always tried the other entrances too.

The real problem is/was
>game starts, small tutorial fighter/dungeon
>get into city
>explore, loot and sell everything that isn't nailed down for 2 hours
>finally leave the town, get into first proper combat
>don't like my party composition at all or have 2 of the same class accidentally
>time to restart

Add to that your characters look like shit. The customization at the beginning is laughable.

The revive scrolls let you teleport them a short distance though.

How fucking bad are you? The only NPC that ever even bothered attacking me instead of the soldiers was the Shaman, and he drops really quickly.

Fuck, I though you at least meant the higher level beach on the other side of the town, not what's essentially just the tutorial area.

Best combat of any cRPG. Or any RPG at that.

Prove me wrong.

>+No such thing as party share skills. So if I'm controlling my character who has a 10% speed boost and accidentally start an argument with someone, it doesn't use my main characters speech skills or let me switch, can't talk to animals either I MUST switch to the party member who has it

This is by design, so in multiplayer you can have the two players doing their own thing.
You can talk to 2 NPCs at the same time, with your two characters.

>Prove me wrong.
Original Sin 2 exists.

I really want to visit a trebuchet party desu.


>rain + electricity

Its slightly better now post patch, but still not entirely fixed. And the combat AI is absolutely fucking retarded.

This is what an ultra-casual looks like Sup Forums.

Also get some friends.

Though the rest of what the guy said, he does have a point here. It makes sense in multiplayer, but it's pretty dumb in singleplayer, it doesn't add anything to the game to have to restrict what abilities you use or to have to click over to someone else instead of it just automatically swapping over when you use skills like the animal talking one. Not a huge deal, but would be nice if they put it in.

>Original Sin 2 exists.

Not yet.

You remind me of that guy that, when the game was first released, complained like a little bitch over the most trivial things on the steam forums. He died in the fucking tutorial dungeon over and over again.
We all had a good laugh over it.

But it does. Not available to us yet, of course, but Swen is playing it RIGHT NOW.

do they have a date yet?

I enjoyed it

Okay, what if in singleplayer I have my first character talk to the guard to distract them, and sneak with the second character behind that guard to steal something.
It would be annoying to do if characters automatically switched so that the most socially adept always does the talking.
Also since characters can be far from each other, how would such a switch work, teleportation? This breaks a lot of similar tactics. And if its not teleportation, but waiting for them to walk, its annoying because its slow.
And if the skill is just flat out shared among all, its bad for immersion, since you have the low charisma low social skill character be silver tongued in dialogues while the actual diplomat is sitting behind some barrels next door.

I feel that the way they did it is the best possible way, Alternative solutions either cause more issues, or make the game more narrow, removing gameplay options.

EE has quest markers and everything bro. The orignal version has none.

That fight was one of the worst fights in the game

Just saying


>that interface size

Early beta or console version?

I just can't get into it, the combat was a chore and it would take forever to walk through the maps
Like I would trigger environmental hazards while being clearly outside of them.


>ability to summon skeletons
>cant be a necromancer and summon an army of them
Irredeemable 0/10 until this fatal flaw is fixed

Oh man, I remember when DivOS first came out and there were hundreds of underage babies like OP getting their shit pushed in because they're used to modern hold your hand so you can never lose games.

Good times.

How did you resolve the party companions personal quests?

His resolution you dumbass.

>Character customisation options don't match the portraits

Makes my autism flare up.

Summons are so fucking disgustingly powerful early on, no joke. Its not quite like having an extra companion in the fight, but they soak damage, soak spells, and can separate enemies a bit so you can move freely, or group them for grenades and AoE spells.

For anyone who is having trouble in fights, buy some summon scrolls, and learn some summon spells.

you lost the fucking tutorial...

You dont. Pick companions from your pocket plane, so they can get better stats.

I never used any of them. ;_;

I'm not saying it should be all social skills, don't get me wrong, just a couple that don't really have much purpose to be kept separate. The animal talker one should just be shared amongst your party. Same with ones that impact your speed, there's no reason to keep that only on one person, because then you have to wait for your party to catch up. There's no strategies that need one of you to be fast and one to be slow.

>Also since characters can be far from each other, how would such a switch work, teleportation?

Prisms? You get them a couple hours into the game. I'm not even arguing you should always just magically swap, simply that if there's a skill check required, it's dumb to for some reason leave three members of the party locked out of the conversation when they're within range.

Isnt the tutorial technically just that one cave that you can walk past?
I believe he lost the first actual non-tutorial fight.

I have yet to use a summon in the EE on tactican with the addition of grenades they added. Everything is stunlocked.

IIRC tutorial is until you reach the town

You must be very skilled, grenades were more often duds for me.
I've never, ever had the charm grenade work. Not once .

I'd agree, though some of the immunities were fucking annoying. That snow king faggot stands out to me in particular, he's immune to pretty much all elemental damage, which can leave half your party just sitting around until he summons some shit, or being stuck on healing duty.

What customization? The only options are angry face #1, #2 or #3 and black hair or red hair.

yeah it was weak, this fight was the hardest I guess.

If I recall correctly, that fight revolved around you breaking his sentinels.
The electricity sentinel removed elecricity immunity from them, frost removed freeze immunity, etc.
They were stationed around the circle where you were fighting him.

Well shit, I never even knew that, I just used physical damage against him. Never even saw the sentinels.

You must've played on the lower difficulties, can't ignore this on hard.
How did you handle the demon fight, where you need to kill his caged slaves, else they boost his resistances and heal him?

Its very similar to this one, and I think you fight it just before this one, if you handle the zone the way I did.

Have you played the original Divine Divinity? There are pockets of "100% assrape" enemies all over the place. Just mark them on your map and come back later when you're stronger.

the shaman and 3 archers came straight to me, faggot. 2 hits were enough to kill each character.

The only valid points in your cons are the slow character speed, which is annoying at best, the repetitive looking armor, which who cares, you can barely see your characters anyways, and the inventory management - which is a legitimate hassle. The game is still a solid 8.5/10. I enjoyed it very much - enough for a replay, which means its quality in my books.

2 archers*

Go fuck yourself you fucking imbecile.

You wouldn't know a good game if it fucked you in the ass.

You cant skip this fight, as you have to go that way for reach the first town.

I don't even remember that fight - where was that? Hardest fights where Braccus Rex and Ghoul that guards the lighthouse - when you were first learning the game. The ghoul is a huge jump in difficulty and almost made me quit till I figured out how to play the game properly, and Braccus is just a complete shit show unless you use some serious cheese strats.

Just played classic mode, never start a game on hard until I have some idea what the baseline's supposed to be.

>How did you handle the demon fight, where you need to kill his caged slaves, else they boost his resistances and heal him?

Which demon fight was that? Only fight against demons I recall in that area was the ones summoned by the conduit when you get to the forge.

As far as I recall, there's three orc warriors, a shaman and one human archer in that fight, what are you talking about?

Warriors generally focus on the soldiers, the archer won't usually move past that main fight, and the shaman is easily taken out. I'm not sure how it's even possible to lose that fight.

My only con with this game..is that the bags and everything is right out of Ultima/Ultima online, but not grid less!

Pretty sure you can just move back and let the NPCs win the fight without doing any damage yourself.
Its a fight that wins itself, and you just have to be there to witness it.

Fun times. Some user introduced everyone to the "stack 20 barrels of oil next to the boss" tactics back when it was released.

I never had problems with this fight the 10 times I've played through the game with friends.

Even the first time I played by myself holy shit wtf are you doing?

Just fucking set them on fire and watch them die as they walk towards you, or use your brain holy christ its a TUTORIAL fight. I feel bad for any other fight you'll have to do later in the game if you died to this one.

As i said 3 characters came to me, maybe it was an AI error. And they could kill both character with 2 hits each.
One of them wasn't an archer, an human teleports behind the character, the other attacked with arrows and the shaman used magic.
That was not possible when i played, the fight would always start with a character teleportating behind me.
I manage to kill the three mobs, but i did it in a very cheap way, i was playing on the highest difficulty btw.

That was the best part about being a barrel knight class! I dont know if they removed the damage part of throwing crates at mobs later.

you just sit outside the door for braccus and then wipe the floor with them as they walk out one bye one

this was in that tomb past the orcs with that shit floor puzzle of hot/cold, these big guardians get pissed if you kill the little guardian

I think they just nerfed it a lot.

>people are complaining about the combat in this game
Blows my mind, man. There's so much creative shit you can do.

>boring repetitive combat
Only if you're an ADD-riddled underage who gets bored when they have to sit down and think for five seconds. It's some of the best SRPG combat ever.

>That was not possible when i played, the fight would always start with a character teleportating behind me.

Objectively false and a lie.
I've played the early backers beta, the release version, and the enhanced edition.
I've never seen any such thing happen, and I've replayed that part a lot due to restarts if I dislike my starting character for some reason.

Yeah, i had fun on release. Self-harming rogues, teleport warriors and throwing anvils and trash items at mobs for crushing damage.

I don't recall anyone in that fight being able to teleport. And as said, you can pretty much just stay out of the fight and the NPC's will win.

I don't think it's even possible to create a build so bad you die in two hits at the first actual fight in the game, or that you somehow decided that just standing there and letting people kill you was smart.

Also, as I said, there is only one archer in that fight, who is the human. It's not possible that another character shot you with arrows.

I love how DivOs functions as a litmus test to spot the mentally retarded.

>Braccus Rex
>lighthouse ghoul

>not fucking Boreas
This piece of shit got me to uninstall the game once. Literally took me months to gather the courage to try again.

Boreas was fucking easy though.
>tfw having 100%+ resistance to every element before they nerfed it

How the fuck are you people having problems with him? I've crushed him every single time I've fought him with vastly different party compositions.

Like that guy who never go make it past the tutorial cave, or people on steam forums crying about quest markers.

I'll be fucking damned, if even this game has boring combat then I don't know what the fuck you people consider good combat.

That's not a lie, bro. It really happened.
Maybe my game was broken, i dunno. One NPC always teleported behind me in that fight, he was using a curved sword.
And i had corrected my statement, it was an archer and a guy that could teleport.

Nah. You can apply that on every fucking RPG.

>is that the bags and everything is right out of Ultima

I have no idea why they didn't include a grid frame for inventory in U7. Like, holy fuck, imagine finding in this mess.

>mfw i see people with four character parties
Two Lone Wolves or get out

Oh shit, the tomb past the orcs - I literally never got in there cause I never figured out how. That would be why I dont remember it.

Steam forums were a fucking riot after release. How used to hand holding to you have to be in order to get so lost?

>maybe my game was broken and it spawned 3 orc archers where there arent any

Thats not how written code works.
You are lying. Stop lying. You gain nothing from it, nor does anyone believe you.

Everyone who uses the Blind /Blindcloud spells needs to be hanged.

I would, and I did before EE, but apparently Lone Wolf got nerfed hard, so I went 4 people. It's obviously stronger, but I still miss when it was just the two of us...

The statues are relatively easy to miss, unless you mouse over them it would make sense to just assume the staff gives him stupid resistances seeing as it contains all of the other elemental kings.

Sure it did, but as I said, no-one can teleport in that fight. There's three orc warriors, a shaman and a human archer. The humans on your side should easily handle all of them, or tank it at least.

I doubt your game broke to give enemies abilities they shouldn't have, that's not really how it works.

Lone Wolf isn't that great in EE.

>missing out on story

I'm going to record it and show to you so you can shut up

It is beautiful! Lots of shit in all the bags, so even the PKer had to sit for 20mins trying to steal your shit.

I'm not a massive fan of OS's sandbox combat. I'm a simple person who enjoys the simple pleasure of hitting enemies with my sword.
Using Teleport to drop an enemy in an oil spill and then using a fireball spell to ignite it in a fiery explosion sounds fun but it doesn't do it for me.

OS's sense of humour is a bit off putting too.

People will get lost as fuck when they arent told what to do or go. Bashing in Eve door in Cyseal if you dont wanna look for the key.

Even kicking down the last door in the game if you dont have all the stones.

Please do.

I agree on one thing only, and it's that quests sometimes lack a bit of guidance. I remember that the investigation quest took me like 4 hours to complete even though I already had all the evidence I could possibly gather.

Also the combat can get difficult as fuck, like that sourcerer on the beach that summons the sand monsters and turns invisible. That fight was pure cancer, because even if you manage to kill all his summons he just resummons them again. Took me a good 10 tries to kill him or even more.


>Quests are hard to do because it doesn't tell you how/where to complete them
I thought you were a stupid faggot, but after reading this line I now know this is bait.

Lone Wolf didn't get nerfed per se, but you can no longer have both Lone Wolf and Glass Cannon which was outrageously strong. LW playthrough is still a viable option in EE

The companions are pretty boring and their quests just a little tack-on to already existing features/places. To me just the two main characters feels more in-line with the story.