Is it just me or this should've had a bigger sale...

Is it just me or this should've had a bigger sale? After DS3 being released I expected to have some DS1/DS2 pack which goes for 10-15 euros or so, but 66% for a 4 year old game is quite a lot still, nah?

I'm still waiting for 75% off until I buy it

is it happening tho?

>skip previous games in series
I hope you guys don't do this.

No since the sales nowadays are the same until the end

no mate, I actually played through DS1 and DS2 quite a few times, never with DLC though, so I want to buy and replay them, plus I haven't even played DS3 because shit pc/poorfag

>bought DS1 for 7 bucks years ago
>only played it this year and had fun with it
>played Scholar of the First Sin via family sharing because a friend of mine owns it and never played it
>had fun as well

Now i can only wait for Dark Souls 3 to get it DLC.

I only skipped 2 because I didn't like their design choices

I'm playing through 3 and I'm really considering playing 2's DLC content instead

not feeling 3 at all

>he didn't play the DLCs before moving on

Why? At least just beat the required bosses

Actually, can't blame you. DkS2 fucking terrible in my book. Still play a lot because of PVP.

I feel like the only saving grace of DSII is the DLC the main game is shitty and boring.

Heads up to those in thread. I started this up again the other day. Game is still very active

For me its like: The first half of Dark Souls is excellent but later after OandS the game just because a shore. No boss after OandS is challenging in any way and some of the designs are just bad. And Lost Izalith is one of the most shitty areas i have ever seen.

Meanwhile Dark Souls 2 never really gets brilliant at any point in its vanilla game but it also never gets as bad as Dark Souls did.
The only vanilla area that i found slightly annoying was the Shrine of Amana.

The DLCs for both games are excellent tho.

because these games burn me out and I wasn't in a mood to replay tens of hours of past shit with SotFS

what about DS1?

Actually, i feel like DS2 goes to shit after you make that slut go from a statue to human form.

I've personally enjoyed Dark Souls 2: SotFS a lot more than DS1 but GOD is it meme difficulty. Given, I'm playing on Covenant of the Champions, but still...

>Burnt Ivory King
>On Covenant of the Champions


Its not even the fucking boss that's hard, it's getting rushed by 6 burnt knights while my loyce knights slowly backstep away that's fucking me up, and then getting hit by a Fire Snake as I try to back away. I can't watch every direction.

Play DS2 on release...

Want to play DLC but cant be bothered to go through the rest of the game again. Learned my lesson, will get DS3 when every DLC for it is out


It's not like you're forced into NG+

Still using Euros.

Not in this sale, but someday.

Glad to see I'm not the only person who thinks this way
overall I ended up enjoying 2 a lot more than 1

Also very active. I was playing before reddit did that come back day or whatever. Make sure you download wulfs connectivty mod. You will be blown away how active it still is

My existing save files dont work for SotFS