So why are the servers empty and nobody's playing this game? It's amazing...

So why are the servers empty and nobody's playing this game? It's amazing, it's free and it feels like the best arena shooter in years. Why aren't you playing it?

Overwatch is better.

First: Nobody knows about it and they've done shit to promote it
Second: heard about how arena shooters are finally getting popular again? Well, that's a meme. it ain't happening, pal.

It sucks and community is worst I've ever seen. Unholy child of reddit and tumblr.

>only available via Epic's own proprietary service

This is why. Put this shit on steam and I'll make gangbusters.

Because it plays like those old shitty games that only nostalgiafaggots can enjoy. If you want a good fps shooter play Overwatch.

I have to agree. Why does every other company think the need their own service when steam is just better in any possible way.

>that multi million dollar marketting campaign
>not on steam


>filled with feminazis
>sjw's controlling language
>20 tick rate
>feels like tumblrversion of TF2
>doesn't even feel like fps, shit doesn't require any skill

In civilized areas, it's 6 in the fucking morning. Nobody's playing this game right now because half of the sensible world is sleeping.

Because Epic Games released an alpha two years ago and left it in the hands of the players with zero promotion and updates. It's not a finished game and at this stage it will probably become abandonware.

I don't like the weapons and the movement mechanics in Unreal games. It seems I can't enjoy an arena shooter that doesn't feel like Quake.

I played it a bit when I thought it would be the best we could hope for but things have changed


quake has a higher movement skill cap ceiling
better weapon balance
with the movement skill cap also faster gameplay
ut has a better soundtrack but thats all

>Why aren't you playing it?

I have a server...

It's not even a proper alpha yet and they don't advertise it.
I guarantee more people will play it, when it's more than just the barebones gameplay.

>in civilized areas

It's around noon in Europe, the most civilized part of the world.

quake is just stripped down to the basics and rock solid fundamental gameplay
ut has more variety and gimmicky stuff out of the box so i can see why some people would prefer it
I don't have high hopes for quake champions though

Why not? It's Bethesda game after all.

>If you want a good fps shooter play Overwatch.

Not finished.

>fps shooter

I play it once in a while and really enjoy it. Not sure if its ever going to be a full release but its cool for what it is at the moment

I don't like the way overwatch plays? Now what faggot?

Waiting for some kind of release so I can play with likeminded shitters, right now I'd just get destroyed by people with a few thousand hours of experience on me, what's the point

They'll probably release it on steam once it's finished. But as of now they're pushing so many updates which makes me believe they'd have to pay some money to valve for the update pushes. Might be wrong though. No idea.

the updates are mostly for the engine not just the game
keep in mind their platform is more for unreal engine developers than for playing videogames

lack of content
epic have barely advertised it which is a good move seeing as its not even finished yet

they should honestly put all their effort into it instead of making that shitty MOBA shooter

early on it seemed that it wanted to appeal to people who played ut99 casually and not people who still play ut (ut2004), so the game doesn't have a community

I play UT2004 and the game have nothing to do with it..

updates dont cost anything on steam.
all steam costs are sales costs.
the cut from sales goes up incrementaly depending on how many steam features you use.
for example the cut steam gets from a sale is less if you dont use cloud sync for saves or steam account integration.

just hosting the files, workshop mods and pushing updates actually costs nothing.

>Shitty unfinished quake clone developed by 3 people has more players than a AAA title.

Guess no one gives a shit about UT.

I feel people are more nostalgic about quake than UT. Even with all this nostalgia it's still never going to be popular. I still wonder why quake con is a thing. I think these franchises can't survive on nostalgia alone. Doom was only successful because of the huge advertising campaign. UT has done zero and it shows.

Because he's seen the trailer.

It feels floaty. I don't know why, maybe it's the movement system, maybe it's the dodging or wall jumps, maybe it's the sound design and player feedback. I don't know. It's floaty.

Overshit literally killed this game and the possible revival of Arena shooters, people got disssapointed in NuDoom and went to try UT and Quake again, then overwatch happened and playercounts dropped like before.

Unfortunately I doubt any arena shooter will succeed unless they manage to integrate their game into some modern shape or form.

That means it needs a competitive mode, with all the muster and medals and MMR that goes with it.

It needs a HUGE ASS fucking quick play button and needs to be populated enough to actually warrant it and feel like you're getting into a game quickly with a variant amount of players, nobody wants to be that guy who endlessly has to bother with keeping the pulse going on something that'll be a corpse soon anyway.

Its main mode needs to be team-oriented, that's what people want to do, play with friends and have fun as a team, the last damn thing people want nowadays is to do 1v1s, no matter how much it's the "best an arena shooter possibly can be" and how it makes the most sense to balance around, drop that shit.

And it needs some kind of progression system, whether that is for cosmetics, loadouts, levels or whatever the fuck, players need to feel like they're working towards something whether they win or lose, nobody gives a fuck about "but your skill is improving" unless there's some apparent visual indicator to prove it.

Now I'm not saying these additions would make arena shooters -good-, they wouldn't make them very good at all, but all of this shit is needed if they even want the smallest cut of popularity or they're just gonna sink to the bottom.


Old FPS' are dead.

That wont work because UT is mostly based around FFA. Given the amount of dickheads that only chase kills in overwatch I think theres a market for that.

>Disappointed in new doom

Nigga what? Doom was never about the multiplayer, multiplayer was the last box they had to tick so they could sell it to their audience. Shitties always complain about the multiplayer during beta even though it wasnt the core focus. Quake over the years has focused more on the multiplayer rather than the story. If you wanted and online multiplayer you picked up quake not doom.

I think their is but the game is also incomplete it has like 2-3 years of dev time left. Which why being a fan of the previous UT I'm hesitant to play it.

I'm not criticizing NuDoom, no need to sperg. NuDoom multiplayer open beta was so bad it actually made some players try arena shooters like Quake and UT, found at least two players who typed "Doom" is awful, it feels like Halo or CoD, this is not relevant to the singleplayer experience, and the point is, we had a bit of hype for a comeback of true arena shooters but everyone forgot about it when Overshit was released..

How long till everyone gets bored of it?

> Valve literally discourages devs from using their little gimmicks
Source? I doubt that would be a smart idea, nobody would ever use their gimmicks

quakecon should just be renamed to bethesdacon
also the new reflex animations looks really nice

Launcher always freezes

>So why are the servers empty and nobody's playing this game?
because its in alpha , and long ago i learned to not burn myself with betas and alphas of games i liked it

I am playing it, but with bots or private matches with my brother occasionally. The only FPS game I play nowadays.

Reflex shills please leave. No one is gonna play your dead game.

>Shitty unfinished quake clone developed by 3 people has more players than a AAA title.

That's literally reflex tho.

ok m8 just go back to jerking off to overwatch fanart

That's also my hesitation with UT. Without optimization it is hard to run on shit boxes. Look at overwatch, shit runs on pentium AGP boxes. It's not only a skill barrier but a tech barrier as well.

I played it a bit. It's fun, but I'm pretty terrible at it.

>good shooter
Pick one

This, gotta dumb it down for us casuals.

I'll pick Overwatch thanks. :)

all they need is to add some pixar reject """waifus""" and it will be a sure fire hit!

I honestly had no idea it existed. Downloading now. No shillin bros

Nah, it's fine the way it is, I can accept that I just suck ass at the game.

how did you not know? it's been around for 2 years at least now

That's what's shit about Overwatch. Pushing a payload is so boring people just want to run around and shoot shit instead. They forget that the core game play of an fps is shooting something, that's what makes it fun.

No vehicles, no Onslaught mode, game is unfinished and trying to compete with AAA titles like Overwatch.

Retarded developer desu.

This seems to be the more common opinion i hear in every arena shooter that still tries to remain alive.
>new players into quake live
>"just got the game on the sale it's great"
>ends up the game with 8 kills, 30 dead score
>never seen him again

>playing UT Prealpha
>group of happy noobs having fun even if they lose horrribly
>only see them for the first 2 weeks

Arena shooter being dependant purely on skill is what made them great, but will also be their downfall, players that just started playing arena shoters will never have chance of catching up, when arena shooters were still new noobs had other noobs to fight with, that will never happen again.

Who cares, I know now.

>Best mode
>Best map
>Best music

>No vehicles, no Onslaught mode
Vehicle gimmick is crap and it's not what people wants in Arena shooters, go ask Toxxic anytime.

vehicles were always shit in UT they are moving it back to be more like the original
if you want vehicles it looks like toxikk is moving in that direction since UT their main competitor is pretty much abandoning it

>when arena shooters were still new noobs had other noobs to fight with, that will never happen again.
Yeah that's the thing, if you start playing UT now you'll just get demolished by players with loads of experience and that is no fun when you're starting out
So let's hope they market the game for the steam release

I didn't even know that game came out. Like said, they didn't do shit to promote it.

Also, you could argue it's still in alpha, but people pay full price for early access games, so that's basically a non-argument.

>best map


What went so wrong. And why has Reflex stayed more alive while still being unfinished and having much less polish.

>Both on steam
>Both released around the same time
>Toxikk looking like a finished product.
>Both games cost almost the same amount.
>Toxikk had a bigger team

Seriously, what the fuck. Should I even bother picking up Toxikk? Will there be a revival?

Yeah dats it mane. It's the meat and potatoes of AFPS.

Need to learn to get better? Aerowalk.

Final destination arena? Aerowalk

Want to settle smack talk? Aerowalk

Tournament final? Aerowalk

Why am i not playing? I don't like playing alpha/beta versions. Will definitel play it when it has a release candidate.

I'm clueless as well as why the game did so horribly bad, DM is fun and CTF is the nearest thing there will ever be to UT2004 vCTF. I honestly feel bad for the devs, they put too much effort and the game barely has 30 or 40 players that still care about it, they should work for UT dev team instead becaus ehonestly, i don't think there is chance for any comeback, even the big name arena shooters are having a hard time.

you can improve
>play ET daily for 14 hours daily
>some good days i would have 44% accuracy
>usually 33%
>people starting have 15-20% and above average used to be 25-30% on servers i played
same shit for ET

>why has Reflex stayed more alive

It has like 20 people on usually

>Deck 16

I'm still running 32 bit XP and my video card is a 9800 GTX, I am not the target audience.

More like 30 and above, peaking at 80 on average. Toxikk has like 17 players peak and 8 players average. Sure it's not much of a lead but at least it's steady and unwavering. Toxikk is sadly dwindling more and more each day.

It's time for you to upgrade.

Yes, but you have to play insane ammounts of time and put effort onto those hours to catch up with just average "not total shit" players, back then almost was everyone was on the same level except for actual pros so, there was a wide range of people to play with the same level and most players improved on par to others so there was a balance, few people has patience to play with highly skilled players when there is only 2 or 3 people that has the same lack of skill as themselves, and this is why games like overwatch are so popular, you don't have to put much effort to be at the same level of the rest of players, just like when arena shooters were largely played.

Git gud sonny

settle down there nerd, we can all see you're butthurt

Nobody gives a shit about you so...
Suffer and die I guess?

Don't forget Morpheus, glorious map.


>So why are the servers empty and nobody's playing this game?

It's at least 2 years from release?
Epic is only letting the public play it for feedback.

>fps shooter

That's the thing, i am not a noob myself, i have started to improve and be helpful to the team instead of being luggage, but back then even if you were shit you could find a good ammount players that just played as bad so getting good was optional when now it's mandatory, and while i had the patience to endure cricism, shitalking and being bottom on the scoreboard, truth is, most players don't.

Hold on a sec while I pull money out of my ass.

It's been 8 years dood. Get a job.

>not doing money with your ass

It's not fucking finished. I don't like playing half-games. In this case it's not even a quarter-game.

NC fag here, they do promote it, just not nationally/internationally yet.

>40 tickrate
that's why.

im a developer on Steam, you are fucking retarded.

Yeah nah fuckya cunt I'm gona play Reflex.

Unreal 3 morbius station sweet map

Because I never was a big fan of shooters, and playing them online holds absolutely no appeal to me.

Give me one reason it's sjw besides pink hair

The most popular online fps used to be Counter Strike 1.6, UT2004 and Quake 3.

So what the hell did Counter Strike do to stay relevant/popular to this day where Quake and UT failed? What did Valve do right?

>duo 3.000
>4gb neniry
>gtx 750 ti
>run just fine
update graphic card last year because i got some money , even if i don't think there was anything worth playing
>need to update memory/processor
that can wait till i get spare money or a job
paying fines is a expensive thing here , nearly 1000€ for a few things