Why did this trigger Sup Forums?
Why did this trigger Sup Forums?
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I associate WW1 as a white man war so it comes off as forced
Ayy lmao
Historical inaccuracy.
Genuine autism.
Because it's just going to be normal battlefield without any actual changes that would make sense for a WW1 game. It's the same thing in a different coat of paint.
"white man war"
It was a white country war, but that doesn't mean everyone on the battlefield was white. Britain and France had massive colonial empires which they drew a large amount of manpower from. Just from India there were over a million troops that fought for Britain. And I shouldn't have to tell you that the US Army has a long history of blacks serving. The only major participants in WW1 that didn't have a very big colonial empire were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia, though Russia itself was a very large empire and was (still is) incredibly multiethnic.
tl;dr It triggered Sup Forums because Sup Forums doesn't know anything about history.
That's a pretty dumb reason.
But what if I don't care about history and just want to bitch about black people in video games because I'm a retard?
Then you'll fit right in.
Human hands crafted this piece of contemporary art. I believe that this stunning sculpture stands as a metaphor for the true status of the human condition. It has been erected, much like the temples of Jerusalem of yore, as a memory of humanity's cumulative sins.
Great, thanks senpai.
oh fuck off, don't even try to justify it by trying to make it seem historically accurate
it's all to appeal to the modern multicult retards
world war 1 game with entente represented as a black guy on the box, with black nazis, come the fuck on
you make a grimy dieselpunk game with WW1 aesthetics, with made-up kinda european countries, in a made-up WW1-like war, you put as many blacks, indians, women and high ranking stunning and brave gays and trannies in it as you want
but to sell this as "the WW1 BF game" is just straight up insulting
>world war 1 game with entente represented as a black guy on the box, with black nazis, come the fuck on
>with black nazis
>black nazis
>don't even try to justify it by trying to make it seem historically accurate
Sounds like you need the history lesson here.
>(still is) incredibly multiethnic
Not with negroes tho. North aren't a niggers climate and they're always gonna be guests here. Also The amount of niggers in that game is ridiculous and their real participating was insanely minimal, which makes them absolutely irrelevant in European wars. Let's face it, nigger on cover is a stupid cuckpandering of swedish developers. Next time they would say that niggers was in Korean wars or some shit just to get those sjw points.
t. russian
Fuck you, you know what he mean.
"African American Nazis", happy?
>no russians
>no french
The soldier in the art is American, they fucked up by giving him a mauser.
I didn't make any claim regarding the reason for including black people in the game, I was responding to the claim that WW1 was a "white man's war".
Russia is absolutely incredibly multiethnic. It spans across two continents and across a wide variety of climates. I didn't say there were a lot of blacks in particular in Russia, there aren't only "white" and "black" ethnicities. I'm just saying it's not a homogenous country by any stretch.
All of this. Especially the part about how it should have been a fantasy setting. What a joke...
Why is this allowed in 2016
>they fucked up by giving him a mauser.
Could of just been looted.
find one picture of a black ww1 soldier then there's no argument
>Russia is absolutely incredibly multiethnic.
Yes, but without niggers. Can you read?
here's your (You)
Black people are scary.
I'm more concerned with the fact that DICE has no imagination when it comes to WWI and just opted out giving everyone semi and automatic weapons instead of trying to be creative and creating new gameplay. Lazy fucks
I don't know what you're trying to tell me, I never said there were a lot of blacks in Russia.
369th Infantry
Where the fuck were the Nazis in WW1?
The game is set in mainland Europe. White people live in mainland Europe. Black germans? Black australians? Deployed in the colonies. You know what country did had black people among their ranks in Europe? France. You know what happened to France in this game? Is going to be DLC.
Also, where are the Pakistan, Bangladesh and India soldiers that fought alongside the british?
That's about it.
>american soldier in ww1
>tutorial/training mission
>hundred days offensive
it's how Sup Forums reacts any time the main character is too dark.
Sup Forums doesn't like africans
They're racist, but cover it up with "muh history".
That's literally it.
You'll probably get a huge variety of supposed answers in this thread, but mine is the only correct answer.
Hint -- The more they insist it's because of something else, the more racist they actually are.
There weren't any black soldiers in the western front German army, yet in the gameplay shown at E3 about half the German team were black.
So I find it extremely ironic that they scrap female soldiers for "historical accuracy" when clearly they don't give a shit either way.
the guy you replied to
no shit, I know that but I associate it with some white soldier fighting
>m-muh racism
Don't you have a brexit poll to be butthurt over?
>Also, where are the Pakistan, Bangladesh and India soldiers that fought alongside the british?
The Indian Expeditionary Force fought all over the Western Front, including at Ypres and the Somme.
It didn't because I'm not suffering from autism.
No France.
No Russia.
Niggers are not important.
and how is he wrong? Are we going to pretend there weren't threads here everyday whining over Rust and Indivisible?
Everyone always thinks they're fucking historians in these threads.
WWI saw a bunch of people from all over fighting all over the damn place. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
That's harlem meme hellfighters, an american squad. Any other country didn't have colored fighters. Their diversity pushing is atrocious.
oh and fuck you with you tldr
I SPECIFICALLY WROTE I ASSOCIATE IT WITH AND NOT IT WAS A WHITE MAN WAR YOU FUCKING STUPID PIECE OF SHIT I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What did I tell you? I'm sure there are more racists lining up to rant about historical accuracy while ignoring history like
Historical revisionism to bandage niggers fragile egos.
You'll see cotton picking slave descendants saying blacks fought more than anybody in these threads because of this game.
>m-muh hoodrat hoodfighters
back to fagGaf
Plenty of arguments laid out in this thread that aren't based on racism. So he's wrong, and you're both either too unintelligent or too lazy to come up with any kind of counter arguments. Which is always the case with retards yelling "r-racism!!" as soon as anything but whites are involved.
British West Indian soldiers in pic.
>smacks lips profusely
>gets jiggy wit it
>eats a skittle
>checks for nearest KFC
>collects welfare
>licks teeth and smacks lips
>does the crip walk
>opens a up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown
>tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer
>dindu nuffins
>sucks air through teeth
>pulls up sagging pants
>instinctively looks around for police
>faints and then gets up repeatedly
>scopes dem titties
>shouts at movie theater screen
>chucks spear
>sets down cotton bale
>strokes welfare check pensively
>throws gang sign
>swings from basketball hoop
>grabs dick and shuffles left and right
>participates in a drive-by shooting
>converts to Islam
>repeated World Star yelling in the background
>sells crack
and... dropped
And here's a racist!
Of course he's going to pretend I'm wrong. That's what conservatives do when they're wrong.
black people weren't the major force of the war so it feels forced to have it on the cover art
I rephrased it
I wouldnt mind to shoot some qt3,14. ITs not like my immersion is not ruined already.
If i want circlejerk ww1 i go play verdun.
Ubisoft shills are desperate for controversy since they know they can't actually sell their games on its merits.
Instead, it's always "Oh they fixed all the problems this time" or "Holy shit look at this black protagonist. That's right, I said BLACK protagonist".
This thread is just another example.
You provided no counter arguments. You are by definition wrong until you can prove the opposite. Go hang yourself kike.
Literally never been there. Nor Reddit. Not once in my life.
I think what really scares you is that I'm a longtime native of Sup Forums like you, but you're unable to believe that there might be some actual intelligent adults lurking in your precious echo chamber. And they didn't come from anywhere else. They've been right here the whole time.
French African troops
I don't understand why it's such an impossible logical connection to make. Countries have large colonial empires with populations several times their own, lots of cheap manpower, so perhaps they used them in their wars?
>Story should be about 0.0000000001% which died in first wave
Because it's always the root cause, whether stated or not. Please fuck off, racist.
I'm mad that the french are not part of it, while american black people are. It's simply insulting to forget a major power in this conflict for the sake of political correctness.
>It's simply insulting to forget a major power in this conflict for the sake of DLC
Yes, shame cause i would have bought it in a jiff otherwise.
>Plenty of arguments laid out in this thread that aren't based on racism
the racism comes first and then the """"arguments""""(which are usually nothing more than MUH SJWS, PC CULTURE, MULTI CULTURALISM!!!!!) come later to rationalize the racism
No. It niggers Sup Forums
Over 1 million Indians served in WW1. That's just from one colony of one nation. I'm waiting to see where you move the goalposts next.
I wonder if faggot dev starts cumming uncontrollably when he finds a small percent of negros existing near a important moment in history
>YEAH! Now I can fill with nigs!
>I associate video games as a white man's medium so it comes off as forced
Blacks mainly fought in the African theater because that's where most blacks lived during WW1. So instead of just providing African maps in the game where blacks make much more sense (especially in the German army where black people weren't fighting on the Western front) they just shoehorn them in everywhere while explaining away female soldier as too "historically inaccurate". Makes absolutely no sense.
>m-muh racists!!!
It's so embarassing to see autists using this "argument". As if they think anyone gives a shit what they have to say once they start.
>It's so embarassing to see autists using this "argument". As if they think anyone gives a shit what they have to say once they start.
I honestly can't tell who's shitposting and who's just retarded anymore.
Still funny no one cared about Valiant Hearts having a black guy in it.
you sound triggered user. Maybe you should find a safe space to jerk and get jerked by other people who feel superior by making statements like ''sorry for reminding you that blacks/gays/trans/etc exist'' while providing no actual argument
450 000 soldiers from the french colonies fought in that war, 70 000 died. Now compare with the 8,5 millions of frenchmen mobilized, of whom 1,3 millions died. If you can't understand why some people are mad, you're retarded.
>the majority of humans on earth is non-white
>any white protagonist feels forced
this is how you sound
>a black guy
>compared to half a team of black guys
Then make an Indian faction with their facial/cultural features. Not about niggers being so common in every faction, because this is not true.
Nobody is complaining about Indians in BF1(or the lack of them.)
Indians were way more important than any nigger has ever been. Indians were represented at Treaty of Versailles, no niggers were there though. If we let chimps have representation we'd have to represent pigeons and dogs too who were more useful than blacks were.
One guy is not a problem.
The "WE WUZ" that happens in BF1 is the problem
you must be 18 or older to post here user
no all those game tech youtubers are black so just no and games like GTA san andreas are fun
And only 64 000 indians died on the western front, most of them were fighting on the middle east. And the western front is where most of the battles took place.
Valiant Hearts wasn't a "historical" game.
Did you prepare this pasta for a Watch Dogs 2 thread or something?
Anyway, don't you think you could solve your problems if you stopped treating black protagonists as inherently controversial?
Also I guess on that note.
>Playing Battlefield for historical accuracy
Eh? I don't think anyone actually thinks these games are accurate anyway.
Not like the campaigns have been good lately either. Just trying real hard to be Call of Duty lately. Which is funny because the earlier CoD campaigns did the "diversity" thing pretty well.
>Still funny no one cared about Valiant Hearts having a black guy in it.
that's like saying 'no one one cared about lando'
they dont mind if there's a black person in a the game, it's just that the black person has to take the backseat to the white person.
Well niggers sure as fuck didn't make computers, electricity, software, and they don't make video games or generally anything for that matter. If they never existed there'd be no difference except there wouldn't be a massive black hole called welfare
They saying it's historical see
As far as I'm aware the Middle Eastern campaign is represented in the game, where the majority of the Indian Expeditionary Force fought. The rest all fought on the Western Front, with the exception of one part that fought in Africa.
I'm not saying they were the majority, but that's not an irrelevant number either. Everyone here seems to be saying that blacks should be totally excluded from the game.
You're going to have to define to me what a nigger is now. Indians are black (or brown at best), and people are complaining about there being non-whites in the game period. I have not seen "Africans" being specifically mentioned once.
Lets make a game called ice skating and then its about roller blades, thats why
DICE are the ones who claim they removed the option for female soldiers due to "historical accuracy" well if that's what they're trying to achieve why is nearly everything else in the game ahistorical? Especially other strictly cosmetic options like skin colour on soldiers.
I've yet to see anyone answer this without going for the "racism" cop-out.
So it's your own ignorance. Good to know.
Niggers are west African black slaves who never had a civilization and never did anything of importance in history. Indians aren't black, dumbass. They have a pretty significant effect on history too.
Ethiopians and East Africans in general aren't niggers either, they left monuments as a testament to their existence. No relation whatsoever to nigger niggers.
>itt, nonwhites co opt video games
stop samefagging already
What's the point of a black man on the cover for a WW1 game anyways, why not show a fucking over the trench charge with bayonets on? Isn't the point of Battlefield the multiplayer?
Could've made the females Nurses honestly. Dodging bombs and saving fuckers would of been pretty fun.
I honestly don't have a good answer for you besides that writing for EA games as a whole is going downhill lately.
Did they mention anything for the campaign? Because they really could just go the early CoD route and switch perspectives from different soldiers in different fronts on different sides. Would be neat actually.
>Indians aren't black
They are brown at best, they certainly aren't "white". Like I said, people are complaining about there being non-whites in the game. I have not seen a single post on this board saying "There should be Indians in the game but not Africans", it's just Sup Forums circlejerking of "grr niggers in my video game".