Tutorial tells you to "experiment" instead of describing gameplay features

>tutorial tells you to "experiment" instead of describing gameplay features

>tutorial teaches you everything
>then tell you to handle a situation on your own using the skills it taught you
I only remember Deus Ex doing that.

>Tutorial teaches only a handful of very basic things
>It doesn't explain how to properly play the game

>You can't get to the actual game until you beat the tutorial
>The game is aware of how awful the tutorial is tries to make light of it

I fucking hate the first 20 minutes of blood dragon so much its not even funny.

>tutorial is a video
>gives you no hands on work
What the fuck is the point

>you can't get to the actual game until you beat the tutorial
>even when you already beat the game once

>tutorial is unskippable and assumes you are literally braindead

>tutorial introduces you to a new mechanic
>you will never see this used ever again for the remainder of the game

>Tutorial teaches you a thing
>You can't get it to work in the actual game
I'm either stupid or it's broken

The sneaky section was pretty stressful - too many guards roaming tight corridors with just some boxes for cover, base game stealth was way more relaxing since there always was a place to hide

>Racing game forces you to go through license system before you can race on 98% of tracks in the game


>tutorial introduces you to a mechanic that you only need to use ONCE in the whole game.

Those traps plus the Elder Scrolls engine.
Oh, it's like fine wine.

>game doesn't point you towards the objective

>skip the tutorial and get fucking destroyed on your first playthrough as a result

>strategy tutorial
>click this, than this, and than this
>tutorial is over
>you still have no idea what is what and what you even did in that tutorial
t-thanks paradox

>to jump press the A button
>what A button?

It's like you wouldn't get fucking destroyed the other 43 playthroughs in a row

>fighting game tutorial expects you to pull off huge and complicated 20 string combos after learning a basic function

Seriously, fuck the tutorial in Skullgirls

>tutorial tells you to enter the PvP area

>Not getting fucking destroyed on any playthrough
Pick one

Knights in the Nightmare

>Tutorial locks out all controls until it can handhold you through the point that specific control is required at
Just let me jump/crouch around like a spaz during your boring tutorial

stop playing ports on your PC

>his keyboard has no A button

>course ahead of you is clearly mapped out and you know what they are going to ask you to fo
>entire game stops so the tutorial voice can go over it all with a fly-by so you understand exactly what they want you to do
>this takes 7 minutes

He's a circle strafing veteran

>to jump press a button
>you have no buttons

Tutorial is disguised as the actual gameplay so that you never even realized you were playing a tutorial.

Megaman X?

>tutorial tells me what to do once
>get a sneeze attack and miss the dialogue
>no idea what to do
>tutorial guy just keeps saying "hurry up we don't have all day" instead of repeating what I need to do
>run around the room doing absolutely everything

Yeah. Arin is so based. Is there anyone more based? maybe Ethan of H3H3

>Press A to jump
>character walks to the left

>Tutorial takes place in your house
>Your doddering butler helps you out

>tutorial uses abstract buttons like "Heavy Attack" button and "Special Attack" button

>not looking up controls in controls submenu

>The optional Mafia 1 tutorial

tutorial level is the final mission too

>major story element is in the optional tutorial

What the fuck XCOM 2?

>instead of a tutorial, game shows a dialogue box when it thinks you need to know something something.
Thanks driver sf.

>halo wars 2
>you can do this and this and this
>doesn't actually show how to do this

>you can and should trap him in the freezer

Fuck you, Winston, you creepy old fucker
Stop following my waifu

>tutorial forces you to upgrade/buy something

>Beginning of the game
>"Ahah you're quite rusty, why don't we revise the very basics to refresh ourselves?"
>Tutorial is unskippable
>The game serie has like 5 entries already
>Main character is the same and saved the world a bunch of times

Battle Network?

>tutorial is just short notes written on the ground around your spawn spot

>playing shit ports

>tutorial forces you to make dumb-ass moves that gets your soldiers killed for the sake of story
>there is full cover right there
>tutorial wants you to take easily flanked half cover