"Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes

>"Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes.
Reaper: You knew exactly what were you doing."

>"Kills Bastion, Zenyatta:
Tin cans, a dime a dozen."

>"Kills Winston: Stupid monkey."

Why is he so racist and mean?

Other urls found in this thread:



is overwatch even good?

reaper is fucking cute.

It's fun

let's dispel this fiction that Mercy doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing

Excuse me but I believe he says "Tin cans, a diamond dozens."

Reaper is unironically my favorite character
>shits out damage
>has 250 health
>has the passive health shit
>that teleport
>wraith form
>that edge

>nigger monkeys
>a race

It's a saying fucko.

Racist? Towards monkeys and robots? Sure.

Hello, Shadowslayer or is it Atheismo?

It's saucekay

Why does he even have to throw away the shotguns whenever he runs out of bullets in the first place?

because its funny

Because the bullets are made into the shotgun he can't make more of them only more shotguns.

because Borderlands did it and Overwatch is for meme normies

I feel ya user

to annoy 76

why does he carry shotgun shells on his body when he doesn't even reload? those can just be more shotguns.

>to annoy 76
>not mcree
>you weren't given those guns just to toss em around like trash
He is truly the best

Because Reaper is moe.

"McCree: You weren't given those guns to toss 'em away like trash.
Reaper: I don't take lessons from you"

Why does he carry grenades on his body if he doesn't even use them?

wait, im dumb, is it not 76 that says that?
there's always been a 76 in the room and I assumed it was him given their history

Reaper was Mcree's mentor.

Death comes.

death cums

Hey Faggots,
My name is Atheismo, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are whiny, retarded, goody two shoes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass omnics. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pentakill? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on zenyatabook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the overwatch shadow team, and starter on my talon task force. What jobs do you do, other than “jack off to naked drawn Omnics people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

yo just want to let you know there is no report button, no mute button, no block button in real life i want to see your glance as i smash your skull into the fucking concrete and i strangle the life out of you pushing my thumbs into your eye sockets until you cry blood, well not before forcing you to watch your beloved ones die in front of you.

Because if he didn't then we wouldn't get god-tier edits

>Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes.
>Reaper: You knew exactly what were you doing.
oh shit, is mercy secretly evil?

solo queue is worse than a moba

I feel like any game where you have to add "with friends" to "it's fun" isn't that great of a game because anything can be fun with friends.



No, just his boss

It's not a matter of fun with friends. You're supposed to play with a group. It's a fucking team game.



Are you joking? It's infinitely better than any mobas I've played. I never group with other people.

I hope he gets a nerf soon. It's fucking ridiculous the amount of damage he does, just to be able to ghost mode away and grab a health pack the second he gets in danger.
He shouldn't be able to pick up health kits, or be healed, while in ghost mode

she's a modern day necromancer. She brought reyes and genji back to life to live as freaks without their consent. She's using her science sorcery to be immortal and remain young.


I'm pretty sure these are ironic

because he's a spooky ghost, an edgelord and the skull mask looks like the Blackwatch logo

>She brought reyes and genji back to life to live as freaks without their consent
To be fair, they can just off themselves if they have such a problem with living again.

reaper's respawn dialogue implies he actually can't die

>implying that there's anything wrong with being a Raiden-tier cyborg
Shit would be so cash

I think DVLM8CRY might be a jab at roadhog


>reading comprehension
She's using her evil science to artificially extend her youth, despite her biological age

Does this get bigger every time I see it?

And genji is using his second chance to help his brother regain his honor.

yes, just post your reaper encounters in the general

The first trailer showed that he had an explosive weapon that was likely taken away for being OP as fuck

this isn't a reaper thing, this is an overwatch thing

overwatch's playerbase is nothing but waifufags and 12 year olds

that being said
not even edgy.

Fuck off Rubio.

>"Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes.
>Reaper: You knew exactly what were you doing."
what did she do?

>he was killed
>she brought him back to life, but the method she used was somehow flawed at that point
>so he came back as a ghost-thingy with his cells in a constant state of lux

Can he still feel? Can he have sex?
Because if not, that would not be worth living for.

He wouldn't give up feeling and sex to be able to do sick shadow shit and teleport like Reaper can


I want to do sick shadow shit with my dick though

He probably edges himself.

How do you think he got his ability to turn into a ghost and teleport? Dude is perma-virgin. Got his wizard license at 30.

How else can you explain why he's so permanantly angsty and edgy. Dude never gets laid.

Reaper and Widowmaker definently fuck, what are you talking about?

Plus the gay hatesex with 76

He wants the d

>stupid tattoos and piercings

Who does Reaper hate more? Mercy or Soldier 76?


Shadman needs to be taken out and shot like the mangy dog he is.
Jesus Christ.

>Mariachi skins do not make him speak with an accent
>Die die die isn't replaced by a sick Spanish guitar riff

What a waste

>Reaper: You knew exactly what were you doing."


He's from LA, why would he have an accent?

>she's a modern day necromancer.
Shit, when you put it that way, it all makes sense.

This would've been so perfect.

What is Die in mexican?


Why are mexicans so obsessed with death?

>Reaper will never have this playing during the ult

It would probably have to be the imperative form, being that the intention is command-like. I don't recall what that is in Spanish, though. Looking it up on wiktionary puts the verb as Morir (of which Muerto/a is the past participle, so MUERTA MUERTA MUERTA would be more like DEAD DEAD DEAD).

Muere and Muera are the informal and formal imperative forms. So probably Muere, yeah? To be even more insulting. I don't know if any one actually uses that in Spanish as a way to tell someone to die, though.


What makes you think that?

I can fap to this.

He did only 3 pics with some variations right?

Where's Jizz Dragon?

fucking underrated post
that's it, that's the best thing on Sup Forums, everyone can go home now, we're not gonna top that.

It has to do with their native culture, imagine a world where 70% of everyone you know is killed either through disease or the chinese that invaded America and killed them for fun.

Now transplant that situation to 500 years ago and allow that mindset to propagate through the 10 generations of survivors and tell me how it goes. Fucking Spaniards.

>reprogramming a human is fucking hard
>every week or so talon has widowmaker come back to base to get mindbroken again
>stimulating her cunt relaxes her mind while the science bullshit headfucker does it's thing
>while the plugs in her brain are doing their job reaper sneaks in regularly, takes the Machine Dick™ out and just goes nuts
>got caught by a talon science man in the act once, but since they both had the same idea they agreed to keep it on the down low
>word got out somehow and now half the facility has their way with her while she's ahegaoed

Fucking hell I can smell the reddit coming off your breath

missed a 0

That´s pretty fucked up
>People die so often it fucks up their psyche and culture
Could you explain more user

What the hell, shad?

Reaper is absolute best character in every way
Reinhardt and Junkrat are cool too though.


So you HAD to link the twitter...

>friend goes Zarya when I go Reaper
>using ults in tandem
So good.

Are they really? I always thought that it was just a stereotype.


>REAPER goes in all fields

>Zarya and reaper
>Not Zarya and Roadhog
>Not Zarya and Junkrat
>Not Zarya and Pharah
>Not Zarya and anyone whose ultimate isn't to shoot in a fucking circle when everyone is grouped up in front of them

user please.

So it's pretty much "WE WUZ SLAVES". Shit that happened before their grandparents were born.

theres two reaper "comics"
one with the nig the other with children

I love shadman
not the anal piercings though

More like, everyones dead PTSD continued for 500 years. Kids imprint off their parents.


pretty sure all of them are ironic