Steam is kill

>tfw weeb cat girl game has 98% steam review
>baka senpai

Thinking about buying the collection and Undertale, Should I do it lads?

sure, why not.

>he doesn't like catgirls
Get the fuck out.


Make sure to download the uncensored patch that works with the steam version, it's free.

>Not superior Doggirls

Bitches be cute son.

>porn game on steam
>no porn
Why is this allowed? I know you can just patch it but if everyone is doing that anyway why not just sell the porn?

Because Valve.

The better question is, why doesn't Valve accept adult games? It's not exactly a goldmine, but it'd still mean a shitload of profit.

Probably because they can't police it

i see what you did there

>fucking pedos
>get out weebs
>why is japan allowed to do this

I hate neo Sup Forums

It appeals to a very specific audience.

That audience is incredibly easy to please.

With a formula that doesn't invite outsiders and a genre that never needs to develop to succeed, it's doesn't require a lot of brain-power to see why it's at 98%.

That being said, it's a double-edged sword. Those 98% may as well be 110%. It doesn't matter, as the nature of the genre is never going to draw in too many more players anyway.

>That audience is incredibly easy to please.
Bullshit. Nekopara succeeds because it's genuinely a top tier catgirl VN.

It's summer. All year.

Can I masturbate to this picture?

Exactly. And it's incredibly hard to fuck those up.

Draw a few cute animu sluts, attach cat ears, write some half-baked slice-of-life Jap-style shit, and you're off to the races.

Double the profit if you flash a little nudity.

I dunno, let us know in 60 seconds or so if you were able.

Is there actual porn in it?

I can't play a VN if I don't get some actual fucking as a reward held like a carrot in front of me.

The irony is that it's not really because I don't like the VNs, it's just that I have a hard time booting it up if I can't tell myself "at least there' be porn".

In the Steam(y) version? Nah


>top tier catgirl VN.
>Linear, no branching story routes

So there's a... dirty version online? This is some great art and my quest begins if there's porn to be had in some slightly-not-PG-version.

but cat girls are great, especialy when you can dick them

Yes. There should be a patch to restore the censored content to the Steam version, too.

Alrighty, let penis be my guide. Thanks user.

Steam already has a few "all ages" versions of VNs

Glory awaits!

Tell me more. Name some titles.

Most people buying that knew what they were getting, and it's not like people would turn down porn. Though they're a bit retarded for buying it for porn since I'm sure the scenes have already been posted online for free. Also has memers playing it "ironically" because haha CATGIRLS oh japan you so wacky!!

VNs should be purged from steam though. They're barely games.

Why do people like this VN so much? There are plenty of better VNs in nearly all respects, except for the boob-window-moving thing. It's not bad, just not good either.

Penis guide you

Off the top of my head? Grisaia. Ghost lesbians is actually uncut, though it's tame by comparison

Just read a bit of this
Cute as fuck

>Norms take over Sup Forums
>Weebs take over their beloved Steam Gaben Lord Savior DRM platform

100% justified thb sempaitachis

I know, right? Shit is cute as fuck.

The game got popular through youtubers playing it. It's also baby's first vn.

>Not superior Foxgirls

>baby's first vn

>Flat Chested
>Animal Girl

Oh yeah, sounds like your shitty, typical-
>Main girl is not a tsundere

What the fuck is this bullshit, this is amazing

Only Fennec Foxes are good.

Every VN you play in English is baby's first vn, pal.

The main guy is tsundere though.
Sorta. He hates animals. But that might be because he was mauled by bears as a kid.

>Animal Girl
>shitty typical harem


The small ones with big ears.

Nothing wrong with Tsundere boys.

Is cat/fox/dog girls the first step to becoming fury? I am not willing to even dip my toe in that lake.

Furries need to be destroyed.

Funny Fennec foxes should be mentioned though.

I don't think so. Just keep a grip on reality and recognize that furry shit is disgusting.

No, watching Disney movies is the first step.

>eroges on steam
Literally why? Not only do they remove the porn, but all of your friends can see that you're playing a porn game. It's a lose/lose.

Furries are people who want to be animals for sexual reasons. Probably a vaguely suppressed lust for bestiality.

Cat-girls are people with added "cuteness". The aspects we find cute about animals, like their fluffy tails or their pointy ears attached to humans for amplified effect.

Two very different things.

>all of your friends can see that you're playing a porn game
I actually tell them when "weebshit" comes out, you fucking normalfag

You can support devs and content you enjoy.
You have easy access to patches, updates and sequels.
It will show the Japs that there's a Western markert for it.
Less use of shady downloads and piracy.

And nude patches are included with most adult VNs.

Why they don't just skip that and release uncensored porn games is another question though.

Catgirls are basically humans with cat ears and a tail buttplug. It's just some autistic weebshit. The moment you start looking for even more xeno features is when you should worry.

don't miss your shrink appointment

>going to a therapist
>he hasn't embraced psychosis and sick fetishes yet

>Why they don't just skip that and release uncensored porn games is another question though.

Vanilla a best

Even pic related is more furry because they try to make their nose look like a cat nose.

pic unrelated

isn't krystal a fox though?

best girl is imouto
Vanilla comes in second place

>Cat nose is furry
I'll fight you m8


OH actually you're right.
I was thinking of purely just the catgirls. Imouto is super cute though.

Imouto is artist's self-insert

Which makes it all the better. Doesn't the artist also do bondage stuff with a self insert?

Aww that's a cute pic.
And is she really? I've only seen Sayori through her self insert characters, is she really that qt?
I remember the lewd self portrait of herself looks similar too, just more grown up.

Imouto are always best.

Furry is such a worthless term because it can be molded to mean anything from monster girls to kemono to otherkins to manchildren in mascot suits to actual dogfuckers. Just fap to whatever you want and stop whenever you feel you're going off limit. As long as you keep it to yourself and don't base your entire existence on it it's not a problem.

>do bondage stuff with a self insert?
Yep, that's the one I was just thinking of. I already found it too. It's hot.

yes but that awful art is hardly "superior"

Fucking ugly and disgusting.


No that's a furry abomination.

>the koala chapter


I'm glad it's being translated.

Maybe because only weebtrash buy weebtrash games?

Nekopara didn't promise something it didn't deliver on

>Ugly dot nose

And dropped.

You wouldn't a shoggoth, would you?

>Promise fat cat tats
>Promise itty bitty kitty titty

Yeah, I guess you're right.


Wolf a Cute
Zebra a cute
Koala a SHIT!

Damn, where can I get my very own Vanilla?
I need this in my life.

I would, even if it cost me every shred of my sanity.

>Top tier
Sakura Fantasy: Chapter 1

>High tier
Sakura Swim Club
Sakura Santa

>Mid tier
Sakura Beach
Sakura Beach 2
Sakura Spirit

>Low tier
Sakura Dungeon
Sakura Angels

>Shit tier
Sakura Clicker

What a fascinating thread

Maybe, just maybe, it's actually fun. How does this mean the store is dead, dumbass?

The first one was so vanilla it hurts

Nah, it was also chocola

>noone outside of the fanbase cares to buy it
>surprised it has good reviews from buyers
Why are obvious bait threads allowed?

You can sum up all Sakura games as "Trash"


>cat window on butt for tail
Truly, the innovation of nips is to be feared.

It was memed in popularity by EPIC streamers
A lot of the poeple buying it are the "XD i just wacth an anime girl XD i'm sooo horny XD tissues XDXDXDDDD"

The other half is that it stars cute characters and jiggle window physics.
I may be wrong but i also remember it being one of the first steam VNs

Tailbones are rather low, what else you gonna do

Sayori is goat

anyone who pays for h games doesn't have standards