Apparently Meleefags were booing Guilty Gear because they wanted Melee at CEO

Apparently Meleefags were booing Guilty Gear because they wanted Melee at CEO.

They did this shit to Smash 4 now they want to do this to Guilty Gear, a real fighter?

Can we finally get rid of these fuckers?

Smash community is bad all around desu. They also got a Cammy cosplayer to put on pants after numerous complaints because it triggered them.

Smash bros fags have always been the largest cancer of any gaming community.
The sooner some jihadist strikes at one of their tournaments the better.

>expecting fans of nintendo games to not be insufferable babbies

Smash players are autists. Water is wet.

This. The name Nintenyearold exists for a reason.

>Fighting game fans are insufferable shitheads

gee wiz didn't see that coming!

>Water is wet.

I don't believe you.

What do you expect from a community that unironically worships the principles meme before reason?

That's another reason to kick fucking Smash out of fighting games events.

who cares this kids a major pussy

Honestly not a surprise, have you seen Smash players?

Your mum has a major pussy.


How about you cucks shut the fuck up.

We, the smash community, endured years of your shit. Capcom fanboys, virgin niggerweeb arcsys fanboys, even SNK beaner fanboys, all of you talked shit to us. But now guess what? We are literally paying the bills and meringue you from being the poverty, thuggery, shitstain of the e-sports world. So get over yourselves, if you can't handle the banter just fuck off. We're in charge now.

correct me if im wrong, but the stream set up at ceo 2016 was a disaster and only part of the top 16 melee final was streamed and recorded on twitch tv

>this delusion
Party game fans, everyone. Party game fans.

>A band of thieves who smell worse than an Indian street think they're worth anything because they scream the loudest

Game's boring as fuck to watch and it takes about two-three hours too long to get through top 8

Smash complainers are the biggest whiniest babies in all of gaming
"da big bad smash players hurt my feewings"

it was false flagging smash 4 fans you retards

>Nintendofags capable of acting like adults
>'competitive' gamers capable of acting like adults
>fucking fox players capable of acting like adults

what were they thinking, seriously

>literally It Ain't Me starts playing


that was the hotel managers decision.

Can you please not group Memelee players with the rest of the Smash community? Thanks.

Smash isn't even a fighting game though.


please, i can find 16 hours of smash bros 4 pools and doubles of ceo 2016 on twich, and only about 3 hours of melee recording on vgbootcamp, someone please, prove me wrong.
i think the melee fans deserve to be upset for literally not getting to watch even 20% of their tournament


The main stream also got delayed, the KoF exhibition and KI went overtime, GG finished within 2 hours, but by the time Melee started it was 10pm.

You're all a part of the party game community, stop trying to escape it.

>I-It was falseflagging!

Is there a video of this? I didn't get to see the Guilty Gear tourney.

yeah, so maybe the tr4sh children can please stop being drama queens because clearly their tournament took the longest and took up the most stream resources, again,

Makes sense. They were impatient and GG is too smart of a game for them to understand what is actually going on.

yeah, i'd rather belong to the much more mature smash 4 community


Source? The only people that are this autistic are Tr4sh players. And maybe anyone who plays the rest of the baby fighters.

>Video game "tournaments"


You smell like shit and the only reason you have "money" is because you're white so your parents pay for all your autistic needs and help fuel your community.

Its comically you take pride in being a autistic fucking retarded smelly party game community just because of money. Really shows your values as people.

Do you expect something else from nintendo fans?

You fags think too high,smash shouldnt even be there

Do you fags forget all the Marvel fans booing injustice? Or all the capcom fans booing melee during evo? This shit happens all the time it's like it's his first FGC tournament

source is yourself m8
look in the mirror


kiss nigger. More like Guilty Pleasure lmao, shit is pure kusoge.

>We are literally paying the bills and meringue you from being the poverty, thuggery, shitstain of the e-sports world.
>Implying the Smash community isn't a shitstain in and of itself

Another reason to not watch EVO

We called it stinky day on my college campus as well.

Something about smash attracts smelly nerds

>People saying it was the FGC

I can't remember one instance at a actual tournament not some stupid stream chat a actual tournament where people acted like this because another game was going on. A bunch of autistic babies who got upset because reality set in and their top 8 was after their bed times.

>people so mad about this they actually started a hashtag campaign on Twitter about it
>they're actually harassing the founder of CEO about this to "find out the truth"
It's a convention for video game tournaments, not showing off your ass

Melee does this shit every fucking year with no repercussions. Tweet at Jebailey to remove Melee from CEO.

Big E made the right decision to remove them and just keep Smash 4

I still don't understand how fighting games can possibly be relevant when all of them barring Smash Bros. are just Street Fighter clones.

>stream chat

>the only reason you have "money" is because you're white so your parents pay for all your autistic needs
kys leftist

>pure kusoge

Yep lets ignore the fact everything is blockable the better you get. Or did you miss all those strings Marlin Pie blocked from Kazu Raven? Dogura didn't even win with Oki he won with overhead reads and Sin fundamentals. Even though Sin damage is unga.

Its funny because SFV is more kusoge then any game right now people like Damdai losing to guessing game characters when they play so well in the neutral. GG neutral is rewarding and was pretty much the victory of every match in top 8 besides the Leo ones.

But keep spewing the meme. Anyone who says GG is kusoge is just parroting some dumb faggot. There are only 3 characters that fall under that category.

There far more promiscuous stuff allowed at even PAX. Cammy is the most basic bitch cosplay after Misty.

>it's Smash 4's fault that the main stream was faulty


Meleefags area disgrace to humanity. Not that you could expect much from someone that worships an old ass overrated game.

Smash is the grandfather of FGC idiot. even Valle played Smash



>i-it's only t-tr4sh players! i s-swear!

reminder that SF did this to Melee EVOs a few years back and no one said anything about it.
guess FGC faggots need to stop getting triggered by everything

Oh, it wasn't just the chat, believe me.

>Yep lets ignore the fact everything is blockable the better you get.

>Meleefags are cancer

Next up, water is wet. How long will it take for everyone else to realize this?

>This image

Smash/MOBaby autist detected.

>implying she plays sf and even knows who cammy is

>[citation needed]

>GG players in charge of not getting bullied

dp-rc-block, blitz, super-reversal

I think you can even block it normally due to the game engine but it's extremely tricky.

what will they do when they get rid of smashfags and realize they won't have anyone to blame for how shitting fight game fans are?

>One of maybe 3 characters with a actual unblockable
>Needs a command throw that has no range and is slow
>Needs little Eddie perfectly on top and 1/4 of the meter to make sure you set him up in time

Its funny. Id love to see you try Zato neutral before you reach that point. You would not have the execution let alone the spacing ability to get to that point. He is rewarded with that unblockable because its not easy to set up and he gets a chance maybe once a game usually maybe even once every two unless you're just out classed.

Johnny has the only truly silly unblockable in the game because a two year old could set it up and Johnny in general is just the only good kusoge character.

Melee fans are the most autistic manchildren to disgrace the FGC, we already knew this.

However they're in denial, should have seen them yesterday trying to pretend it was smash 4 players the one shitposting in their threads.

>smash 4 players made a lesser deal about this
anime, not even once

>Burn the coal
>Pay the toll

>However they're in denial, should have seen them yesterday trying to pretend it was smash 4 players the one shitposting in their threads.

And they're still doing it

THIS SHIT LITERALLY HAPPENS EVERY FUCKING EVENT. Why have you autist decided to complain about it now?

Shut the fuck up and let her show her ass, you're ruining it for the rest of us

They're still trying to pin the blame on Smash 4. And admittedly, I think the Smash 4 community is pretty shit as well, but Melee at this point is a repeated offender.

Any character can blitz it. Its tricky as fuck because of how meaty is it you have to hit that shit frame 1 but you can. Also super it if you got one and Ky/Sol/Axl can dp it on the first wake up frame.

Good god you're just so eager to be proven wrong. Stop parroting some retard GGs neutral is far more impressive then any other game. You know why people get hit in GG even at high levels? Its not because that shit is hard to block you retard its because they want to assert themselves and return to the neutral/go in on the opponent. The game rewards good decisions and shits on bad ones greatly. Its not like SFV where its a pure guess between Strike Throw Jump Shimmy for the defense. Where otherwise you just wait for the block push to push people out of your range and shit their checking with jab.

Why are Smash plays such big meanies?

This time the memeleefags started shitting up other games.

>Guilty Gear

Isn't this the same community that thought WHO BITCH THIS IS was fucking hilarious? Who are all these big babby pussies coming out with hurt feelings over this shit?

and FGCs have done it events a lot too.
why is it a big deal when meleefags do it?

Like I said, this happens ever fucking event with smash in general. At evo last year some sm4sh guys literally took over a setup specifically for a Doa5 tourney they were holding there.

One was a girl getting the pissed taken out of her for trying to start something, this is people trying to ruin an event cause they didn't get their nap and are grouchy

shit talking is fine in the right place and time

>Cammy cosplay

Pick one. It's so overdone that I just roll my eyes whenever I see them. If you want to show off your ass, be original.


Wasn't your image supposed to prove the smash 4 community was the immature one? I don't get it. Why are you trying to make meleefags look like immature dudebro pretending autists?

The last time the FGC mass booed was when Microsoft bought its way into Evo. Shit only happens when one of the competitors is a cunt.

Meleefags are outsiders.

It's like a white boy saying 'nigga' in the presence of real niggers.

Sounds like a textbook case of Americans not being able to handle the bantz

>mfw FGC cant handle melee community bantz
>goes on the internet to cry and bitch to get based melee removed

>tfw brawl and 64 community is chill as fuck

> Euros are smashfags
It all makes sense. You don't even know what bantz is and get mad at every sporting event whne U S A drowns out your meticulously crafted attempt at vocal shitposting.

Literally, no one gives a shit about those two games

>brawlfags couldn't do shit about it
>tr4shfags couldn't do shit about it
>ggfags couldn't do shit about it

feels good to be a meleefag
if you can't handle the barter, why are you playing fighting games?

This isn't what banter means you lard ass

>be original

Oh fuck you

It was actually sm4shfags who started shitting it up.