Nintendo Fatigue

I have a theory. The Wii U failed only because of consumer fatigue.

>Snes sold well
Everyone had one. Played Mario and Zelda
>n64 and gamecube sold like shot
Everyone got their fill of Mario and Zelda and moved on to Sony and Microsoft
>Wii sold well
People were tired of sony and Xbox and missed Mario and Zelda
>Wii U sold like shit
Everyone played Mario and Zelda on the wii, had their fill of it and moved on

Now everyone owns a ps4 and is sick of it. In theory it's time for the nx to shine. Its been a long time since casuals have played Mario games and will want it again soon

The Wii U failed because it sucked




Your theory is shit. Wii U didn't sell because it was an overpriced piece of trash with no games. Google "Blue Ocean Strategy," if you want to know how Nintendo runs their company.

This is arguably stupider than market tuning, it's basically the gamblers fallacy except you're not betting on something that is actually random.


i bet you write princess peach fanfiction in your free time too.

>wii sold well because People were tired of sony and Xbox and missed Mario and Zelda

Thats the biggest lie ive ever witnessed in this board

It failed because of shit marketing. And name

Prove me fucking wrong

By this logic according to your patern NX will be shit if snes had two shitters after it, wii will too.

You also forgot to account
>that nds is the second best selling vidya console of all time behind ps2 and gameboy/color holds the #3 spot
>3DS sold more than SNES and is still currently in production
>NES sold more than SNES
>U is at the end of its life cycle and sold just under 13 million while n64 sold just under 33 million
>U is selling closer to dreamcast numbers than it is gamecube numbers
>U is the worst selling Nintendo console of all time next to Color TV-game and Virtual Boy

Other than that spot on with the theory.

>I have a theory
thread hidden

I can't

you are wrong though. It failed because braindead morons like you learned memes instead of trying it and its games.

thanks for watching

Lovely how you ignored the NES and all handhelds from your great theory.

It didn't have any games worth buying though you fucking idiot that's why it failed.
>hurr durr you just don't like games with REAL gameplay
>nevermind the fact that the games look like shit, run like shit and play like shit
Starfox was shit, pikmin was mediocre, W101 was mediocre, B2 was mediocre, none of the Mario games were good not even Mario kart
The only good thing about it was smash and I think most people that have a fuck about that got burnt out on the other ones and this didn't introduce anything worthwhile to make that a system seller either.

This may be the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums all year.
Truly Nintendo fans stupidity knows no bounds.

You're theory is bad and you should feel bad. It failed because of poor hardware selection, a lack of third party support, questionable abs slowly developed first party titles with seemingly no aim in the market, and absolutely awful advertising fueled by moderately attractive women and memes.

This has nothing to do with the public being fickle, which they are, and has everything to do with poor management for this generation


You're dumb as fuck. Wii U failed for these reasons:

1. Poor advertising in the beginning made it look like a Wii accessory
2. Extremely overpriced compared to PS3 and Xbox360 on launch, then still perceived as overpriced, as it costed only 50 bucks less than the PS4 which was perceived as having better value due to the hardware and multimedia specs
3. Came out too early so consumers didn't notice it was a next gen system until PS4 and Xboner came out
4. Games and accessories are too expensive. Ancient games like Pikmin 3 or Mario 3DW still retail for 50 to 60€, at least in europe, not sure about USA. The Pro Controller which should have been included with the system costs 50€ which is as much as a PS4 controller, which is more advanced and has native PC compatibility for added value
5. Online services are too limited and digital games too expensive
6. Due to the obsolete architecture and underpowered hardware when compared to PC, PS4 and Xbone using x64 and far better hardware, porting games to the inferior Wii U meant too much work for third parties which could not justify the expense when the majority of multiplat players preferred to play on the competition and the original Nintendo fanbase mostly buys first party

Wii U failed because it doesn't use a x86 architecture like PS4/Xbone/PC now, so third parties refuse to develop on it.

Also, normies still fucking come into retail stores thinking that the Wii U is a overpriced tablet accessory for the old Wii.

>Also, normies still fucking come into retail stores thinking that the Wii U is a overpriced tablet accessory for the old Wii.
No one thinks that. Its just shit people say here. The Wii U had been out for four years. Everyone knows what it is now.

No one out there is like

>isn't it weird Nintendo hasn't made a new console since 2006

>Also, normies still fucking come into retail stores thinking that the Wii U is a overpriced tablet accessory for the old Wii.

No, the normies simply don't give a fuck about a weird ass console with a deformed iPad as a controller. Normies know all the differences between iphones and samsung galaxies and shit, if they gave a fuck they'd know the Wii U was a new console.

And if by normies you mean non-gamers, IE the original Wii Audience, the controller is too complicated for them. In fact the Wii U tab controller is probably the most complex controller yet. It's just too alien to non-gamers.

I still have fucking parents coming into GameStop asking me why the Wii U tablet is so expensive and I have to explain to them that it's part of a whole new console and not a standalone thing.

Your theory is totally fucking wrong, user. The Wii U failed because it has no support, is a barely upgraded Wii, and Nintendo failed to differentiate it from the Wii. People thought it was a Wii add on.

The SNES sold well, the N64 sold poorly, the GameCube sold even worse, the Wii sold amazingly because they got a casual audience interested with Wii sports and the Wii. Now that audience is long gone and they'll never get it back. It's why you laser focus on your hardcore consumers, not casual audience.

The Wii U is a miserable failure. There's no "Nintendo Fatigue."

Actually, a lot of people thought that.

>being a gamestop grunt wageslave

Fuck I'm sorry.

I'm 18 bruh

>It's why you laser focus on your hardcore consumers, not casual audience.
It seemed like the Wii U pandered to the hardcore audience more than any Nintendo console

>gamecube ports
>w101 bayo 2
>Tokyo Mirrage
>Fatal Frame

That's the type of shit only life long Nintendo lovers could handle

It's a normal job for underage kids, user. He's lucky. For his first job, I'm sure it's not bad. When he's older than 17 he'll be able to move to Wal-Mart through College and then get placed in a temp job by an agency when he has his degree.

They throw out games stuff. Only thing good about GameStop if your a reeeeeeee seller

Yeah. I'm 2012. Not now. Sure. Maybe a few completely out of touch moms wonder in a game stop every now and then.

But 99% of people don't have it because they don't want it not because of confusion

Too bad the life long Nintendo lovers fucking dropped the console.
The Wii U has sold nearly the same amount as the Dreamcast.

And now, what's worse, they are stepping back on their talks on the NX and releasing it way too late in the fucking summer of 2017 and not Christmas. The last console launch to do that was the Sega fucking Saturn.

Nintendo is basically fucking finished.

When I was desperate I applied to be a gamestop grunt but when the terms were explained to me I had to refuse as it was almost as bad as McDonalds.

>PS2 had God of War, people played the shit out of it

>PSP had God of War, people played the shit out of it

>PS3 had God of War, people played the shit out of it

>PS4 will have a God of War, people bought one expecting that game

Your theory doesn't make sense.

Yeah, in 2012.
Now people don't think of it at all. The Wii U is literally forgotten about by the mass of consumers. Not because "they don't want it."

Every minimum wage wageslave job is as bad as McDonald's, dumbass. That's why you go to college and focus on a career.

I've bought every Nintendo console since the Snes.

That is no mystery to it, they simply stopped making good games so people stopped buying. SM64 is a technological wonder of it's time. Mario 3D World is a basic fucking shitpiece that won't amaze anyone older than 10, which is good and all kids need their media too, but the industry isn't just kids.

Dude come on. They've had more fuck ups in the past. Think Nintendo, a fucking house hold name, will be finished?

I thought they said the NX was releasing in March.

>Tfw Nintendo will go third party during your lifetime

Yes. Just like Sega was.
March is basically summer. If it actually releases in March, that's the worst fucking time to ever release a console.

>Think Nintendo, a fucking house hold name, will be finished?
Think oldsmobile, a fucking house hold name, will be finished
Think blockbuster, a fucking House hold name, will be finished
Think Myspace, a fucking house hold name, will be finished

>March is basically summer.
March is still winter

You fags need to stop skipping school to play video games

>I have a theory.

Household name to who, precisely? If you gew up in the 90s you NO DOUBT know Nintendo, sure, but 00s children, math-wise, probably did not. If they can't keep a steady flow of consumers outside of people with nostalgia for it the brand weakens.

I doubt we will see Nintendo dying and disappearing, but it's pretty clear their current strategy of waiting for the next Wii-fluke is not safe.




If they go they will be out of their safe space so they'll have to adapt and implement proper online, graphics and sound into their games. Right now they can get away with it all the time because "b-b-b-but they are only focusing on the gameplay!" card.


bwahahaha can't believe this meme is still alive in 2016, I can't wait to see all diplomats get out of school and end up being street junkies

>but 00s children, math-wise, probably did not
Yeah I doubt 00s kids were any of the 100 million that had a wii. Or poor kids that had old gamecubes, n64, snes,gameboys or anything.

If you were born last 1999 you've never heard of the company that has sold like 500 million consoles since 2000

I meant in terms of how bad it is to release a console, idiot.

If I didn't have a degree I wouldn't have been looked at. My employer literally just throws resumes without a degree into the trash.

Honestly, Nintendo would do very well as a third party developer. They will be the new Platinum where Sony/Microsoft pay them big money to make games for their platform. Normies would also eat the shit out of Mario and Zelda if it were on a console everybody owns.

Except the DS sells so many consoles they would never go 3rd party. They need to move their hardware to focus more on mobile gaming, because they are losing the console market.

If Nintendo became purely third party they would lose a lot of quality, fast.

>how bad it is to release a console
It doesn't matter one bit.

>>how bad it is to release a console
>It doesn't matter one bit.


You're a fucking RETARD.

If Nintendo became third party, they could put all their effort into software instead of spending all their R&D on trying to make their games work on decade old console hardware.

Sega's games INSTANTLY died/lost quality when they became third party.

Prove it does.

They actually increased in quality, except for Sonic.

>Jet Set Radio Future
>Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2
>Valkyria Chronicles
They also helped made F Zero GX

I saw a woman in Walmart a few months ago ask the clerk the same shit.

>Best time to release a new console

Enjoy learning, kiddo!

Wow, 5 games immediately after Sega died in the same generation as the Dreamcast.

List the high quality sega games in 2016.

Total Warhammer, Azure Revolution, Project Diva X, Dawn of War III

The Wii U would have been a success if it was named something else. Nobody bought it because it sounds like a Wii accessory.

>Literally nothing
Nice, mate. Enjoy not thinking in context and relying on patterns for everything, no matter how retarded your choice turns out to be.

Wii sold well because it was well advertised and everyone wanted one for the novelty of Wii Sports.
WiiU sold like shite because people didn't even know if it was a new console or a new gimmick for the Wii and the ads didn't explain that. And no novelty on the WiiU, majority of gamers don't care that much about Zelda or Mario anymore, kids don't care about that, Skyward Sword was really good (yeah yeah, many people will reply "BUT I HATED IT", whatever) and sold poorly on a console that sold like street crack.

it's a nice theory but it's wrong. the thing that has changed between console generations is their business philosophy and game quality, and what they deliberately made to appeal to a wide range of consumers. the nes, snes and wii are examples of them making games for the general public and deliberately wanting to create games that appeal to a wide audience. the n64, gamecube and wii u are examples of nintendo creating games for themselves and not the consumer, and making things based on their own creative vision which is often not what the general public want.

>No one thinks that.

Yes they do.

I was fine with the game. I was shocked at the huge price jump.

This. Great post, user!

It failed because Nintendo were dumb and named it the same thing as their last console. Even hardcore fans are disincentivized to buy a machine they feel they already have. It's all about how you sell something.

They also didn't advertise the fact that you could play games on it without a TV.

Your theory is retarded. The NES was a success before the SNES, why wasn't everyone tired of Mario then? And we know why the Wii sold, it wasn't because people missed Mario it was because motion controls became a fad for normalfags, then the Wii U came along but the fad was over and nobody cared about its tablet controller because they were all busy playing with ipads. The end.

>Wii sold well
This meme again? Wii sold poorly, no one in my class had one.