Why did people love this piece of garbage so much?

Why did people love this piece of garbage so much?

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Only blacks and poor white people liked the Genesis

Dont forget getting a genesis/mega drive meant that your parents would get a divorce

Worth it just for Rocket Knight, Vectorman, and Sonic

Fuck you, objectively the best console in that generation.
>Sonic 1 through Knuckles & Knuckles
>Shinobi 3
>Streets of Rage 1 through 3
>Best Super SF2 version
>Shadow Dancer
>Hyperstone Heist having much better controls than Turtles in Time

It was complete ass unless you had a model 1, all of the later models had shittier sound and video problems

>shitty SSF2 port
>listed as a positive

Nintendo had very little presence in Europe back then, so most people used a Megadrive. I imagine if you're from USA and still had Genesis instead of SNES, your parents simply didn't love you or.

Not as shitty as the lag-ridden SNES port with baby farts music and shitty controls, SNESnigger.

You shouldn't play anything but the arcade version of Super Turbo. Hyper Street Fighter 2 on the PlayStation 2 is a good port.

>farts music
that's 90% of genesis games

They bought into the marketing hype and got their SEGA. Then nogames. Then doubling down on their love of a shit system because fuck Nintendo.

Nothing else needs to be said because time has proven everything for us.

SNES is still known by everyone remotely into vidya, while most people haven't played a single Genesis game in their lives.

Genesis was the dudebro console of gen 4, so all those people grew up, got jobs and forgot about vidya. Meanwhile we're still stuck on Sup Forums.

Beats me
Not that it didn't have great games, but nobody owned said great games. As opposed to the Snes where the best are often the most popular
Never understood the appeal
>Streets of Rage
Beat em Ups are boring
Maybe if you mentioned Comix Zone, Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes, Wonder Boy, Phantasy Star, Rocket Knight Adventure, maybe then you'd make a good case

The Genesis had some great games and some shitty ones
The SNES had some great games and some shitty ones
Both consoles can be easily emulated and played by anyone at 0 cost. There's no point for all this console war bickering anymore.

sonic, ristar, vectorman, phantasy star, gunstar heroes, wonder boy, streets of rage, and miscellaneous arcade ports made the genesis way better for me. the saturn is fucking garbage that deserved to get raped by the n64 and ps1. and the dreamcast was a great blowout, finale console. attacked and spurred fast, shat out a bunch of fresh ideas and series, and quietly laid to rest before the ps2 obliterated it.

tldr, genesis and dreamcast good, saturn bad.

Jokes on you. My parents were never married.


What did Genesis music mean by this?

Fart Modulation syntesis

Blast processing

>better shmups and arcade shooters because no slowdown

>better rpgs and graphics
>fuckton of slowdown because bad cpu

If Nintendo had put a decent cpu in the SNES it would have been superior to the genesis in every possible way.

>hating on thunder force 4 music

You communist

Nostalgia mixed with extreme fanboyism.

>genesis music

except all the sound being fucking garbage

I don't think anyone outside of America and Japan had Nintendo

>fuckton of slowdown because bad cpu

dude the snes is more powerful than the genesis. the snes destroyed the genesis in terms of power

>Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles
>Splatterhouse 2
>Streets of Rage
>Rocket Knight
thats it

16 bit power rankings:
Amiga > Mega Drive > ST > PC Engine >>>>> Super Nintendo

I was excited to play it finally, my friend let me borrow it with his games.
I didn't like any of them. Not even the ones that looked cool I saw Arino play, like Sonic and Comix Zone

my dad was basically for much of my childhood
He grew up poor but made it as a doctor by the sweat of his own brow
As a result we were well to due but he grubbed every last sheckle to the very end
Thus why my family ended up with a Genesis
He wouldn't even buy sonics 1 & 2 i had to borrow them


No. The Mega Drive CPU clockspeed was around 7.5mhz, the Snes was capable of up to 3mhz but rarely achieved that. That's why slowdown ruins so many Snes games like Super Ghouls n Ghosts (the worst GnG game), Super Castlevania Bros, Starwing etc.


I dont know a single european who knows Zelda, apart from one friend who only knew it from CD-I youtube poops

A few did, but no one really gave a shit about Nintendo in Europe, except the Netherlands, or Australia.

Toppest of keks

Because it was objectively the best 4th gen console with the best library that had the most interesting and creative games.

all the people who had SNES grown up to be autists


snes had far superior graphics and audio capabilities. simply having a faster processor doesn't mean your console is more powerful

That's because they played retarded story 'games' written by autistic Japs.

Okay, but that doesn't fix the slowdown. Games can look nice, but not being able to run well will ruin them.

I have plenty of friends and family who owned NES and SNES. Zelda's a bad example it only got popular with OOT sinse the early games never got translated

>all the people who had SNES grown up to be autists

yeah cause the sonic fanbase really grew up normal huh

>that kid who had a Genesis, liked metal and shot up the school

Sonic fanbase got to its current state from Adventure which was Gamecube, Dreamcast and PS2

>that kid who gamed on DOS, liked metal and shot up the school

>Zelda's a bad example it only got popular with OOT sinse the early games never got translated

what. the first two zelda games totally were released in the west on nes. did you like, miss that somehow

t. Clueless Amerifat

ITT: Kids discuss a console that launched before they were born in a time they can't comprehend


whatever helps you go to sleep at night buddy :^)

The DOS kid's family was too poor to afford guns

I believe that poster was fishing for replies.

I was a teenager when the C64 was new, kid. I remember the launch of the Mega Drive.

t. newfag fresh out of the tenth grade

I was a teenager when the Genesis was new, kid. I remember the launch of the Genesis.

Relatively, yes. Look at Sonic Retro.
Don't confuse classic Sonic fans with modern Sonic fans.

>better visuals than the snes once you installed the 32x
>lots of great side-scroller games
>arguably two of the top ten games of all time is on the genesis
>pic related was better than the snes controller
>mutha fuckin' sega channel
>multiplats performed better
>no pussy censorship like the snes did with removing blood from mortal kombat

Did you even read what he posted?

Why would you take a console over a PC? Computers have been better for home gaming since 1982.

The ZX Spectrum was one of the most popular computers in Europe, and you think Americans are clueless?

>better visuals than the snes once you installed the 32x

Faster processor meant a dozen things.
No slowdown, bigger and larger sprites, higher resolution for longer periods of time, MORE sprites on screen, rudimentary 3D graphics the SNES could never do without excess chips, etc.

The Genesis also had unique FX abilities the SNES didn't have and had crazy effects.

Sorry, kiddie.

Okay, I was in my twenties when the Mega Drive launched.

PCs couldn't really do console-style side scrollers until the very last 80s

The ZED X spectrum, kid :)

I was in my 50s, kid.

>The Genesis also had unique FX abilities the SNES didn't have and had crazy effects.

For real?
>no pussy censorship like the snes did with removing blood from mortal kombat
They still locked it behind a code, and this was irrelevant by the time the second game came out

You know why? It was a budget computer. Plebs owned Spectrums, patricians owned Commodore 64s. The computers Americans used were even worse than the Spectrum. IBMs and Apple shit. You guys can't talk about computers.

>The ZED X spectrum, kid :)
Joke's on you, I already pronounce it that way because I'm Canadian.

He said the Snes. The Super Fx chip, like the SVP chip, was in the cartridge.

That is one contest that the SNES gets smacked in. You shouldn't have brought that up.

>the SNES could never do without excess chips

Genesis actually had good action games with no slowdown while the SNES was chock full of nice looking RPGs with garbage gameplay. The only people that could unironically enjoy G&G, Contra and Castlevania on SNES are brain damaged morons that either don't notice the awful slowdown or think it's an actual good thing because it makes the game easier.

Very few SNES games hold up today but Genesis titles are still high caliber action games.

not an argument

you still can't say the snes couldn't do effects.

>[any Sega standalone home console] was bad
If you have this opinion you should unironically, literally kill yourself post-haste.

Z is pronounced Zed so he didn't write it wrong. Only total retards would pronounce Z as zee.

Nevermind i was wrong
I genuinely never heard of Zelda before OOT even though i was really into Nintendo, so i just assumed it never got translated

IBMs and Apples in the 1980s were much better than the Spectrum in every way.

genesis needed a 32x to do what nintendid

bet your face is real red now idiot

>tfw your dad had to sell your sister so they could buy you a C64

It had Police Squad so it was worth it

>eastern europe feels

>pic related was better than the snes controller
>implying that was the only genesis controller that was superior

Even the original 3-button controller had better ergonomic design and build quality than the SNES controller. The 3 buttons were a non-issue for 99% of Genesis games.

Can you read?

No they weren't. The Spectrum is a much better machine than you give it credit for.
>muh colours
Enjoy your steaming piles of shit, Amerifat. IBMs and Apples are seriously laughable.
Depends which effects you mean. It couldn't do 3D.
Doom has since been ported to the MD. It runs better than the 3fps Snes port. It could've very easily been ported to the Mega Drive back then.

because it had really neat games

pic related is still one of the best space exploration games.

>The 3 buttons were a non-issue for 99% of Genesis games.

that doesn't really speak well of genesis games, you know

Doom was never ported. But it would have ran fine on a Genesis.

So, how did the Genesis do this without a 32x or extra chips, then?


The Mega Drive controller was designed with man hands in mind. The Snes controller was for children. That's why it is uncomfortable to hold for an adult.

That framerate is really bad but you almost get used to it after a while.

That's amazing it was doing all this just with the power of it's processor. The SNES could never have even dreamed of doing this and barely pulled off similar looking graphics with an entire FX chip on board.


Snes games rarely needed more than two buttons.

>only rendering 1/3 of the screen
>not even rendering floors or ceilings

try again

>2 minutes in
that fucking car came out of nowhere in that... cement loop... road...

How was he supposed to see that

It had faster games then the SNES, all memes aside. SNES games compared to genesis games tend to have less things happening on screen at once and run at lower framerates. Genesis games as a whole also tended to be more arcade style, which I like.

Sit down my sons.