Fallout 4 season pass

when fallout 4 came out i actually bought the special edition with the season pass on my ps4.
i finished the game before any dlc came out and wanted to have a look at them now, but i dont have access to any dlc and theres no codes or anything i can enter to get them... the only way seems to be by buying them over the ps store again.
there needs to be an option somewhere to redeem my fucking season pass but how?
god damn it todd, answer me

Seems like you got cucked
You deserve it

>the only way seems to be by buying them over the ps store again.
Yes, and?

idk if i have to laugh or cry

that's an advert for the season pass

Spoonfeeding time.

Turn the Season Pass around and a code will magically appear. Go to PS Store. Select "Redeem Codes" on the bottom of the menu. Enter the code, press Continue and boom you got your DLC.

Why the fuck would you buy the season pass and why the fuck would you buy Fallout. You dumb fuck.

you have to buy

I bought fallout and the season pass and have enjoyed it for 80 hours and counting. Must suck being too autistic and jaded to enjoy things

For the first 5-6 hours or so, I agreed. Then the game went further and further. The sidequests are shit and the voice-actor on the PC ruins any chance of varying dialogue options and role-playing chance. You're either a lawyer mom or a soldier dad. The main quest is shit and the combat, while good, is repetitive since all sidequests are "go to x spot, kill super mutants/ghouls/raiders, report back to quest giver". Sometimes there's even a "retrieve x object from x box" option which is truly innovative and creative.

>FO4 on PS4


i was hyped man, fallout 3 and new vegas gave me hours of joy...
and believe me if there was a code on the backside of that thing i would have found and entered it...
maybe somewhere else in or around the case.. ill check that again

It's an advert, Bruv. You never had the season pass.

Yeh you got fooled son, thats just a paper telling you to buy the season pass

Flip that season pass in the OP image over and take a picture.


The game had an advert for seasons pass, it never included it.


I actually came here to agree with this. I'm very happy with the DLC. It's not a perfect game by a long shot, but holy shit these people are autistic or hipster/contrarian hating on anything AAA.

Yeah, it's just an ad, moron. You have to buy the season pass.

redeemed, thanks ;)

pic related how i feel for buying the fucking pip boy edition...
now im ashamed to have that pip boy standing in my living room

>needing to insert yourself into every game you play
>not being chill enough to enjoy a game that isnt DnD or Pathfinder in digital form.
>Muh Fallout immersion tears.

The game is flawed, but not nearly as bad as you're making it sound.

Don't listen to That just means you get a free copy of Doom too, for being such a loyal Bethesda fan. Todd has personally chosen you to have all of FO4s DLC for free, as well as the new Doom. If only we could all be so blessed by Todd's grace

enjoy that shit

it's like watching a toddler pour milk into a cup and making a pathetic mess of himself.

my guess is it's hardcore New Vegas fans who can't accept that fallout is no longer an RPG. they won't judge it on what it is, but what they personally believe it should be

Sell it on ebay or something, Im sure theres some idiot who might still want one.

I think it also has to do with the fact that I have a life nowadays. It's perfect for coming home to and playing for 2 or 3 hours at a time. I think these people who complain about FO4 the most are the kind who play for solid 8+ hours every day, and find that it's not as 8+ hours at a time friendly or some shit like that.

It's a fucking advert to buy the season pass op god console gamers are thick as fuck

op here again..
should have done some research before buying i guess.
seems the pip boy edition was never intended to have the season pass included.
i thought that was out of question but whatever, now im smarter again.
for me its solved.. now i need to go toddposting in agony.

>not expecting to have the season pass included by buying the most expensive version of the game

Yeah I agree with this. It's bullshit they didn't get it as well. Industry is fucked.

Damn youre fucking dumb. Just the kind of person Bethesda wants buying its games.