Is there anyone who has played both and could point out the key differences and which one you prefer?
Wolfenstein: The New Order or Doom?
Wolfenstein has better setting, D44M has better gameplay.
Skyrim reference.
One of these games can run on my pc making it better
doom plays faster, is simply more entertaining imo. the level to level progression is a bit arenashooter-esk though, wolfenstein was more based on map progression. also wolfenstein had a decently told story, not a great one but motivating enough. its stealth mechanic and the (very few) stealth levels were ass though.
i prefer doom.
nah, wolfenstein is better all around. doom is okay though.
Wolfenstein has much better replayability and you'll at least want to play it twice due to a choice early in the game.
Doom ends and then you can just select levels.
TNO is at a good price, Doom is fun too, but I wouldn't buy it for more than $20.
Both have great shooting and gun feel and both are very good shooters, probably the best in the last few years.
Wolfenstein is more story orientated (not a bad thing) and feels like a Tarantino flick, which I like. It travels the globe, has very nice attention to detail (like Beatles but german or actual buildings that germans were planning exist here). It has fun varied levels with stealth and action approach, you go to moon, control a mech, the DLC has you fighting zombies and monsters. Dual wielding shotguns is great.
Doom is balls to the walls nonstop action set in non-linear maps where you rip and tear demons with decent weaponry. Has little variety, but is very fun throughout the game and does what it does - shooting - very well with all the game design focused on making that aspect as good as possible.
You should play both.
Well, in both, you're former badasses that are facing off against unquestionable evil, but in W:TNO your all kinds of "OMG PSTD" and it tries to be all heavy handed and emotional, whereas in DOOM you get up, then proceed to rip and tear. CORRECTION, you start to rip and tear before you even get up.
If you're looking for a depressing slog, then go Wolf. If you're just looking to have fun, go DOOM.
Wolfenstein: The New Order is good, but it's got stealth elements and the single player is kind of focused on cinematic moments and setpieces at times.
Doom is basically just original Doom, updated for 2016. It's pretty much pure gameplay, start to finish: Here's your goal, here's a bigass sprawling level filled with enemies, now go figure it the fuck out.
If you're not cash-strapped and are looking for the better one, I'd say Doom.
Doom is more replayable though. The choice means little in terms of gameplay and wont make you go through it twice. Doom can be replayable on higher difficulties or to search for upgrades.
Wolfenstein has great pacing and levels first time, but then the story bits and stealth sections annoy a bit.
>like a Tarantino flick
But user there was no foot fetish mentions nor was half the game about talking about off topic bullshit.
>Doom is basically just original Doom, updated for 2016
Great, now you've summoned the fun police.
>here's a bigass sprawling level filled with enemies, now go figure it the fuck out.
thats not what the game is like at all. the levels are primarily light platforming, and then you click on the gore nest and clear an arena of demons. repeat. im not saying its bad, but it would have been better if it actually was a level with enemies strewn throughout it.
Thank you all for your responses! I'll definitely get around to play both but will probably start with Wolfenstein.
>Doom can be replayable on higher difficulties or to search for upgrades.
That's the same for Wolfenstein, the problem is that choosing each level doesn't feel the same.
Wolfenstein has a more engaging story, and you could make an argument that it has greater replayability, due to the multiple ways you can tackle each level, and the narrative split in the beginning of the game.
Both games have great combat, but Doom has the better comat imo. TIghter controls, smoother flow of combat. Story is good for what it is, because it's not trying to be the greatest thing out there. Heavy emphasis on movement, which I think they nail pretty well. Lots of collectibles and secrets, like TNO. Decent replayability, not as much as TNO. Single player is the only good thing about it, Multiplayer sucks, Snapmap sucks (at least right now).
I personally prefer Doom, because I'm not a huge replayability guy, but they're both great games in their own right. I'd pick them both up if you can.
There are, what are you talking about? Gore nests just give you weapon upgrades if you destroy all the demons there.
>Doom is basically just original Doom, updated for 2016
Fuck no.
Doom 4 is about locking you to arenas over and over and over again.
Both are great, but I give a slight edge to Wolfenstein.
I'd agree with most of what has already been said in this thread, but another way to look at it is, Wolfenstein is cheaper now, play it, and wait for Doom to be even cheaper.
There aren't, really. A few times you'll find an imp or two here and there, but 95% of the combat is done in arenas. Doesn't mean I didn't shit myself when a random baron popped up behind a door in Lazarus tho
This, honestly. If you're really strapped for cash, play Wolfenstein The Old Blood. It's standalone DLC, and gives you a feel for the combat system
Jesus Christ would you fuck off and don't come back until you reach the age of 18
Would you rather shoot Demons or Nazis?
Pulp Fiction isn't representative of his movies. Watch Django Unchained.
Yeah, this is probably what I'm going to do.
What about Canadians?
Is there a game where I can shoot evil Canadians?
I loved Doom 4, I hated Wolfenstein.
The way the guns handle, the way health is treated, the movement, the enemies, the way everything looks, the soundtrack and the story, all incredibly superior in Doom 4.
I couldn't even finish Wolfenstein because of how bored I was of it, but I almost marathoned through Doom 4 because of how much I enjoyed it.
Evil... Canadians? Do such things exist?
They are just conditioned to become annoyingly polite.
Trust me, there's no one who deserves a bullet more in this earth than Canadians.
I wasn't even talking about Pulp, I will give it to him and say that was a good movie. Django Unchained wasn't his best movie, hell Django was one hell of a boring character and really the only good act in the movie was Mr.Candy
id have to reincarnate for that
Doom all the way, simply because it plays more like an oldschool shooter than Wolfenstein
Both are good games but Doom is better.
Wolfenstein is more of a just really good traditional FPS but doom is more its own thing while also a huge homage to the original games. The later levels of Doom have seriously been some of the most fun i've had with a video game in a very long time. Also make sure you get Doom on PC, cannot fucking fathom playing it on a console.
New Wolfenstein is filled with cutscenes, annoying QTEs, pressing a button to pick up every goddamn weapon or piece of armor, holding down a button to recharge your energy weapons, weapons which eventually become completely useless towards the end of the game, horrible AI, embarrassing stealth sections, ridiculously linear level design, an absolutely retarded story about space nazis and underwater jews
Oh but it has a couple of good characters and dual wielding so Sup Forums gives it a free pass
oi vey
good christian game
so hard to choose ehh, goy?
>a wolfenstein game has a campy story
Stop the fucking presses.
Sure. TNO was trash and D44M was quite good.
TNO has shit story and shit characters that the devs love to shove down your throat every five minutes instead of just throwing a wee bit more nazis your way like they should.
>an absolutely retarded story about space nazis and underwater jews
Sounds like Wolfenstein.
Fuck no, Doom is a fucking bore with the most painfully average level design.
Not a single level is memorable due to everything in Hell being brown, and everything in Mars being either orange, or a combination of grey and white.
Not to mention the way it pushes you away from replaying it and the already dead MP.
There's a difference between Mecha Hitler and BJ speaking softly into the player's ear about "muh Anya" for eight hours.
Wolfenstein is quite good.
Shame all of it's threads died becuase it triggers Sup Forums
If you find Doom a bore i suggest you stop playing video games because you have outgrown them.
Either that or you just watched some gameplay on youtube.
Stealth kills and pretty much the entire opening 5 minutes
>walk 10 meters
>destroy gore nest
>spend 5 minutes killing demons
>walk another 10 meters
>rinse and repeat
It doesn't suck, but it's the definition of a 6/10.
Not to mention that it's too self-aware for it's own good with the whole
>haha, doomguy is badass amirite
Quick Time Events
>stealth kills
>pretty much the entire opening 5 minutes
Don't know which QTEs there are in the WWII level.
The point is the actual gameplay loop is incredibly well done and satisfying, especially later in the game. Them referencing how OP Doomguy is, is the only way they could have done a modern Doom game without pissing off the fans.
I would ask honestly as to what FPS you enjoyed more in the past 5 years
>The point is the actual gameplay loop is incredibly well done and satisfying
Not really, not a single weapon is satisfying.
Even the super shotgun feels really week.
Only weapon that feels slightly powerful is the BFG, the others feel like airsoft guns.
>Them referencing how OP Doomguy is, is the only way they could have done a modern Doom game without pissing off the fans.
Probably nothing if i had to guess.
both are consolized shit, but shit for different reasons.
Wolfenstein takes itself too seriously, and tries to create a cinematic experience. The pacing is all over the place, and we all know how well forced stealth sections work. I also hate the design of those fuck-huge guns.
D44M on the other hand can't show more than a dozen enemies on screen at once, and thus it locks you constantly into these tiny "combat arena" rooms, where you need to kill wave after a wave of spawning enemies before you're allowed to move forward. There's also more of those typical, modern cancer RPG upgrade trees and tons of flavor text to read, because you just can't have the same speed, damage and ammo-cap nowadays right off the bat as back in 1993, and "muh lore" is suddenly the main attraction in goddamn Doom. On top of that, the MP is literal reskinned Halo crap with 2 gun limit and shit, and the SnapMap editor is super restricted and limited.
STALKER CoP and not much else.
Doesn't mean Doom is good though, it just means the FPS genre is right now in the trash bin.
>Only weapon that feels slightly powerful is the BFG, the others feel like airsoft guns.
The only gun in the game that "feels like an airsoft gun" is the plasma rifle. I'm really starting to doubt you actually played this and didn't just look up a lets play.
Want an actually GOOD "oldschool" shooter made this decade? Try Serious Sam 3.
>tfw literally 1250+ enemies in the last level
Jaded as fuck
ever consider the possibility of there being different standards for different people?
I personally consider ALL D44M's guns to feel and sound like literal peashooters.
not the other guy, but that level was an absolutely tedious slog of a level. i hated it
You are doubting because i'm not sucking it off?
Seriously, not even the super shotgun has any kick, and even the reload in Doom 2 felt powerful.
Now it just gives no effect, it's boring, it's bland, and it's just wrong.
Oh sorry for not filling my mouth with whatever shit modern gaming is trying to take into it.
Sorry for not having fun be walking into arenas for 10 hours with the blandest level design and aesthetics i've seen in quite a few years.
Just stop playing video games.
You're too old and bitter. Take up another pastime.
>y-y-you are so bitter...
If you are a good goy and you like eating garbage is your own problem.
Now go buy the Doom Season Pass, lovely goy.
No, I still have quite a lot of fun, but with good videogames, not with this uninspired mediocrity.
Why are you limiting yourself to modern Bethesda fps games?
Don't worry, i'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with COD Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1, they look epic as f*ck m8s, not to talk about Watch Dogs 2.
>also Sup Forumstrash
Why am i not surprised. You're a fucking waste of space, surprised you didn't call somebody a cuck too like you're brainwashed to do.
Tried the demo, was boring as shit, heard the first level was bad so I bought it.
Played the three first levels and they were still fucking boring.
All in all, glad I could refund that thing.
Cause Bethesda only published them and had no effect on the development of either game.
Just return to Reddit if the only thing you are going to do here is getting offended by everything.
evil nazis being killeds is like the most boring hollywood jew fantasy setting ever
>no arguments
>proceeds to attack the poster instead of adressing the post
Simply pathetic the way you need to attack others before accepting different opinions.
Its more the fact that Doom tries its hardest to pander to old bitter cunts like you and even that isn't enough, nothing ever will be. It has less to do with memes and more the fact that Sup Forums churns out the worst posters site wide.
>trying this hard to be controversial and be noticed on the internet.
You silly, little, cunt.
How about, for once in the entire discussion, you try to adress points instead of insulting?
>Its more the fact that Doom tries its hardest to pander
How, with a cringeworthy
>haha, look how badass doomguy is haha...
Or the pointless keys which I wonder why they are even in the game if it's almost impossible to miss them?
That's all I can imagine, everything else is bland level design...
It's just a forgettable game, doesn't stand out in anything.
I think it's great that the mutants from RAGE got another game to be in and fireballs to work with instead of their bare hands, but that's about it.
Something else that hams Wolfenstein is that shallow, modern stealth gameplay had to be an essential part of it. You don't have to do it when there's a choice, but that element harms the combat end of things by making squishy officers a necessary part of most of the arenas, and the source of reinforcements.
There are also those not so great points that try to harken back to the Riddick games without having as much interactivity or a good system for fighting hand-to-hand. The game shines during those encounters where you have to go loud like when you're escaping the prison, attacking the Nautica or raiding the fortress again.
>You silly, little, cunt.
lol so mad
prefer wolfestein desu. no particular reason, just feels better.
Wolfenstein, don't know if it's because I wasn't that hyped, or because of the varied levels, but it just felt good.
I expected a lot of Doom and it just came off as average.
It was a fast shooter even though the gameplays shown were slow, but that's all.
Yeah, instead of pandering to those old bitter cunts who liked those old games like Doom 2, they should have kept that cinematic Doom 4 that was cancelled, it would have pandered to younger, easy to satisfy, no-spine kids like you and me.
Have any of you played these on console? My PC is utter shit so I can't imagine either of these would run well.
I played Wolfenstein with a controller on PC and it wasn't bad.
Doom 4 was unplayable though, don't know what's about it, but it's hard as fuck to aim with a controller.
>that cinematic Doom 4 that was cancelled
Oh God I think I saw someone defending that abortion here over what we got.
wolf storyline and cinematic experience was shit, also enemies were way too bulletspongy for my tastes
doom solo was great and its limitation are mostly because CONSOLES
I remember hearing a guy who played it on Xbone saying how much he enjoyed it so maybe it's not that bad if you're used to console FPS? Maybe there's better aim assist on console?
>playing fps with controller
wtf are you doing faggot
It's dumb as fuck and hard to play with a keyboard and mouse while on the sofa.
Blazkowicz' narration was great
Probably the worst part of the game tbqhwy and that's saying a lot.
nah your opinion is shit bye nigger
I own both
either one is a good choice
Not him and it's not a cinematic AAA shooter but I enjoyed Dirty Bomb about a thousand times more than any other shooter I've played since Wolf:ET
I enjoyed D44m a lot more than both Wolfensteins.
Wolf is much better.