>concept art of character/environment looks great
>in-game model looks awful
>concept art of character/environment looks great
>in-game model looks awful
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is, mighty no. 9
The work of a skilled artist vs the work of a 3d modeler with resource constraints.
Fallout 4, every one except for the MC and companions looks like absolute trash.
95% of the actual prod
>what is Fallout 4
>all that beautiful official art
>all characters have nigger lips and Jew noses in-game
How old was "the kid" meant to be anyways?
the game is trash
show me where todd touched you
Pains me how they claimed it to be a watercolour game but that's not really what the game looks like at all.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2's artworks are fucking amazing, but for some reason, aside from the sprites themselves, the in-game character portraits are terrible, especially for pic related.
Fucking why? Tactics Ogre: LUCT for PSP managed to stay consisted in that tone, hell, using also character portraits variations depending on the situation.
dark souls 2
jesus christ that skin texture
i think im gonna fucking vomit
how the fuck do people find that attractive?
Is that an anorexic Colin Firth?
Old enough to have served at the Walls for at least 5 years, so I'd guess something between 20-30.
I think that's just whole "Indian women aren't hot" thing in action. Like, in her concept art she's a chocolate-flavored white woman and in-game she actually looks Indian.
bethesda is just terrible all around
Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 both have top notch concept art. Adam Adamowicz knocked it out of the park, and after his death I expected F4's art designers to not be able to live up to his work, but they did.
Too bad Bethesda's modelers and programmers aren't near as competent.
The same goes for Dragon Age, though the artists for dragon age aren't as good as Bethesda's, but the game's models rarely do their work justice.
>Only a completely useless asshole would hammer on this fan
While her ingame model wasn't as good as her official art, it was certainly better than that picture you posted.
Even though devcat is turning their game into a fashion show
Characters/armor/monsters/bosses/environments, all their concept art is almost a 1:1 perfect transfer from art to ingame model
it was the only picture of her i had
Yo dawg, I heard you like helmets, so I put a visor over your visor so you can see nothing while you see nothing.
nice meme
Blessings of kek are with me.
This is how they sold us Crysis 1.
Fucking Dragon Age. I was so disappointed to the graphics and art style when I first bought it. Didn't look anything like I had imagined.
that's the joke
I could accept that this guy has a substance abuse problem and is just terrible at his job. But that toolbag clipping through his leg is disgusting.
Morrowind. Look how thick and comfy that armor is. I would love to see a a model with all the fabric animated. This is what skywind should be
this looks like that CGI Garfield show.
I'm still mad at Gearbox
>what is Fallout 3, Skyrim, New Vegas and Fallout 4?
Damn near every game?
Anyone ever managed to get their unmodded Crysis 1 to look like this?
How about with a GTX 980?
I'm glad I didn't open this with my mouth full of cereal.
>concept art with many different designs
>they pick the worst one
Every time.
Gravity Rush was the worst about this.
Not to mention all the cool as shit unused stuff that was in the gallery of Remastered.
> 2D concept art looks fantastic
> 3D models are uncanny valley/plastic skin bullshit
Not sure if it counts
>Those middle tatas
The looks like low tier deviant art.
The middle image was what her in game model was changed to. Kit's balloony tatas are a miracle of this universe.
Making vanilla models is hard, okay? Only modders have the necessary knowhow to make something like a floppy dick that does not clip through thighs
The in-game versions aren't exactly awful but they are far less interesting.
If you want wasted concept art post the dungeon traps from skyrim's art.
the fuck is even happening for the first half of that?
every jap game ever made, also TES games, they have great concept artists and terrible modelers and animators
She looks weird and inflated unlike her original trailer model
>source material looks great
>upcoming vidya adaption model looks awful
I don't care man look at those fucking BOOBS
Not sure if some of these would have actually been good.
its shame how little porn there is of this tight shirted wonder
I don't even play the game
FE Awakening and Fates for me. Both the sprites and 3D models look like horse shit but I love the out of game artwork
I'm trying to learn how to make 3D models and it has given me respect for people doing this shit for a living and a new appreciation for their work, no matter how mediocre it looks.
Making a model for a game is not really hard, but it's time-consuming. You can spend tens of workhours just to produce the most bland, mediocre model you can think of.
If you're on a tight-schedule (and I'm going to bet most actual 3D modelers working on commercial titles are), unless you're an experienced veteran who can pull points/ sculpt/rig/animate perfectly without thinking, you're going to give results that are acceptable for the head of your studio, but that will look weird to people buying the game.
This is also the reason why you see so many reskins of the same model skeletons in some games (WoW is an ancient example by now). Unless you want to make the high-risk investment to give a guy money and time to make you a new model, you're gonna cut back on it. I'm not defending a decision like this, but I'm trying to give a better view of the problem at hand.