Will this have better gameplay or only better graphics? If just graphics, that's not really worth $60. And by better gameplay I mean improved mechanics/60 fps.
Will this have better gameplay or only better graphics? If just graphics, that's not really worth $60...
It's just better graphics. No changes to gameplay. Also, you'll have to wait a while to use any mods that use SKSE. That includes SkyUI, and therefore MCM, so any mod that uses MCM is also out. There's even a chance that SkyUI might not get converted at all.
Man I don't get how they couldn't make a 5 year old game have better mechanics. Oh well then. Thanks for the info about mods too, gueaw I'll just play the PS3 version.
will they atleast improve the character creation?
Not much since 90% of good mods use script extender and for sure you ain't getting one of those on consoles.
>Man I don't get how they couldn't make a 5 year old game have better mechanics.
It's because this is nothing but a quick cash grab. They probably wouldn't be doing it at all if they didn't have half the work done already (FO4 development began by porting Skyrim to PS4/XB1). There's also a chance they might use it to bring back paid mods, though it might only be on console, since they know PC users won't stand for it.
I think they might improve the frame rate, but that's probably it.
No use then. Might as well just play Fallout 4. Got enough of these scams.
Skyrim sucks.
Gameplay is awful
Story is fucking shite
Graphics were crappy even for 2011 game
Fuck you Todd, u can't make games
>Will this have better gameplay or only better graphics? If just graphics, that's not really worth $60.
Of course it's not worth $60, just like any other remake out there that you've already put dozens of hours into. This generation has been so stagnant and retarded, I shudder to think what could have been if companies actually tried to innovate instead of just re-printing money with these remasters.
You sure? As in locked 30fps?
>Bethesda takes user created mods from the PC
>Changes them a bit
>Changes parts of code as well
>Integrates into the engine as default
>Sells it as a remaster for $60
>I'll just play the PS3 version
I played that version. Crashed every half hour. If anything this new version should perform better.
It's called special edition because you're special if you buy a 5 year old game a second time.
I think it also becomes literally unplayable if you play it long enough, because the saves get too big for the PS3 to load or something. To be fair to Bethesda, though, the PS3 gave everyone problems. It was kind of notorious for being hard for devs to work with.
Did you play it at launch? I played it so far on my bro's PS3 at launch when the graphics were amazing. But now they've patched it to have worse graphics in order to run well, I heard. So I just plan on playing it on my PS3 now.
At launch, after a few patches as well. It's a general rule of thumb not to leave weapons and other junk you interacted with lying around as the game will try to remember EVERYTHING adding to the memory problems. A friend told me they had the water glitch which would crash the game if you did any water related activities but if it happened to me I never noticed.
>Man I don't get how they couldn't make a 5 year old game have better mechanics.
Because that would require a huge overhaul by the devs. I'm not defending the remake because it's retarded as fuck but you're also pretty dumb if you expected any major changes to anything but the graphics from a remake.
Yo todd. Skyrim's on sale again for like 10 dollars, so everyone pretty much has a chance to get the remastered for literally nothing
That ingame screen is clearly a shop
Do they send youpu a disc copy or digital copy of the remaster, free?
Todd said at E3 that the remastered edition will have better textures than the PC "Official Texture Patch" release a few years ago. Basically consoles are getting a more improved version of the vanilla Skyrim on Ultra.
Their engine has improved greatly since 2011.
you need all dlcs
Yeah but you see those on PC got better graphics free, even the remaster free. Yet console players have to pay $60 when they never had improved graphics.
Do you know what remaster means? Remasters ALWAYS means "just graphical upgrades".
>PS3 version
You'd actually be the perfect canddiate for Skyrim Remastered. The PS3 version of Skyrim is utterly atrocious.
if you have 2 but not three it has an upgrade that costs $9 though it used to cost $4. I did it though.
Yes I'm curious if they plan to fix up any of the notorious glitches and animations and whatnot. Times like this when you get to see what a company's true colors are. 20 million units sold, kept alive by the PC community, how will they choose to repay us?
the biggest take away is it's 64bit.
more stable for modding
I think it's 50% a cash grab, and the other 50% is because Bethesda would be shitting on modders if they released it for a third of the price. Modders would be pissed giving away all that free content to console peasants.
they only owe the skyrim PC community, and they're giving us the updated version of the game for free so Bethesda's cool in my book.
>Yet console players have to pay $60 when they never had improved graphics.
Is it really gonna be $60? Guess I'm not getting it this year
I hope they do a remastered edition for Oblivion.
Only owe PC community? Howabout the PS community for releasing a terrible version of their game for PS3?
>Yet console players have to pay $60 when they never had improved graphics.
Right, because it's for an entirely new platform. PC isn't a new platform.
They can't "remaster" Oblivion, it'd need to be remade from the ground up.
Morrowind remastered never happened. What makes you Oblivion will be any different?
>Can't play Requiem on this piece of shit
LOL $60. I'm sure retards will lap it up, but that's the only mod that makes this game worth playing, and even then it's a stretch.
Morrowind couldn't be remastered, it'd need a full remake. And what incentive would they have to remake it? There's already three morrowind remakes currently in production by fans (Skywind, openMW, Morrowind Rebirth).
Bethesda's already confirmed that they're working on TES 6. I don't know why everyone expects them to start remaking old games when they've never remade a game and never will.
Its not a new platform, but thatdoesnt change the fact that lots of people will have to upgrade their PC in order to play this game and run it.
Probably not, knowing most AAA releases they'll dial the graphics up and cap at 30, even if it can do 45-50
Because remastered games make a lot of money for publishers. All the assets are already made along with story, gameplay, music, and overall art design. They just need to revamp the textures and add better lighting and weather effects. The cost is a sliver of a fraction compared to the budget of making a new game.
>Might as well just play Fallout 4
>Got enough of these scams
Bethesda can hire a 3rd party company to work on remastered games.
>buying a bethesda game
I doubt it. I built my PC when Skyrim came out and haven't upgraded it since, and I was able to play Fallout 4 at 1080p 60fps on medium settings just fine. The Skyrim remaster won't be any more graphically intensive than Fallout 4.
And again, here's the difference:
The console player is playing the game on an entirely new platform and benefits the most from the remaster. He can now play it at 1080p with good graphics, 60fps, and mods.
The PC player is playing the game on the same platform, he already has Skyrim in his steam account once, why would he buy it again? Does anyone want TWO Skyrims in their Steam account? Also, PC players don't really benefit a great deal from the new version. A person could mod the game to look almost as good or possibly even better than the new version, so that puts Bethesda is a weird position. On console, Skyrim Special Edition makes sense because it's competing against the PS3/360 versions of Skyrim which were awful. On PC, Skyrim is competing against the modded version of Skyrim which is already pretty good. Few people would feel the need to buy the new version when they can try to recreate the new version with free mods.
Also, Bethesda's entire plan here is to expand their library of games with console mods. Who makes the mods? Is it the console players? No, it's the PC players. If Bethesda wants PC modders to port their mods to the new version of Skyrim, it's in Bethesda's best interest to make sure that PC modders adopt the new version of the game (ie just give it to them for free)
I'm so tempted to buy this for PS4. I had a bad experience with Skyrim when it first launched, I was at a very low point in my life with a friendship/relationship (nearly committed suicide) and it soured my experience with it. Also to at the time my TV was a garbage 720p blurry mess. With my new 1080p along with this new enhanced version I think it'll be worth it. A fresh start with a new mindset along with all those mods sounds very appealing.
Exactly this, PC players have already had a version of the game better than the remaster for years.
Literally the only reason I want this is x64 and bugfixes, but it's going to break all of my mods so it looks like it'll be a while.
64 bit, I mean
>yet they get the remaster free
>we pay 60 bucks
Which I'm not btw, not buying the same game twice. Just saying.
You do realize the PS4 version of skyrim will only have better graphics, and nothing else. FPS will still be 30 fps, and the gameplay is untouched. If anything, PS owners should receive this game free as compensation for the degraded, patched-up PS3 version.