Just bought, about to start for the first time

Just bought, about to start for the first time

What am I in for?

Any advice?

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You're in for gathering 20k gold within the first minutes of the game

enchanced edition is a butcher, if you care for an authentic experience go get the original off GoG or just pirate it, refund the steam version

play the first one

I advise you to play the first game because BG2 is a direct sequel. Also one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

Should have bought the first one instead

That shit is easy. Run to watchers keep after tutorial dungeon and use a thief to steal everything on the first floor.

>Enhanced Edition

A worse experience than had you bought the cheaper classic edition.

Oh yeah, I'm playing this game again for the first time in years.

Have a few mods installed, going to try the Tower of Deception mod, hopefully it will be good.
Also using Kelsey. He's not too bad, although Sorcerer's seem a little overpowered.

What's wrong with Enhanced edition? Doesn't it just add a few new NPCs mostly, such as a Monk and an Evil Thief? That doesn't seem so bad, since it lets you get a Monk without being one yourself and they're fun to use. Same goes with the Thief, gives you a thief you can use in an evil party other than Jan Jansen or dualing over the ToB NPC.

It´s fine really. The new UI is the bad part. Most of the gamebreaking bugs that i found got fixed, after a fucking long time. Watchers keep not being on the map before ToB. Triggers and npcs not even working in the Underdark.

What, you can't access Watcher's Keep in SoA? Where's the fun in that?


Make sure to pick kensai/mage for that sweet ez mode

They fixed that. I had 2 saves with that bug on, so i just got used to console teleport to the keep.

Kensai thief is fun too. Sorcerer if you want to abuse Wish without rolling stats or cheating forever. Monk is good choice too, although a bit restrictive.

Dem Kai Backstabs.

Don't do it OP, ask for a refund, SJW agenda pushing aside the enhanced edition is broken as hell, horrible UI and bugs everywhere.

Why is Aerie such an annoying, Useless piece of shit?

You should be rolling with 6 pre-made characters to start with anyway!

Muh wings
Cleric/Mage is still a really good combo

Late game perhaps, if you give her the Robe of Vecna. She spends most of Shadow of Amn being crap unless you go to Watcher keep to cram XP down her throat.

Do everything you possible can in Chapter 2, because the game will be on the rails for a long time after that.
Don't put assholes and goodies in the same party
Don't pick Keldorn if you plan to murder Drizzt, old cunt will betray you
Make sure you find magical stone in the tombs or else Shadow Drake will rip you a new one
If you plan on playing TOB, ditch multiclasses from your party
TOB is shit btw, so don't play it
There is a scroll that make you invulnerable to all undead, make sure to use it to cheese all the liches
Constantly check on your part members, because pathfinding in pantsu on head retarded, especially in the narrow railings of Underdark
Check on every door and speak with every character, there's a good dozen of secret dungeons in Amn alone
Get that pommel from Irenicus's rape dungeon

You can't even get BG classic on gog without buying BGEE anymore.
Beamdog is scum.

At least she isn't Nalia.

Be honest, no one used her outside of maybe bringing her along for her quest.

Wild Mage is really fun

And remember to trap spam all the dragons in the game for easy money and loot.

Mage/Thief is like the best shit in vanilla BG2, and I'm not bringing HEYA ITSA ME IMOEN along

>If you plan on playing TOB, ditch multiclasses from your party

Why? Multiclasses work better with ToB since they get enough XP to finally get good, and can draw the best options from 2 different high level abilities.

does anyone have that really nice portrait pack some user posted a few days ago?

Imoen is literally statistically better. Only thing Nalia has going for her is a pretty nice ring.

If you want a mage grab Edwin.
If you want a Thief/Mage grab Jansen
If you want a Thief/Mage Dualclass grab imoen.

I don't want to listen to Nalia bitch about helping the poor while I'm liberating her own fucking castle.
Everyone hates Nalia's shitty personality. They tried to change it in ToB but she ended up just as bad, being obssessed with being an all powerful arch-mage while still being the worst mage in the game.

Pure kensai is great too. 360 physical damage per turn is insane. Combine that with Critical Strike and everything explodes.

I'd recommend playing BGT using the original two games if you can. EE is still alright though. It's only SoD that should be avoided at all costs.

>What am I in for?
Incredibly good writing, A D&D battle system that is ruthless yet incredibly fun to exploit, and some wild difficulty curves.
>Any advice?
Don't pick 'Wizard Slayer'. They're shit.

For a first playthrough, you'll have the easiest time with a Fighter or Undead Hunter. Various fighter/mage combos are the best, but keeping things simple will make your life easier for a first playthrough. Undead Hunter is a shittier warrior but has immunity to level drain, which can be really fucking handy.

I'm playing as an Elven Archer right now. Just found myself an incredibly good shortbow which is practically a machine-gun. Having a blast with it.

Jaheira and Minsc are both useful allies. Aerie is a fantastic cleric/mage you can find in the circus tent in Waukeen's Promenade.

>Do everything you possible can in Chapter 2, because the game will be on the rails for a long time after that.
^Also this. There's no rush to move on - taking your time in Chapter 2 won't affect the plot, and grinding for lots of levels and gear then will make your life easier later on.

>Kensai Thief
>Improved Haste

The nice thing about Thief is with Use Any Item there is almost no downside to being a Kensai.

Don't do Ascension or ToB. Ascension is tedious and ToB is morel like a sequel to BG1 rather than a sequel to BG2.

>I don't want to listen to Nalia bitch about helping the poor while I'm liberating her own fucking castle.
I only have my archer, Minsc, Jaheira, and Aerie in my party and still ditched Nalia after purging her castle. Couldn't stand that annoying cunt, and I had to rely on Aerie to open half of the locks anyway because Nalia's thieving skills are such utter shite.

Anything Kensai is top tier.

>I'm playing as an Elven Archer right now. Just found myself an incredibly good shortbow which is practically a machine-gun.

Reminds me of how in Arcanum by investing in Time Magic, a fast bow and Mastering Bows you can shoot out over 100 arrows a turn.

Still not very good though.

thread theme

>Late game perhaps, if you give her the Robe of Vecna
I'm still only up to Chapter 3 but already gave her Robe of Vecna and she's already baller as fuck.

BG2 had such a retarded equipment curve. Most of the best equipment is available right from the start.

>in BG2
Good luck dealing damage, ever. Isn't the best bow in a game +3?

Ranger-Cleric is a good combo too. Gets multiple attacks and specialization from Ranger, and by being Cleric it gets all the Druid Spells due to Ranger Access. Ranger is more experience heavy to get to 13, but Cleric is faster to level than mage so it balances out a bit.

Did they "fix" that in EE, so you don't get every druid spell as a Cleric if you were a ranger? I hope not.

The little bits Ascension adds are nice but you're right that enabling the harder fights and everything makes every single encounter tedious.

What was it like?

That's why BG2 is awesome though. You can bump into a lich 5 minutes after getting out of Irenicus' dungeon.

I like the Yag Shurgoth Ascension battle though, where you need to fight an entire Army.

The ones to avoid are Tactics mods which cheat to make things a chore.
>Immunity to magic weapon scrolls for everyone
>Spell tattoos for everyone.
>muh seatbelt theory

the day I found Daystar behind the lich in Athakltha City Gates was the best day of my life

Is there a mod to unnerf the liches in BG2?

>Don't do it OP, ask for a refund, SJW agenda pushing aside the enhanced edition is broken as hell, horrible UI and bugs everywhere.

Enhanced edition is fine, stop talking garbage. They've fixed most of the bugs at this point and it saves OP having to hunt around for mods to fix the broken shit in the original version. All you have to do is ignore the new characters they put in - and that isn't difficult since they're completely optional.

>bought the enhanced edition

Gesen is +4, but I can't get the string for that until after Spellhold.

I have the +1 from the beastmaster in Copper Coronet for now - saving decent arrows for things regular arrows can't hit.

>tfw up to 5 attacks per round

>BG2 had such a retarded equipment curve. Most of the best equipment is available right from the start.
As long as you're not gem-duping most of that stuff is too expensive though, so it's not too bad.

I hate how there's a ring of 18 charisma you can get almost immediately though. Makes me want to ignore that stat when I make characters.

Like what? I remember most of the truly broken shit coming much later.

But if I find an awesome sword in the Underdark, I would have liked if it was worth identifying for a reason other than increasing its sale price.

but if you ignore the stat you can't romance saerileth!!!

The fuck would you need charisma for in a game without dialogue skillchecks

>Is there a mod to unnerf the liches in BG2?



Be prepared for annoyance.
I do recommend the improved final boss one though if you've played it before, spices it up.
The Acid Katana from the purposefully annoying Kensai fight is probably overpowered though. On the other hand other than Celestial Fury there are no good Katanas in the game.

Bad advice imo. BG2 has aged well and is still a great game, it introduces you to everything important without bothering about the BG1 stuff too much. BG1 has aged like milk and is much, much harder to get into. The story is less interesting and your character is crazy weak the entire game.

It's low level DnD vs mid-high level DnD. Mid level is much more engaging and high level is great fun.

top kek

I downloaded that mod once just to see how bad it was and holy shit it's the most special of snowflakes voiced by a late 30's chain smoking russian drag queen.

I liked the Chloe mod though: immediately killing her and selling her swords is a fun way to start the game with a handful of extra cash.

I unironically like the Imoen romance mod.

You're in for one of the best isometric rpgs of all time, right behind fallout 1+2 and arcanum

Jaheira best girl

Dual or multi-class Ranger/Cleric? Which is better?

I think BG2 is far superior, but BG1 is good in its own right as well. It has a more focused structure and is more grounded due to the way it is lower level. The way you actually get to explore around in the wilderness is fun too.

The best thing to do is import BG1 into the BG2 engine so you get all the benefits and improvements.



This. Too bad she is multiclass though.

Antiquated and tired game mechanics. Walking simulator with superfluous dialog.

Anyone who actually recommends this hot garbage is viewing the game through nostalgia-tinted glasses.

What happen?

>The best thing to do is import BG1 into the BG2 engine so you get all the benefits and improvements.
I really like BG1 so playing them together as a single game is how I prefer to play it - but there's no denying that BG1 is tedious as all hell if you're not a class which is decent at low levels. Playing BG1 as a sorcerer is pure suffering.

>TOB is shit btw, so don't play it

Not even close to true. ToB is great fun and gives decent closure to the story.

It's not amazing but it's definitely not bad and it's certainly worth playing. Plus You get to properly kill Saemon Harvarian

She would be irrelevant if she wasn't multiclass. Pure druids are shit.

Yeah, fuck BG1. I loved it back in the day but I don't have the time nor the patience for low-level DnD these days. BG2 is a much more pleasant experience.

I really wish more games operated like that.

>give you a distant yet achievable goal X
>have fun, find your own way to it

Way too much "go to A, then B and C" handholding these days.

So is Twisted Rune even beatable without cheesecaking your way like a retard?

I prefer Dual. You miss out on High-Level Ranger abilities but you level up Ranger faster and get more HP.

Then once you're done with Ranger you level up Cleric at an accelerated rate, enjoying the larger spell list.

She should have been pure warrior though. Her druid levels is basically an xp drain.

>Any advice?

Do all quests before you sail to go rescue Imoen.
Make sure Yoshimo is in your party when you go rescue Imoen, even if you haven't used him. Make space for him.

Download the mod that lets you romance Jaheria, Viconia and Aerie at the same time. It's just more fun that way.

Don't get the mod that lets you own all the class buildings, that's too much for a first run-through, save that kind'a finnicky shit for second/later runs.

That's not a bad thing. Jaheira learns Druid spells insanely fast thanks to Druids having such a fast leveling curve, and she functions well enough as a secondary tank for the whole game - especially if you get her things like Iron Skins.

Once she learns Insect Plague at level 9 Druid, fights against groups of mages become hilariously easy.

I use the mod that gives Druids cleric speed level advancement and Cleric spell slot advancement. Makes things more balanced.

It means slower levels early on but much faster between 14 and 15 onward.

Insect plague my friend

>too bad

you need to play D&D, my friend

They seem to have implemented some additional "improvements" recently. It took me few minutes to go through all the menus to uncheck all the boxes but at least you can still unfuck it.

At higher levels, sure. Have a cleric summon Skeletal Warriors to fuck up the Beholder and fighter, have Keldorn beat up the rest with Carsomyr and truesight.

Is using Carsomyr consider cheese in and of itself?

Mage fights are hilariously easy once you get a wand of cloudkill, ie right after Irenicus' dungeon.

>iron skin

>Hunting around for mods

Come the fuck on. It's got one of the most well maintained Mod collections in gaming history.

>As long as you're not gem-duping most of that stuff is too expensive though, so it's not too bad.

Don't need to do anything like that. Just sell the most expensive thing you have (probably Daystar) to a fence then steal it back, then repeat forever.

It's still pretty much cheating but it's working entirely within the game's internal logic rather than an exploit.

>Make sure Yoshimo is in your party when you go rescue Imoen, even if you haven't used him.

I don't like Yoshimo, which sucks because he's the perfect replacement for Imoen early on. Nalia can't pick locks for shit and Yan is just annoying.

>you need to play D&D, my friend

>Mage fight are hilariously easy once you get a wand of cloudkill
ftfy - it's a single charge of cloudkill - big whoop.

We are talking about BG though. Multiclass are great early and midgame.

Mediocre. The long casting time makes them less useful for warriors in the fray of things.

There's a Thief Level 4 who is only good for one quest then you can safely drop her forever killing her then dropping her so she can't bother anyone ever again is best

>Just sell the most expensive thing you have (probably Daystar)
I'm starting to feel retarded for not having ever picked up Daystar before. Seems like it's common knowledge.

Sell it, buy it back -> 50 charges of cloudkill.

>long casting time
>lasts 12 hours

That's why you cast it before a fight, it last like 12 hours

>and Yan is just annoying.

That's a shame man, because Jan has some of the best dialogue/banter in the game, along with one of the better companion quests.

He's a solid party member and I personally found him to be a lott'a fun.

Might be nostlagia talking though, now he may be a bit too "quirky" for me. Haven't played in years.

That seems like a glitch.

I think Jan Jansen is pretty hilarious since he pisses off most of the NPCs with his ridiculous stories.

I didn't care for him when I was young and edgy but now I love the little fucker. I can see why others wouldn't feel the same, he's very love it or hate it.

Shame his personal quest is shit. You get nothing good from it and it has no closure. Probably one of the most fucked up things in the game. He's even more of a cuck than Keldorn

The best thing about Yoshi is that he gets along with everyone purposefully, except Haerdalis. Haerdalis is an actor and he can tell when someone else is just acting and refusing to get along with Yoshi. A nice touch

Baldur's Gate 2 doesn't have enough good thieves, sadly.

>casting time = duration

casting time is irrelevant when your spell lasts 12 fucking hours

I'll add Yan to my group the next time I play. Not this time though. I like my thief-less team for this run.

So you cast it before a fight and laugh as she becomes a Wall.

Do you wait until combat starts for your mages to cast Stoneskin?