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Is this game fun?

>there are people who paid full price for Battleborn

Are battleborn fans the battered housewives of the gaming community?

Yes, it's definitely worth the $30 it costs

no, that's wow fans

So many retards who have never played Battleborn.

Such a boring PvP only game with generic heroes, 20 ticks, hit boxes for retards, 39.99 $ "loot boxes" and only TF2 like modes get pushed because Blizzard is behind the game.

Battleborn has everything:
-PvP (capture the flag, Moba like mode and a protect your minions on their way to the target mode)
-PvE (complete story mode with 8 huge maps and one huge tutorial map)
-26+4 unique heroes (no bullshit copy pasta "just change the skin color" heroes like Overwatch)
-great humor (not this foreign "HELDEN STERBEN NICHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" meme bullshit)
-Some Overwatch heroes are very similar to Battleborn Heroes (Mercy=Miko; Hanzo=Thorn; Phara= Benedict; Widowmaker=Marquis; Roadhog=Ghalt)
-AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: You can play PvE and PvP completely without any player (alone or with bots)

Also: Gerbox will add
-5 new huge story Missions
-4 new Heroes
-more PvP maps
-a better reporting system for PvP matches

battleborn players are desperate as fuck


Lol you bought a dead on arrival game and call others retards... thanks champ you made my day

They are the widows who put fresh flowers on their husband's grave every week and freak out if someone suggests they should move on

Sounds like a nice community. I guess I'll buy the game.
I could actually improve my bait by actually buying the game then refunding it later but I can't be bothered doing it.

I paid 18€ for Battleborn and I kinda like it, for what it is. The characters totally suck and I'd rather play Monday Night Combat or something, but I like the MOBA-style and whenever I'm tired of Overwatch, I play a few rounds of Battleborn. That being said, the graphics wanna make me puke.
Anyhow, if you're looking for a game like Battleborn, you might wait for Paragon, which looks super-polished and will be free to play.

Not that guy, but you bought normie trash.

Anyone who touched either game is a piece of shit who doesn't understand what a good game is.

>You can play PvE and PvP completely without any player (alone or with bots)
>Play PvP completely without any player

He does have a good point. Battleborn players are going to have to find a way to play PvP by themselves at this rate.


Is there any numbers how many gearbox computers are set on idle?

nice try shill

battleborn threads now are about as dead as the actual game

i love the game. im playing it constantly. so if you want any advice, please hop on. im pretty good at this game.

>It's a "Blizzard sabotages Battleborn because they know overwatch doesn't compare" episode



People will get tired of overhype and come running to battleborn you'll see!

He's right though. Overwatch is an incredibly casual game.

>there are people who paid any price for Battleborn


Over 22 years lol what?


No it won't. It's full price game and it's fucking terrible.

>easy you's.jpg

Nice projecting...

Nope, that's Payday 2 fans

Does anyone know where early videos of this creature can be found. Before it got ridiculous surgery performed upon itself.
I fucking know there's a video on youtube somewhere.

would fug that guy

Payday 2 fan here, can confirm.

The devs haven't really done anything shady as far as battleborn is concerned. Overkill have been massive jews since launch and I still keep going back and blowing them with my wallet

It's so sad. I've only ever seen the videos where she has his balls removed


The funny thing is that guy probably thought "people will read this and switch over because of me, Gearbox

Wasn't their a Battleborn mosaic earlier today?

Does anybody have it?


Fuck I'm sleepy

>Overwatch is an incredibly casual game
Mate, that's where Blizzard is cashing in.
Open the Battlenet launcher, and what do you see:
MMO for casuals
>Diablo III
ARPG for casuals
RTS for casuals
Magic the Gathering (or Yugioh) for casuals
>Heroes of the Storm
MOBA for casuals

Anyone who followed Overwatch knew from day one what it was gonna be. FPS for casuals.
And guess what: shit sells. Like hotcakes.
Gearbox went chasing a piece of the market that they have pissed off already while also ignoring the casuals.

You can't blame Blizzard man. They know their audience, and they know how to cater to them.

>It's full price game
u wot m8

>all heroes and gameplay items completely free
holy shit, how are they going to make money off this?

why does this term still exist
how do people unironically say it

Because Riot gotta make sure they aren't calling the genre Dota-like. It's a way to make money and get brand loyal people.

Because everyone knows what you mean and describing it even further seems kinda pointless. I usually just call them "online games" or "shit".

Full disclaimer: I have not played Battleborn and probably never will.

Overall impressions were mixed-to-fair, the playerbase seems low and dwindling by the day largely comprised of contrarians and children who hitched their semi-annual vidya gift to the wrong horse.

To be fair, the game is receiving undue barbs for alleged Overwatch comparisons. If this game was released in October/November and tanked, it would just be forgotten instead of the butt of many jokes.

I bought Overwatch first,since im a poorfag now i desperately try to get someone to gift me battleborn and ill give them my overwatch account.
Overwatch is boring af

Skins, probably

tf2 matchmaking isn't even out, and isn't even the full game and finding a match is only like 30 seconds right now


>squeezing 23 years worth of playtime into two months'
God damn, now that's dedication


Daily reminder: Refund Battleborn before it clocks you 2Hours and or 2 weeks after the sale.

I don't understand why being casual means I should automatically hate it. Whats wrong with playing a casual game?

That's a pretty woman. Does anyone know her name?


How long until it's F2P? I give it 6 months at most.

>tfw Granny still does this
>It's been nearly six years
Thanks for reading my blog

I know why he would put tape over the camera but why tape the microphone jack?

>premium item shop
That's the final nail in the coffin, right?

Wow, this only got 71 on Metacritic? Holy shit.

Also, MOBAs are inherently associated with F2P junk played by kids and 3rd worlders. Trying to turn that into a "proper" game is an exercise in futility. No different from making a $60 Clash of Clans


it's a shame he looks like something straight out of a frankenstein novel without any clothes