What's your family opinion about games you play in front of them?
What's your family opinion about games you play in front of them?
They think my games are literally autism
But that's not true
They are right
>"Why are you playing those Goddang videyo gaems when you could be doing something else?!"
Every time. Always during a CSGO match and fucking up my streaks.
This is why I don't play video games if there's people home.
They ask me to stop playing vn's and go talk to real people.
I'd rip on you for playing a shit game, but I can emphasize with that.
Same deal when I'm playing Overwatch, with the exception that they have an impecable sense of timing: 30 seconds away from match ending? They'll unplug the modem to get my attention.
Which I'd understand if they first called and I didn't answer. Not if it replaces calling alltogether.
Who's the blob beneath yours?
Why is she playing a lewd game in teh living room.
>Why are we watching you playing video games when we could be watching TV as a family?
>You buy another game again?
>Grow up, you're an adult. Games are for kids.
>That's waste of money.
because why not?
Because she wants to play them on the ultra hd tv, and not on the small 1080 monitor
>Why are you playing as a girl?
>What language are they even speaking this isnt english
My dad kind of likes video games but doesn't really play them (He worked at Gamestop early 2000's and had a Dreamcast). He liked watching me play RDR and New Vegas.
My mom probably thinks I can be something better with my time and money but she doesn't really mind. She talks more negatively about my brother being into anime and figures.
> dad comes in
> playin CoD Ghosts
> that looks really good, may I try
> set everything up for him
> he can even beat certain levels on easy
> mfw
I'm not a shameless normalshit.
My sister would always watch me play video games, and sometimes I watch her. Though she is admittedly a casual.
Mom is too drunk and Dad is never around.
W-what is that cute little girl playing?
>tfw growing up playing videogames in mexico and seeing your parents relationship crumble little by little and pretend youre not aware of it so your crying mother wont worry much about you.
I played Diddy Kong racing, battletanks, and smash with my sibblings a lot.
Fuck off beaner
Did you bang her?
>try to explain EU3 to my Mum
>she hasnt got a clue
Shes all about Popcap and Tetris games
The one with the second purest form of love.
My dad thinks every single game has multiplayer.
>Are ya playing with other people there, son?
>a mom that thinks anime is trash
Where can she sign to adopt me? And also to let me into her puss?
>play game in front of dad
>cut scene comes on
>"What is this horse shit? This is just a movie!"
My dad used to play RTS games all the time but now he plays facebook and iphone games more. We used to play Everquest and WoW together too. I kind of miss that.
My mom played Animal Crossing City Folk for a long time but just got bored of it. She would rather watch TV I guess. She gets really excited over Game of Thrones and Walking Dead. It's weird.