

I feel like this was done so that half of the cat's face isn't covered by the ESRB logo

They already said it wasn't censorship, it was so Morgana's face wasn't covered by ESRB.


So they moved the cat over because she would've been covered by the esrb rating?

"Just ignore them!"
~Sup Forums, 2014

it's so that faggot cat isn't covered up by the rating pending sticker

god i hate this stupid board

Also to hide that fucking llama neck.

Jesus christ, 30 years of drawing the same face and Japan collectively still can't figure out how to draw, much less make a fucking video game.

It was to hide the ayy lmao neck

are americans thsi insecure about their sexuality?

>As Hardin explained on Twitter, the change to the box art was done simply because of the ESRB logo placement and size: Was not expecting this, BUT. The changes to P5 boxart is because the ESRB and CERO placement/sizes are different. We didn’t want to hide Morgana’s face, so we adjusted the placement. Take the tinfoil hats off.

Yes, and a bunch of anti-sjw types got offended over the 'censorship' because there are now fewer visible boobs.

Because it's against the Sharia Law, goy

a better fix is to not have a rating sticker on the front.
i know its regulation or whatever, but its fucking retarded

>I get autistic over a cover change as if it's new or reflects the actual game


>take the tinfoil hats off
Is there an industry more disrespectful of its consumers than videogames?

If the ESRB didn't exist, the government would tell us what games to release. Nobody wants that.


fuck off with your logic

> this thread will reach the post limit as if we didnt discuss this 500 times before

How do I stop coming to Sup Forums

Maybe if you retards didn't scream MUH CENSORSHIP REEEEEE BURN THEM ST THE STAKE over a fucking cover being changed.

her boobs werent even visible int he first place

When your fanbase are weeb manchildren that live vicariously through their Japanese avatars thinking "this...this is how my HIGHSCHOOL experience should've been..." who go ballistic just because of a simple cover art change, it's ok to be a little cndescending

heheheh.... boobies...

that's the impression I get but people have gotten to the point where literally any change is met with people pissing themselves in righteous fury about "muh censorship."

I won't defend games that remove/change things just to not offend people but not everything is like that, that's not how the world works.

Now if the game comes out and shit's been fucked with then that's a problem.

No because no other industry has consumers as spastic as those of videogames.

Play good video games

I'm really fucking triggered
Fuck nintendo

Hey now, don't lump us in with the autismal spergelords that are weeaboos.

bitch has nothing to censor. and besides, it's just box art. I can't be the only person on Sup Forums that throws that shit away and put my disk in a spindle.

i dont understand why sjwcucks will proudly proclaim they are sluts and that sex is good but then covers up anime titties.

Much better!

I thought only Nintendo Cencored

>It's the journey not the destiny

Spoilers are OK, Atlus said it so.

Why does Sup Forums love anime titties but hate sluts?


That actually makes sense.

are you bait or actually serious?
next time read the thread

>implying the literal original goobergators, the ones who watched ever single Anita video and harassed her online; the ones who created the whole five guys mess
>implying those people ever said just ignore them

Fuck off, retard

Right, because no one acts obnoxious in the world except when it comes to videogames. In every other business outright insulting a customer is a big taboo, and time and time again I see PR people in the video games industry stepping over that line.

Be professional. Assuage peoples concerns and move on.

Different groups you retards. There are prude feminists who want all men to die and there are sex positive feminists who think being an STD riddled whore is empowering because the nuclear family is the work of the patriarchy, etc.

The best part is they fight amongst themselves a lot, like all liberals do.

Why couldn't they just make a cover that wouldn't require any editing in between different regions?

It's pretty stupid that they moved it to simply not cover the cat's face when the cero logo already does that.
Why wouldn't they move the cat face on the JP version as well so it's not covered at all?

Shut up, Fatlus. The only feelings you have are tfw no gf

cero is smaller

only a tiny bit
Why wouldn't they move the cat's face despite it being covered by the cero logo?

If there intention was to move the cat's face so it's not blocked by a logo, why would they not follow this logic for the JP version?

No it isn't. Are you niggers this sensitive? Wow a cat dude's head was moved slightly up and covered some chick's cleavage (that's barely even there, mind you), it's so horrible! The kikes and SJWs are winning!
No fuck off. You know porn is a thing, right?

Do people not see the neck

No dual audio No buy

Eat shit John

The autismo in this board is so fucking amusing.

Good. I'm glad blatantly sexist shit is going away from gaming. Shit's embarrassing. I'm not 13 anymore.

That's it. I'm organizing a boycott of this PC shit

japan isnt smart. morgana being covered by the logo in that version isn't a good decision

So instead of covering half the cat they decided to cover half the girl?

Why don't they just move both of them up? There's space above the girl.

No, you faggots really need to take off the tinfoil hats.

It's no conspiracy that certain forces is trying to castrate us by removing anything sexual or "demeaning" to women. They're doing it RIGHT NOW

So putting giant anime boobs in a video game isn't pandering to men, but taking giant anime boobs out of a video game is pandering to women.

OK thanks Kotakuinaction, your logic is sound.

lol fuck off conspiratard

Your fedora is showing

You can't stop the war for justice and truth, jew. We're showing the world of your falsehood

What's with her fucking neck, what is she? a giraffe?

If every video game had guys dressed like this on the cover, I'm sure you wouldn't buy them. Welcome to what it's like being a girl gamer 24/7.

If you're any indication, they're going an awesome job of it.

That's not really an argument with all girls being bisexual anyway

i think they were actually trying to hide tue unusually long neck

>Tfw you don't want anything to do with the "debate" between inconsistent SJWs and prissy autistic neckbeards but they've chosen to use your hobby for their battleground

>all girls being bisexual anyway

lose some weight fatty and stop whining


It's okay when Sony does it


>Consumers are sick of censorship in video games
>Gets insulted
>wonders why the game tanks while still insulting consumers

these idiots in charge need to understand, if you censor a game, we all will know because of how the internet works.

I believe the ESRB thing however.

B-but user, Sony never does it

I can't wait for muslims to take over and censor the girl on the street, some of their outfits are problematic

You're with us, justice and truth or against us. You can't remain neutral in this war.

I'm sure it's the people at atlus


are you stupid

ESRB doesn't allow for cleavage on the cover since 7th gen, just look at the guilty gear Xrd cover



You're one of those idiots that thinks Anita Sarkeesian is a shadow puppet overlord that has complete control over the gaming industry, aren't you?

Girls are not bothered by looking at paintings of attractive females (except landwhales and SJWs)

sony isnt the one publishing it

It's not stupid when it's what really is happening. Can you prove otherwise? My proof is right in front of you. In the OP's picture and the UN

>meanwhile in America

no bothered, because they are looking more at the hunky men.

both genders are the same at the "gaze"



Nice counterarguement, sis

As anyone who isn't a retard/lazily trolling would

It's ok when Sony does it!

its ok as long it is implied with a black cock and white woman :^)

While that isn't true, anyone in denial there isn't a web of favoritism in gaming that should have been brought to mainstream eyes years ago is a faggot contrarian.

Bitching about cancer and off topic discussion while making his 10th shitpost this hour.

That's clearly moving the cat so he's not almost entirely blocked by the increased size of the raiting sticker though.

>implying europeans are human

>she is licking dat black freedom

Why is your country so progressive murrifats?

>A sledgehammer is "dat black freedom"

well call me John Henry, I'm gonna pound some railroad stakes.