It's really not hard

It's really not hard.

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Not hard, just tedious with the backtracking and item menu on the n64


the entire game is overrated trash

It was my favorite dungeon because all others were too straight forward.

It's good but definitely overrated.

do you know if the 3ds version fixed the laggy menu opening?

I pushed a block the wrong way and blocked the way to the hookshot. Since I couldn't pull the block back, my entire save was fucked.


It's hard not to drop the game there out of boredom, though

No. Why is that important?

to open a laggy menu is really annoying, it makes it really annoying to play

Yes, the menu is on the bottom screen now

I never thought anything of it. Maybe you're just autistic.

or maybe your head is broken since you cant notice the flaws

Or maybe I just don't care.

Now run along I'm sure your wrangler is worried about you.

sure, you can eat shit all you like.

>15 year olds who werent alive when it was released are claiming its overrated


>I was 7 when i played it so its good :)

I dont even need to play it to see that its shit, your average mobile game probably has more depth (not to mention better graphics)

bub, i was playing tomb raider 3, lba 2, commander keen 4 when ocarina of time was new.
my family never had an n64 so i only played it on a badly programmed n64 emulator


You too.

poorly coded*

>another person on the internet doesnt like what i like

Why exactly would you save after doing that?

it's where i dropped the game for 6 months

I've never liked any Zelda besides Minish Cap maybe.
Even though I played the first ones I don't seem to find the appeal in it.
What do you guys like so much about it?

>Two people are having a perfectly good argument

>perfectly good argument
i seem to have lost my sight, where is it?

Maybe you just don't know what a real argument since you're just used to calling everyone a cuck and close the thread once someone has a different opinion than you.

I remember everybody was like, water temple duuude, fucking hard as fuck, etc ..
Finally get the game, reach to water temple and beat that shit in less than 1 hour, I was extremely disappointed with the game from that point onwards, the battle with dark link was neat though.

wheres the argument though?

So, what game do you like?

please tell us what your favorite games are user

currently playing through tomb raider 2, been enjoying that a lot.


no arguments, not a single one

>comparing oot which relased in 98' in terms of graphics to 2016 games
>thinking graphics make a good game
you are the most retarded piece of shit i've found this month

Prove it.

you read all the posts, surely thats proof enough.
its right there after all

i've seen this exact conversation 8 times on Sup Forums over the past couple years.

is this a meme i'm not aware about

But those are arguments though. Just because you think they aren't doesn't mean so.

Where did I say that? I literally listed graphics after the actual problem, which is that it plays worse than your average mobile game

not him but are you retarded?

so tell me, how are those arguments?
"Prove it."

not hard but still annoying

Agree, just don't make mistakes too much with the water level also 3DS version is beter with the iron boots being mapped to a button.

People discussing two conflicting opinions in an angry fashion.


thats not arguing, just flinging shit.

It kind of is, but maybe I'm stupid.
I'm doing it currently in my playthrough, what's the best strategy?


No difference.

whatever you say kiddo

Fucking great music for it, no doubt.

Better than the Forest Temple.

You seem to forget where we are.

im very aware, im in a zelda thread after all

AKA Sup Forums

Do you really think actual arguments go on here?

they can, if you visit the right threads.. usually not about video games of course

Yeah only if it's porn.

again with this shit?

we know its fucking easy as the deku tree.

we thought it was hard when we were what, 7-10 years old?

get fucked, nigger.

the best strategy is to get good
the second best is to do everything you can do until you can't do anymore, then move to the next water level and repeat

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