Why is this shit allowed?
Games aren't even in order.
Why is this shit allowed?
Games aren't even in order.
They are in order, alphabetical order.
That's not the right order
Make categories if it bothers you that much
It still wouldn't fix orders like this.
I can put all the FFs in a category called "Final Fantasy" but they would still be out of order.
Write a letter to Gabe and tell him to let you organize your library however you want
I comes before X. So they are in the right order alphabetically.
They're literally not though
Look at tomb raider again
Yes, why are people who own Undertale allowed to post on Sup Forums?
Numeric order should supersede Alphabetical order
But those are letters. Not numbers.
Either way, they're still not in alphabetical order of you look at the clump of tomb raider games.
Well thats just like. Your opinion man.
But seriously im not coding expert but how can you tell a list whats a number and whats a roman numeral?
>owning undertale
>having it installed
fuck off leddit
This is why I use categories.
Oh I get it now.
Titles are in alphabetical order, and then within the same franchise, somewhat chronological.
how dare I try out a game and see if its bad before blindly following Sup Forums
Categories won't let me fix numerical order issues with the Final Fantasy games though, that's very frustrating
I shouldn't say within the same franchise, rather, within the same title
You think Valve gives a shit?
They're too busy swimming in money to care.
See, category didn't help. I still can't get the FFs in the correct order
It goes 4, 4-2, 9, 5, 7, 8, 14, 13-3
>pc master race
You think that's bad?
Set each in it's own category with just numbers, duh
Enjoy your ban.
why is this allowed
>ITT: OP is autistic
Either make your games all caps on steam, or don't make your games all caps on steam.
I'm so fucking sick of that inconsistency.
So you're inplying that you formulated your own opinion about it being bad? Because you still have it installed.
>not selecting free order option
this still triggers my tism
The most annoying is telltale episodes being different games and not one with unlockable episdes as you buy them. Or at least S&M is like that i dunno the more recent ones