ITT games that were so bad that you feel angry at wasting your time just trying it out after pirating it/buying and...

ITT games that were so bad that you feel angry at wasting your time just trying it out after pirating it/buying and refunding it

I'll start

Devil May Cry 2 pissed me off pretty good

i lost interest after the cute jew left

Has he come out yet?

Payday 2

What a huge fucking mistake on my part.

Original xbox version is ok though, since it's just Chaos Theory 2.5

any game that has this guy, or his shitty studios name attatched
>Heavenly Sword
one of the most cringeworthy pieces of shit ever
>Enslaved Odyssey to the West
one of the most insulting pieces of shit ever
one of the most boring pieces of shit ever




That game is boring uttershit.

this. I still don't know why that happened. Zivra/dinozzo OTP.

This. New girl isn't bad, but she's no Ziva.

Fallout 4
Shadow of Mordor
Assassin's Creed Revelations


Is Tameem the single most tryhard man in vidya?

Waited 3 years for that shit, only to drop it half way.

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

FF13. The only redeeming qualities were the cutscenes and some of the music tracks.

Characters and plot were straight garbage.

Literally me, FF12 was just plainn borinng for me but at least it had quite some redeemable aspects, FF13 was full style and no substance at all, fucking piece of thrash, Lighting is probably my most hated videogame character ever

Has anyone got the screencap of the script for Enslaved where someone is talking about Tameems process for making characters?
>so we get to this part early on where theres this innocent civilian hanging over a ledge of a flying ship, asking Monkey for help, and Tameem says he should just "kick him in the face and send him to his death". We asked why the character would do this, because it seemed like a dick move that comes out of nowhere, and Tameem responded with "because itll be badass, the character is a badass". Noone in the room agreed, it just made Monkey look like a asshole if hes killing random civillians for no real reason so we didnt include it, we went around this in the game by not having Monkey kill the civilian, he just cant get over to help him in time before falling
This is how he thinks, killing for no reason and swearing is cool. Hes "that kid" in highschool only he left highschool.

Nuclear Throne

Xenoblade X for the Wiiu.
Most expensive piece of shit I ever bought and I cant refund it. Gotts sell to another idiot.


Limbo and This War of mine, utterly pretentious shit.

Why didn't the original xbox version get a pc port?

Crysis 2

I stopped when the enemies can see through walls

Dead Space 3, I got it for free for buying SimCity, and a I still regret purchasing both

The AI in that game was so terrible, one enemy sees you when you're in stealth and 40 enemies instantly aggro. If I was immersed at all, it was broken then. I still finished it, but a pretty trash game tbhfam.

>tfw pirated subnautica, papers please, enter the gungeon, super hexagon, rabi rabi, luftrausers, stardew valley, rogue legacy, nuclear throne and had fun with none of them
>tfw pirated serious sam 3 bfe and enjoyed the second half of it

Man I'm glad I'm able to enjoy video games