Ask a black man anything you wish about video gmaes

Ask a black man anything you wish about video gmaes


How many of them did you steal?

What's up?


What are your favorate games?

Why aren't you thanking the white man for taking your subhuman ancestors to the land he built up?

Galko S2 when?

Galko likes negro dicks

How's your pro wrestling career working out?

>I'm black btw :))))))))

Fuck off.

Ask a South African/Rhodesian whose entire family's heritage and national pride was destroyed by Africans.

Why are black guys so bitchy?

Hello mr nigger, could you recommendate me some mmos

I still can't believe they're making this. The nendoroid made sense, but for such a small and insignificant series isn't something this size a little much?

That's wrong. She said one black actor was handsome. Remember when those Japanese women were calling a gorilla handsome? It's literally the same thing.

Going by the anime she's more into shota boys than negros.

Her breasts are too large

can confirm

Galko sucks black dick

>She said one black actor was handsome
that means she wants black dick user

Why should we care?

>muh victimhood

I thank them everyday sir.

I've cut all other africans from my life because they're honestly all negative and self-defeating niggers. The only black person I talk to is my welfare whoring mom whom I refuse to give even a single penny to unless her pantry's are empty because she can't handle her finances responsibly.

All my brothers and sisters are either in jail, married to someone in jail, or are too stupid to even comprehend the law.

At this point I've vowed never to marry, have children, or even have sex with other races to prevent tainting their women. I hire a prostitute (she's black) once a month to ease my lust and release stress.

I think for a nigger I'm doing pretty well to preserve american culture and prosperity.

what's your favorite fighting game


>Invaders are driven away by the invaded
How dare them

who is best girl

How is life with a 3 inch dick, Rugga?



Galko has pink nipples , confirmed she is white

>At this point I've vowed never to marry, have children, or even have sex with other races to prevent tainting their women.
this is where you fucked up

you need to breed with white women and raise good children to save the black community

Are you a black man with a short black man?

Niggers can't into RTS


Why are you a nigger?

How often were you called "oreo" or trying to be white in school?
Why must we get along with a group that hates us on principle?

Am I the only one White femalewho wants to fuck a black man?

are you excited about the new zelda?


Lmao. Pray tell where are you from? If you're from anywhere but Europe or mainland Asia you're an invader yourself buddy :^)