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Whats the most unnerving moment you've seen in a Video Game? Something which caught you off guard.

>inb4 "jumpscares are totally disturbing guys"

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my penis wenis

I'll count it user.

The point in Silent Hill 2 where there's suddenly a quiz show over the radio.

What exactly happens?

Probably the one supply closet in Silent Hill 3's mall level. It's where one of the save points is and where you have to get the key out from under something by using the tongs from the bakery. I forget what prompts it, but when you walk in there you can just hear subtle stomping/knocking from the floor above you. Other than the slight thuds from above it's complete silence, and for some reason that freaked me the fuck out. Something about knocking coming from a door or the sounds of footsteps from above is unsettling to me within the context of horror.

Otherwise stuff surrounding parasitism. A good example is the worm that can attack you and lay an egg to grow on your head in Dark Souls. That type of shit in games always freaks me out.

Well when you're in the hospital you ride an elevator, and for some reason it takes way longer than normal to travel between floors. Your radio, which normally blares static, starts going and a quiz show host comes on.

He acts like a stereotypical host but he's talking to your character directly, and you get fed three questions. Then he tells you go to to the storage room on the third floor, where you input the quiz answers to get an item.

It's really bizarre and weird.

Not that guy, but there's a point in SH2's hospital area where you ride an elevator and suddenly over the loud speaker an announcer starts up a gameshow. He asks three questions each with three choices alongside cheering from some audience and a generally ecstatic tone. You can then enter the "answers" into a box in one room in the hospital for items.

It's probably the strangest moment in the entire game since it's not really a joke like the Dog ending yet it takes place after fighting off horrific monster nurses.

It certainly unnerved me that Kojima could waste that much time with a shit codec call

...Metal Gear Soild 2 AI corruptions

I need to finish SH2, My PS2 crapped out before I could finish but jesus.

I've never played a Metal Gear game but even just seeing people talking in a thread last night about this, made me scared even without watching the video. I don't even fucking know why, maybe the idea of everything around you suddenly being crazy while you're naked and alone?

>Snake. You are alone and surrounded by bad guys.

Give them a whirl user. The first game has a pretty awesome twist itself and some freaky horror stuff too.

Doesnt Metal Gear Solid 5 get pretty fucking dark? Like, even by Kojima's standards?


They all have some spooky and supernatural elements to them.

Best thing to do is play them and make up your own mind on each. In release order, of course.

Raiden something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go - I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?

Also what I was about to post, the fucking swamp level in fucking Halo, jesus christ.

>colourful alien space shooter
>let's introduce horror elements!

I was totally not prepared for it. You get sent to a dark swamp and you haven't got your regular partner, it's just you alone against the aliens. But you immediately notice that something's wrong because your motion tracker shows friendly yellow dots moving about in the swamp that disappear if you approach, and you can see shadowy figures up on unreachable ledges. Then when you find the alien troopers they're all disorderly and confused and the commander aliens are totally missing. You end up heading inside this ancient bunker and you find an alien barricade but it's facing into the bunker, which is another major red flag.

Then you go through a bunch of rooms full of blood and guts human and alien, find a human marine who shoots you while rambling, then find a door at the bottom. You open it and a fucking human corpse falls into your arms. The MC takes out the camera chip from his headset and watches a video of the soldiers entering the room he just did and then bam.

The zombies attack. Scared the shit out of me.

>le jumpscares are bad meme
Used only by kids

Because I love when Movies build up to something jumping out and screaming down my ear.

dude weed lmao

I wish, but I don't have a ps, only a laptop.

Emulate them, honey. ePSXe will run on anything, go to /vg/'s emulator thread or whatever for an easy guide.

it can be very effective

So what was up with this sudden tone shift?

The music doesnt even show up in the OST?

Fairly recent. It's not THE scariest thing, but pretty unsettling. Great atmosphere, and it's the closest thing to Kojima horror we have.


inb4 manic miner

Oh, thanks I will try
I guess I kinda regret watching the video and spoilering mgs2 a little bit. But I'm also glad I didn't find out while playing because I would have freaked out real bad.

manic miner

It could actually work better if WE HAD PROPER BOSS BATTLES

Gary McGolden was right all along

Yeha, fuck this place. It was pretty damn unnerving/scary, I remember bumrushing the fuck out of there once the fireman came in

the music box scene in Fable 2 caught me offguard. The demon door in one of the Fables games too that leads to an idyllic little home, but as you approach the scenery changes and there's evidence of gruesome murder in this little cottage.

Am I the only one who didn't miss good boss battles in MGSV? The whole plot was like watching a whole season of The X-Files (specially chapter 2), so I was hooked in anyway.

I actually thought the burning man fight was pretty fun, because you could do tons of silly stuff with him like ramming him off the cliff with a car into the river.

In Ace Combat Zero there's a mission where you're escorting bombers that are targeting an civilian industrial area.

You can get extra money by helping out with the bombing, but if you do, you get to hear over the radio as civilians are trapped inside burning buildings, screaming and pleading to get out. It only stops when their radio melts with a shrill shrieking noise. Spooked the shit out of me.

I would love to get into Ace Combat series, but it's so repetitive

This whole game is depressing to say something.

I can think of specific examples but it's kind of a common thing in RPGs.

You know that feeling when you're at a town or location and you're comfortable with it, but then you leave and you just know that at one point you're going to come back and something horrible will have happened to the town?

I always end up expecting the worst any time I catch sight of the place again.

And chapter 3.

still mad

>Because I love when Movies build up to something scaring me and making me tense
t. What you sound like

Good jumpscares are good. Stop it with the "all jumpscares are bad" meme

This is so fucking chilling.

How the fuck did he get it so correct?

Wasn't necessarily scary but the God/Dog supermutant in Fallout NV's Dead Money really unnerved the first time around. His whole back story of having to fight himself, combined with the setting and his whole life being a constant battle really did it for me

Recently? This.

What's that about?

Playing TW: Black when it launched when I was 10.

that wasn't unnerving, it was plain dumb.

this ending of Neptuina mk2

She admits hating you for just observing their world from the "other side of the glass".

Last thing was those 3 witches in TW 3 for the barons wife questline. I was not expecting them to have a physical form and damn were they grotesque.

Oh, like that dating sim where the girl gets angry at the player for fucking over her relationship with the protagonist.

Homeworld: Cataclysm's 3rd mission.
Where the pod you found contains a bio-mechanical virus that infects the lower decks of your flag ship. The only thing you can do about it is sit back and listen to the screams of the crew as they are apparently ripped apart by the virus and turned into a gigantic neural system that tries to take control of your ship. The surviving crew jetison the lower decks and have you investigate them later only for them to wake up and infect your science vessel and it's escorting fighters. And a group of pirates who wouldn't listen to your warnings Never expected an RTS to take this route. Still haunts me to this day.

Something like that, yes

First time Mahiru counter-argues you during Danganronpa 2. Not terrifying, but took me off guard.

That level was done extremely well. Especially the lead up where you go past the cliff with the constant fog. Unsettling as fuck.

That part in the Hospital in Silent Hill 1 on the first floor I think where you hear the weirdest fucking noises behind a door but you can't get to the source of it.


Lisa Trevor.

The ending of Trails in the Sky 1 and the start of Trails 2 broke my heart. They set up the most adorable, innocent protagonist and damn near destroyed her utterly. But it also made me really determined to help her out again in the second game.

>mfw seeing her "head/face" up close for the first time

Thats was more disturbing than I remember it being.

but they are kinda.
they are easy to do and not really scary on their own. They feel cheap and don't have a lasting effect. A six year old can hidd behind the next corner and surprise you, but this doesn't make it good horror

I like how the radio in the hut in the fog area plays creepy news stories about axe murderers and shit from America. IIRC it was stuff from PT they reused, but still scary.

The custcene after the mission, while not as scary, really sets the tone for the game. You can hear the voice actor's disgust and fear while he tries to explain what he has found about the Beast and how it works.
Still fucking bummed that they lost the source code. Was expecting an awesome HD remake desu.

I just started playing REmake. It doesn't seem too scary, does it get worse? I already got the Book of Curses. The window that had some glass break off kinda spooked me though.

Yeah it was a PT Easter egg. I was freaking out just waiting for her to show up right after. Still made it was cut.

Voice acting and sound design really carried the whole thing. The screams when the ships get infected and the desperation in the scientists voice is very convincing.

Nearly everything in Bloodborne once you reach the second half

>the Winter Lanterns
>Yahargul singing
>seeing what the prostitute ended up giving birth to

This. I was completely taken aback by this, the final codec convo is my favourite moment in videogames ever

Yeah, skullface makes Chico rape paz that's so fucked up

This piece of shit spooked me pretty badly



Because every idea expressed in that conversation is ripped directly from "The Selfish Gene".

Still a GOAT moment, though.

>"Something's come aboard! Help us! HELP US!"

One of the only good missions in this garbage game

Even if the game was disappointing the intro is probably the best part of them all

>didn't even realize that the radio chatter is the plane crash when Mantis flew above the hospital

This, pretty sure that to this day this is probably the most unnerving music in a Kirby game. And the fact that it's not on the official OST doesn't help.

Paul's death in eternal darkness. He goes through all that terror just to get BTFO at the end. There's also something really unsettling about such evil being in a religious building imo.

There's good jumpscares and bad jumpscares. Stop using jumpscare as an inherent negative, you colossal faggot. Pic related.

>It must be converting the refugees into bio-warheads!

GW's A.I was right


What did he mean by this?

MGS1 and 2 have PC ports, albeit bad ones.

GoW had some creepy moments.

He's dyslexic, he wanted 61 scissors.

It was almost cool in-game.

Those moving sacks in RE4

Gears of War?


Oh I remember this part.
Yeah fuck this part.

I'd argue that even without spoilers, when you reach after Rom and maybe after seeing some ayylmaos in the woods you kinda knew what was up. That's how I felt on my first blind playthrough but when you get kidnapped by a bagman and end up in the creepy ass chapel, pretty unnerving.

The music for these levels made me hate them more than the Horror themed ones

Kojima showed everyone that he would be great at making horror games after the prologue and that part
Too bad that's never going to happen

Seriously, they got quasi survival horror with that level and it was fucking awesome.

Currently, I'm actually reading through "The Flood" which is the only Halo novel that just retells one of the games, CE. It's interesting how much more detail they can get into using words. The fact that they pulled it off so well in a videogame is impressive.

The entire GBC game is extremely unnerving, it feels like something you'd hear described in a creepypasta.

that part in hellbound fucking spooked me.
>Hide in the portable toilet
>it fucking stands near it for a while before leaving

>read the halo books before I played the original
>this part didn't scare me because I had already read about it
>it will never be as memorable for me as it is for someone else playing it for the first time
inb4 >halo books

Jesus christ