How the bloody hell do you beat this quest? Tell me they plan on nerfing Rolf's attack damage...
Rolf Duel
>he didn't bring The Cupcakes of Sorriness
You only have yourself to blame.
>Roll a stealth build
>Rolf Duel cant be stealthed or talked over
I'm getting Vampire Masquarade vibe...
You need to bring the Cupcakes of Sorriness you dickass. You can't beat the son of a shepherd in a duel.
Fuck these fags
>tfw you realize Trailer Park Boys is the grown up version of Ed, Edd, and Eddy
>He doesn't have Pebble in shoe Ed
>Not summoning the friendly "Cleric Edd" NPC midway through the zone.
>Not following your summon to an illusory wall hiding a bonfire and a Hunter's Bakesale.
>Not purchasing 20 jawbreakers worth of baked goods and unlocking Cupcakes of Sorriness quest item for only 1 jawbreaker.
Even if you manage to trigger the mercy condition to survive Rolf's onslaught, you've failed his loyalty mission. Enjoy your unskippable Almighty 3-Shoe Beating after Sarah the Executioner's invasion in 1-3, No-Neck Edd-Boy...
itt: shitters
just spec into That's My Horse (it'll change his attack pattern making it a lot easier to beat him) get those gravy stacks up before the fight and eat a deluxe jawbreaker and the fight is easy as shit
>wanting to fail Rolf's questline
You get more exp and jawbreakers if you do things right.
>He hasn't even made it to hydra Rolf
Rolf w/ fish vs Ed w/ shoepebble equipped. Who wins?
>He didn't debuff him with the jawbreaker in the previous zone
Just use Newspaper's cannon bro,
Why is every Eddy player such a retard?
>He never fought Jib
fucking this
since the last update. Kevin's bike OP pls nerf
>Armor fags ITT
>playing Vanilla
>Hasn't modded in waifus
Absolutely disgusting
>playing many doors rolf in PvP
>faggots can't do jack shit because i'm zipping in and out of doors i've placed all over the arena
>just chipping away at their health with trap doors while staying on the other side of the planet
Why haven't you asshats chosen the best class yet?
>just get a jawbreaker
Yeah, I'll JUST get one, shall I? I'll JUST use the JAWBREAKER that I got so EASILY, right?
You know, the JAWBREAKER that is the rarest fucking drop (.001%) from the Kevin's Garage raid.
Sorry, how stupid of me.
At least the quest reward is worth it. Motherfuckin Eels of Forgiveness are the shit.
Why don't you have Double-D's hat equipped? It makes it a guaranteed drop in Junkyard.
Ed watching the monster movie marathon. Even Rolf doesn't fuck with Ed.
>people still don't know about the Boomerang stunlock
Rolf will be too busy singing opera to defend himself.
>tfw many doors rolf player
>immune to all eds because thats my horse
>Immune to Double Ds and Eddies because of many doors
>Immune to Kevins is rolf's passive
>Have Kevin's bike chain belt, immune to Naz
>Jimmys, Sarahs and Johnnys still can't do shit to me because of my Bobo the clam passive riposte
>infinite inventory space because wilfred pet
>shepherds crook equipped grants +35 armor and +250 passive heal making kankers near worthless
Why the FUCK aren't you playing rolf?
>still no buffs for jimmy
god forbid if we ever become viable for a patch
What is the best weapon in the game and why is it the Canadian Squirt Gatling Gun?
People still play EE&E Online, get with the times grandpas. It's all about Beavis and Butthead Online these days.
>Can't move while firing
It's trash on anything but a target dummy man
I only play EEnEO because KotHO got shut down and it's made by the same devs. I wish someone would make a KotHO private server already.
nigger are you stupid that DPS is well worth the cost of mobility
1.1.6 comes out tomorrow
what do you plan on doing in the junkyard first?
>Not playing as jib
Probably the only class that has a chance without the cupcake
Not with that wind up speed, outside of a handful of bosses with no mechanics requiring you to move ever, Double D's best DPS build is 88 Fingers Edward.
Or you could just craft it, dumbass. All you need to do is scam some kids for a day for the materials. Besides, buttered toast works too if you time it right and use the evasion buff to dodge his desperation move. You can even by one from the Cul-De-Sac garage sale and it's totally worth every quarter since beating Rolf is the only way to get the Wilfred mount.
>Jimmy player
Fucking SJW crowd. Why do the devs cater to these faggots?
How do i get past the Racooon Round Up quest?
>want a sumo jimmy build
>the amount of fucking peaches and cream you need to grind for
Is there a faster way to do this?
yeah, there's a faster way. kill yourself
All of these suggestion and you even forgot the obvious " Thats my horse. " song you can play to make him distracted. I mean for fuck sake it was in the god damn trailer for it!
B&BO is already dying, nice try shill. Can't beat the classics.
Yeah this fight is bullshit. He'd be the hardest boss in the game if it wasn't for Monster Ed
Because you can literally duo the game with it and johnny 2x4, plus you get reduced wind up speed if you unlock the water cooler spin. Meaning if you only need 2 of 3 party members you get Triple Ed ranks.
Monster Ed is a side quest though, if he's really that bad just come back when you've grinded out a chicken egg.
Are you telling me that you faggots couldn't duel Rolf with Monkey Boys set Edd? or Canadian Squirtgun Eddy?
Get the cupcakes of sorriness and befriend him. His many doors build combined with three-shoe beating is insane against kevin players. Not to mention Rolf's giant wiener will fetch a pretty penny at the market
>he hasn't saved up a good chunk of his jawbreakers for late-game
>plays eddy at all
Actual autist. Everyone knows that jawbreakers are scarce in the last half of the story. You should feel bad. And you should be playing Johnny. The Plank companion is easily the best in the game, and the Watermelon Helmet is the best helmet in the game.