Favourite armors in video games

Who is your armorfu? Pic related.



>not Ursine

u wot m8


Grandmaster Feline looks cool


who thought that was a good idea

If you're into randy's body

>inb4 this becomes a Dank Souls thread

Griffin looks amazing with whir dye and that vine crown you can find.

Po mo muhfuggah bix nood tip da doo didda muhfuggen

Wish this was in vidya.

What is that sexy armor on the right?

EK > Faraam > Fluted > Whatever DaS3 had

Ds3 hobo knight armor is nice senpai
I'd argue it's nicer than Faraam

EK > Ds3 Knight > Ds2 Alva > Fluted > Faraam > Cinder Armor

All are good though


Purple Ludroth's G armor in particular.

Also works great with the Royal Swordsmen helmet but that thing looks great with almost everything.



I am a sucker for bulky unrealistic armor. Also dat cape



this set forever in my heart.

fucking plebs




not how it works senpai

Scaled is pretty good too for Light Armour, although I replace the helmet for that with Forsworn


she is not a nice girl

I got you on the level
