Xenoverse 2 thread?
Any info on new playable characters? Goku black and ssj2 trunks better make the list
Xeno general
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where does the story start and end in xenoverse 1 and 2? pls respond
Why wouldn't they make the list?
Also, to be honest, I don't want to see anyone outside of DBZ and DBZ movies because that was the only era when this series wasn't complete shit.
>playable kid mai, shu and pilaf
is it possible?
>Goku black
They said they were starting working BEFORE Super began, so it's possible Super for later, maybe DLC
>Red Ribbon
>Jackie Chun
>both Piccolos
>complete shit
There aren't words to describe how disgustingly stupid you are.
Krillin was cool in dragon ball
No new info until Japan Expo at the beginning of July.
There'll be playable demos there too, so we'll start getting proper info on the gameplay changes.
They were kinda playable in Tenkaichi 3.
tfw they got in but a kid Krillin did not
Starts at raditz and ends after battle of the gods in Xenoverse 1.
There are extra missions with Broly and Bardock as well as Dlc with GT and golden Freiza.
>people wanting specific characters
>they don't actually play or master those characters in the games they're available in
I wish this would stop.
Because the devs didn't have inside information about characters that didn't exist over a hear ago when this game started development?
>gotenks is canon
>gotenks can into ssj3
>trunks was impressed by goku powering up to ssj3
I miss something?
Goku's base form is way stronger than Gotenks due to his god training.
Since gaining this massive base power-up, Goku has been using god ki forms, which Trunks can't sense.
Now he uses a form that gives him a huge boost in a way that Trunks can actually feel. He's realizing just how stupidly powerful Goku and Vegeta are now.
Super fucking Janemba when?
Wasn't Fusions in development before Super too
Throwing a little chibi shit into an RPG takes a whole lot less effort than making a full model and moveset.
Same 5 races, maybe more options to make kais, androids and cell alikes
My guess is that all after frieza will be DLC, Champa saga and this black one.
spoiler]Now is the part where I share the discord server and make anons mad. No reddit in there btw discord.gg
He hasn't seen one
Goten never happened in the future
I want SSJ Gogeta since I always played as him in RB. SSJ4 looks like shit.
>Krillin was cool in dragon ball
even yamcha was cool in dragon ball
You can already make Kais in Xenoverse 1 by making a human or saiyan and then choosing a bright colored skin.
People also want androids, but androids would just be humans with different parameters and you can already make humans that play like androids by giving them specific skills and Z-Souls.
There already are abilities for absorbing ki blasts and draining life, ki, and stamina in addition to most of the androids' moves.
How would you even make an android play differently from a human? They can't be sensed by they can't power up either. You could have it so their ki never goes down because of their battery, but that would just lead to balance issues.
>not wanting a cell character
What's the point of making these threads when there are no new info?
he still jobbed but at least he did something before jobbing, like managing to hurt kami.
unless he did something more in anime filler, which i don't know because i'm a manga only fag
There is info through DB Super.
Is it safe to use Cheat Engine to get all the skills and shit in XV1? I just wanna do PQs and play dress up, not do the same mission 500 times for some nigger 1% drop chance.
Offline, of course.
I'm glad they're fixing the RNG bullshit in XV2. Even if you just end up grinding for Zeni to buy stuff instead, at least you can grind for the specific item you want guaranteed.
yes, it's safe. if you have any concerns, just keep offline while playing that save file.
Future Trunks has never seen Gotenks or SSJ3 you retard.
So do fans actually like that faggot God and Super Saiyan Super Blue Good whatever the fuck bullshit over just having SSJ1-4?
They confirmed that no DB Super will be in Xeno2.
>Calling Beerus "That faggot God"
Get outta here.
beerus is shit
>Just havving SSJ1-4
I can't believe GT fags are still this mad
They confirmed it won't be in the main game but were looking into what they're allowed to add in later.
They're just using it as DLC and trying to play it off as though they didn't know Super was happening until after they finished writing the game.
They better let us wear headbands and cool capes or no buy.
So is your mum in bed m8
I hope there's more long socks or thighhighs. The closest you could get was the Fun Suit bottom and that was Majin-only.
It looked fantastic with Videl's top
So Black has to be going some equivalent of SSJ Blue with like a silver or platinum aura and it's going to take a SSJBlue Gogeta fusion to beat him, right?
>Catching up with Super
>That episode where Goku and Piccolo babysit Pan
Makes me wish I had grandparents.
I was referring to the first Super Saiyan God but yes I'll put him up there too as he's nothing but indicative of DBZ's humongous power creep problem that makes 99% of the characters completely useless.
Stupid Xenoverse 1 had like a 5 character roster
got aids from that shit
Give me Dodoria give me Zarbon give me Cui! Moar Frieza forms! King Cold goddamnit!
ALL CELLS otherwise fuck this
enough with endless iterations of goku and vegeta, goku blond, goku superblond, vegeta superblond without shirt, jesus christ
Future Trunks comes from an alternate future, he's not from the same timeline as Goku is, so he never saw a SSJ3, probably didn't even know it existed.
>Stupid Xenoverse 1 had like a 5 character roster
do you want another game with over 200 characters that all play the same and the same copy paste moves?
just replay BT3
I want more characters, actual variety in villains as well.
I want more Frieza forms, Dodoria, Zarbon and Cui at the very least.
King Cold, and perhaps Turles's movie spacegang as well.
Or Cooler's squadron.
Xenoverse 1 was incredibly dull, and emphasized tired characters I gave zero fucks about. And spare me of the "u wunt 200 copy paste moves" fallacy I'm not into refuting that now
>Needing more characters when you have CaC
Get a load of this pleb.
Started Xenoverse 1 today.
More options for character building would be nice, like more height options, being able to adjust the size of the tits of your female char and others, it sounds stupid, but you know it would be cool and would add diversity.
The game could use more breakable terrain, like mountains, rocks and other scenario obstacles that sometimes gets in the way of your attacks.
And better and more variety city/quest hub music please, this shit is almost unbearable.
we're getting there
you fags always forget that its always the third game that is the best
both budokai 1 and tenkaichi 1 were awful
>points CaC
It's useless crap, you can't recreate anything I've mentioned with it. I've tried.
Hopefully you're right
All I want is being able to "mimick" movesets. Doing the same combos the whole game is boring.
After having my data corrupt on me yesterday, I decided to replay the game while making sure my data is backed up on a flashdrive.
>Tits and butt of your female character.
thanks, but I was actually talking about kid trunks(he's clearly in awe of goku going ssj3). the user above explained in in a way, that I guess both kid and teen trunks would both be amazed by his power. training with god ki should essentially make his forms a lot stronger, thus, making kid trunks react that way.
>knew of son goku
>has ability to traverse time
>didn't just go to a point in the timeline where goku was at his weakest and destroy him and all his allies
guess we'll find out what limitations the ring holds.
he was surprised that his future self is so strong
I want a skill link system
Like, you can use one skill into another fluidly. I know you can do it to some degree right now, but there's a delay due to the animations so it doesn't look as smooth.
Also pinball mechanics between team mates in multibattles would be neat, as well as beam struggles, maybe add a thing where you can use a transformation during said beam struggle to gain an advantage?
Don't mind me. Just talking out of my ass
Yeah, training with god ki does make his forms stronger. Look at how Goku was still able to keep up with Beerus for the most part in SSJ form after going SSG. It was probably more of "HOLY SHIT THAT POWER LEVEL" than "HOLY FUCK SSJ3"
I hope SSJ2 and Super Begeta 2 aren't a waste this time
All they do is drain your Ki even faster for like a 3% increase
was a great episode. sad they left out goten, but it is what it is.
they completely redid the ssj transformation
it doesn't drain ki or stamina now
So what is it now? More of an actual power up like in the Tenkaichi games, or Budakai games? Or something else?
Can you make muscle shotas now?
So what's the trade off? Is there any reason to not use it?
probably its just an ability now
like reach X level for ssj or ssj2
we should wait for info on that
Not that user, but probably so. Like in the Budokai/Tenkaichi games, where if you're out of Ki and you're knocked down, you lose the form.
An "ability" in what way? A passive like the Z-Soul thing? A form you equip and start the fight with? Or what? Because both examples are just awful.
>An "ability" in what way? A passive like the Z-Soul thing? A form you equip and start the fight with? Or what? Because both examples are just awful.
there hasn't been information on that
just wait for the jump expo on the 7th july
there is gonna be a gameplay demo and more info
They wouldn't make the story mode the same bland "villain is only slighty stronger than normal" thing for the sequel, right? They'll actually do something interesting and creative with the time travel aspect this time, right?
Cooler and Turles are already confirmed to be on Namek.
Slug might be there too, but he's in front of a cliff face on the trailer so we can't tell if it's actually Namek or just weird lighting somewhere on Earth.
We're also going on undercover missions into Frieza's army.
>undercover missions into Frieza's army
I hope it's somewhat race exclusive. Because if you're a fridge, I doubt Freeza or his goons would just allow you to walk around like an asshole on the ship.
Who am I kidding? Of course they wouldn't think to do anything somewhat smart.
Thatd be cool
>I hope it's somewhat race exclusive.
Don't know about the missions (because all we know is "they're a thing"), but they've said certain places can only be accessed by specific races.
Sure, but for argument's sake on speculation. How would you implement that concept?
Has there been a DBZ game that had every single or nearly every single DBZ character imaginable? I want to be able to play as that farmer in the first episode of the show.
SSJ2 Future Trunks can keep up with Goku in his standard forms, when they're both on the same level of transformations.
Gotenks can transform into SSJ3, but its weaker than standard Goku at this point. Also that's a fusion, so Trunks knows that its sort of cheating, compared to someone who attained that power all on his own. SSJ2 Trunks always kept up with his training, so he's pretty strong, even if he hasn't yet realized what the next level of Saiyan is on his own. Although he did realize SSJ2 on his own.
I stand corrected then.
Hopefully, this means slightly altered stories for the various races. Still the same overall story, but a bit different events here and there.
And by "missions," do you mean the PQs?
reach X level to the unlock ssj transformation
like once you reach like level 40 or whatever the slot with transformation gets unlocked
The closest you can get is Ultimate Tenkaichi 3. No farmer but you can play as Dr.Wheelo, Devilman, Kid Chichi etc.
Someone please answer this question.
Dragon Ball Heroes is closest to what you want, but it's Japan arcade-only and even that hasn't gone as far as adding overpowered shit like Farmer with a shotgun.
>And by "missions," do you mean the PQs?
No, Namek and Frieza's Spaceship have been confirmed to be areas we can run around in and interact with characters.
There are shots of the Time Patroller bowing to Zarbon and getting a power-up from Guru.
I'd love to have some non-ki projectiles. The closest we got in Xenoverse 1 was Hercule's Rock Throw and Jaco's Beam Gun. I'd love to have androids, Mai and Launch in just to get some non-trick based projectiles.
What's been considered to be the best of the best for DBZ games anyway? There's quite a few of them.
I really wish XV2 would do a bit of what Heroes does. Just go insane like SSJ4 Broly, SSJ3 Bardock. Hell why not make a SSGSSJ Broly and have him fuck everything up.
There will be many world areas to visit as a hub map for mingling, training, gathering and doing quests. Yes, that means we aren't stuck in the City Hub and only using a terminal for doing things. It would be like a semi-open world aspect, borderlining to how DBO was or could've been.
I wonder if we might get some kind of Babidi missions for Buus, or maybe some what-if timeline of Planet Vegeta never blowing up so we can have exclusive Saiyan missions.
Well, that's kinda cool.
Now all that's left is for Saiyans getting tails and fridges getting forms.
Budokai 3? They all have problems.
That's pretty sweet. Do we know if they're going to add an actual chat this time?
>add an actual chat
What's wrong, user? Don't you enjoy seeing the same "help me with this quest" or "anyone want to fight" comments?
I could see Babidi's Spaceship (or at least some rooms in it) being a Majin-exclusive area.
>Someone asks me to help them with a quest
>I respond yes
>the second before I selected someone else put up "looking for people for voice chat"
>He thought I said yes to that
>I had to quit to get him to stop trying to invite me to one
Sorry man, I would've explained if the chat wasn't shit
>Continually inviting someone to voice chat
I don't understand this. Isn't being declined the first time enough?
its annoying that you can't communicate stuff that isn't in the preset chat
>shit lags
>sorry only roaster character pvp
>no spamming shit or i alt+f4
>are you a cheater
>sorry i don't do PQs
>looking for pvp fights only
>grape ape farming