Picture below your post is your Steam profile pic for one week
Picture below your post is your Steam profile pic for one week
Fuck off with this not video games
leave, console pleb
it's videogame related, so shut the hell up
Eat shit
Use whatever frame of her beautiful face
by definition so are eceleb threads, but that shit isn't welcome either so fuck off
y u hatin?
Just leave and hide the thread if it makes you so butthurt, you fucking autist.
>just ignore threads that break the rules and contribute nothing
Nah, yeah, you're a cunt
>Threads that suggest things that never happen
Fishing for a new v-meme profile pic user?
Can I post that pic at you when thread gets report-deleted?
>vidya culture
Instead of coming straight from plebbit, read the rules first.
It's agame dude. I alredy update my profile pic to this:
>not only is he doing it for free
>he's not even a janny
This is why people bullied you at school.
>yo teach! user has a 3ds in his pocket! LOL!
"Video games", or "vidcons" as they are more approriately named, are the highest expression of art that has or more than likely ever will be developed. Of course, this designation only applies to vidcons of Eastern sensibilities, as the rough, unrefined nature of the West has made their vidcons wholly unacceptable to anyone with any real taste.