ITT: Games with QTEs done right



i dont remember shadow hearts having any QTEs


No such thing as QTE done right, it's pure fucking cancer.

probably talking about the combat system judgement wheel.

it's not really a QTE OP, it's just an interactive combat system that for some reason are rare as fuck
Gladius is a similar game in that regard, you can crit 100% from the start of the game if your good enough

He probably means the judgement ring.
No idea if it really qualifies as one.

nice Sup Forums-approved opinion. you're fitting in just right

than OP is a fucking retard. check your facts next time dumbshit.

I bet you enjoy rythm games too like the fucking autistic piece of shit you are.
How is taking away control from the player ever good?

>what is god hand


Here's a game that rapes you with QTE's, no quick saving, because fuck you.

All other games with QTE's are a breeze once you beat it.

judgement ring was pretty trash though. why do people enjoy rythym game elements jammed into non-rythym games?

>taking away control from the player
i'll address this once you spend at least 2 weeks here

Go ahead, I need a good laugh.

why doesn't this game take itself seriously?

>judgement ring was pretty trash though

And breakable in Covenant if you use one of those items that makes it turn multiple times (forgot what they're called) and the gamble ring.


i could get it up to 10-15 turns.


Used to use that infinite item as Dark Seraphim on the last boss. Made it really easy to finish.
