
too scared to dive deep
haven't really gone much further than the central starting area since all I have is my shitty seaglide to get me back up for air fast enough.

Other urls found in this thread:

>oculus wont restock till august

After everything why would you support Oculus

Make a CO2 rebreather and keep an extra tank in your inventory


You sound like my friend who laughed when I got blu-ray over HD-DVD

Do it user.

It's nice down there. I recommend to build a base, a moonpool and finally a Seamoth to not have to worry about trivial things such as oxygen.

Threadly reminder

Go back to your containment board

What's this?

I got a refund on this game yesterday. It's way too spooky for me and fuck you to those that said it was a comfy game.

>one where we are not at the top of the food chain
What the fuck, he wants us to be a non dominant species?

M8 it's stupid logic but is the game enjoyable or not?

how do i start fabricating underwater moon base parts

Use the fabricator in the pod to build a constructor, or whatever the fuck its called


You need a fabricator.

Then find a nice location and put some base. Then you can build rooms, hallways and moonpools.

Don't forget to have an energy source like solar panels.

>school shootings every single day

do niggers count?

we're at the very bottom of everything when it comes to the ocean, you autist

tfw actually refunded it because of how scared I was

>America has 365.25 school shootings per year


Best location is near the descent to the first heat signature. Borders three useful biomes and there's plenty of space to park the cyclops later

I like the base building in this but there's not that much to do there

What's the best survival game for basebuilding

So dumb dev made fun game?
> shootings everyday at school
What world does this guy live in?

He has a right to his opinion even if I disagree with it and as long as he does not infringe my rights I fail to see the problem.
It's part of American culture to have differing opinions.

It's a straight up lie there's been 188 since 2013.

Modded minecraft probably


we are causin extinction in hundreds of different species in the oceans

they live on OUR MERCY

humans fuckin rule this planet

Why does this game make my computer run so hot? my graphics card is louder than when I play warhammer total war. Does gold and silver ONLY spawn in dangerous areas? How do I make it so my base appears anywhere like the rescue pod? Can I delete the rescue pod?

When there's more than one of us and boats yes

>.25 of a school shooting

When you cook a fish it game displays some vegan bullshit text. I knew the dev was a cuck from that alone.

a black person died

what text

where's the lab trash can?
Starboard or port side of the aurora?
I'm looking for it and can't seem to find it.

Pic related. It really lets your inner autist roam free and build beautiful factories.

Just bought this game, how do you recharge the flashlight?
Don't tell me I need to build another fucking battery

Idk sounds like a personal problem

No gold and silver can be found in some of the caves in the safe shallows. And kelp forests aren't really dangerous. Just swim forward past the stalkers a few times and they'll get pissed and leave.



I don't agree with his reasons but the game is better because it doesn't have guns


>Why does this game make my computer run so hot? my graphics card is louder than when I play warhammer total war.
Probably because the devs initially added terraforming but since that wasn't working out so well they took it out, but the terrain itself can still be modified, so it takes longer to charge and there's a load of pop-ups. Probably will be fixed in the next update.

>Does gold and silver ONLY spawn in dangerous areas
Relatively shallow caves and grassies plateaux aren't dngerous areas

>How do I make it so my base appears anywhere like the rescue pod?
Craft a beacon and release it near your base.

>Can I delete the rescue pod?

you can find battery charger bluprint parts in the red grassy areas

and when it gets easy download bob's mod and start crying from suffering while enjoying the game

>Relatively shallow caves... aren't dngerous areas

t. Crash

avoid shallow caves like the plague unless you're in the southern shallows

what are you guys running this on? I get frequent pop-in, plus my rig sounds like a wind tunnel

Running mine on an i7 and r9 390x and I get the same thing, think it's pretty normal

if any of you are good at drawing, please make a game that looks like the image.

You're lucky, you originally had to do just that. Now there's batteries and power cells chargers, just scans the fragments and you'll be able to get them.

If you use a modification station you cna also equip fins that recharge the energy of whatever you're holding.

I've built a base bust its pretty lousy and only 100m down on the grassy plains
I'm still missing some seamoth parts and the moon pool blueprints

>He dies to crashes

Stasis rifle nigga. Or just bait them out

his personal reasoning is irrelevant, the game is good either way.

I was told this game was comfy.

Is this game not comfy?

I'll refund it for Stranded Deep it it's not comfy I swear to god.

I just want comfy water base stuff.

yah, but I get temps up to 140 F

nigga's looking for gold and you're telling him to use something that needs gold

a seaglide is fine to escape those fuckers but I'd rather just go to the grassy plateaus

Depends on how easy you are to spook.

its comfy in a shit your pants sort of way
its not even technically scary since I know ill just respawn if i die
but looking out over some sheer cliff drop into the black abyss is really spooky

What a disgusting human being.

>Is this game not comfy?
It's not comfy at all, it's fucking terrifying


Oh yeah user, it's comfy as fuck.
Hear how cute that sound.

Can we finally stop having this dumbass discussion every fucking thread?

Spooky scares not very.

Jump scares get me every time I can't help it :c


Game doesn't have jump scares

unless a reaper leviathan sneaks up on you somehow

>game has a cute fish and scuba gear on the poster
>it's actually about the horrors of the deep
nice advertising guys


Doesn't it have some scary squid thing that latches onto your face?

Because fuck that shit. I couldn't handle alien isolation.

The general deep water spookiness seems fine, I want to be able to build my way to things that minimize the spook over time.

At what depths do you start encountering the recently added fuckhuge monsters?

>Playing Subnautica first time
>Swimming around at night
>Keep hearing a loud noise
>Assume it's the crashed ship since it sounds like metal on metal
>Turn around
>Reaper's face
Shit fucked me up. See one of them for the first time at night.

that'd be the reaper leviathan, which only spawns in a select few areas.

It's not wrong though, in the shallows almost everything is cute and colorful and night time is a beautiful neon wonderland.


I think that might be too scary for me but I'll just avoid those areas.

That seems like a pretty normal temp for a gpu, I wouldn't worry about it. I can get up to around 160ish sometimes

Then why would they add FUCKING NERVE GAS torpedoes to the damn game?

The Reaper Leviathan doesn't latches onto your face, it latches you into his mouth.

Big difference.

A hagfish's self defense mechanism can kill nearly every one of it's predators through suffocation. It's still not the top of the food chain.

That's also super mega scary but it probably won't spook me as bad as face hugger style shenanigans.

get a vive and download ReVive
it bypasses oculus drm so you can play oculus only games on a vive (which is not owned by facebook)

>found my first reaper behind the aurora
>rocken the sea moth
>throws me around
>never went back
>Trying to find cyclops parts
>go to wiki
>reapers in dunes and mountains
>never go back
>forever seamoth

protip: reapers are found in:

1. Near the crashed ship, there's only like 1-2 here and they're pretty easy to avoid so don't worry too much about them, just keep your distance
2. The underwater mountains, which you'll have to go to if you want to make a Cyclops (big submarine) or if you want magnetite which isn't used for very much, the island there has nothing unique if I recall correctly
3. The dunes, which are too deep to care about and don't really have anything

ah i'm not mad anymore
you're just a scientist trying to survive on an alien planet

I'll bet he was struggling to hold back his vegan tears while typing out that sentence about crushing the creature with a rock. Poor little guys gonna need therapy.

Actually I take that back, wiki says you don't need to go to the underwater mountains for cyclops parts

So for the most part you can avoid them and not miss out on anything

You can already knife things to death

Cause it stuns, not kill.

why would you pay an extra $200 for an inferior product

I'm going to assume you're Oculus has already shipped so you cancel the preorder.

im honestly curious what makes the vive worth an extra 200

like 1000m deep

they will sometimes spawn/wander into odd areas though

haven't noticed that other than one time they were kind of in the koosh zone near the aurora

It's not. The headsets are priced the same. It's just the Vive comes with the controllers and additional accessories.

I saw one around the grassy plains while I was in my base there
I saw it swimming in the distance then went out to go chase after it before running back to hide in my base

oculus comes with an xbone controller and headtracking thing, the only thing Vive seems to do different is the roomscale thing which requires more room than I have I think

Wow. A $40 controller and something the Vive has as well.

Is this game actually good or will I regret spending my $11 on it instead of eating lunch out today?

>A $40 controller and something the Vive has as well.

Yes? That's the point? It's very similar but the Vive costs more, I'm asking why exactly

I don't have an omnidirectional treadmill so I'm not sure why I should care

It really nail the change of atmosphere you get from the starting area to the deeper biomes.

Thanks, still mucking about in the shallows right now

oculus removed all their drm a week ago .

revive is just converting oculus driver commands to openvr, no drm there

Cause the Vive comes bundled with the controllers at $800.
Oculus is $600 but says the release price for their controllers will be $150-200. So for the same things Oculus will be $750-800.

better, more accurate tracking solution, a pass through camera letting you see without having to take off the headset, you can pair your phone with the vive so you can answer calls, and do them, perfect steam integration, quite awesome to be honest vr controllers, and you do not need a whole room for this, there are options for seated, standing and roomscale. the place i have dedicated for mine is as small as 1.9x2.8 meters, havent even changed anything in my room.

Does this game have any definite goal you're working towards or is it just random survival?