The witcher started moralfagging so I had to kill her.
Was this the right thing to do?
The witcher started moralfagging so I had to kill her.
Was this the right thing to do?
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corn necklace
>kill her
I'll never understand this.
>the Witcher
No, you did. All you had to do was tell her going to Radovid was a bad idea. Now you'll have one less ally to defend Kaer Morhen later in the game.
Can we all agree Philipa is best sorceress
Ok, looks like this is what happened otherwise.
That path was chosen before that bro.
And the cutest!
any Idea why mages are infertile? I'm guessing Witcher's are infertile because of the whole mutagen thing, but why mages?
>get cucked by rotting teeth Lambert if you choose her
Do I need to play 1 and 2 to play 3? I want to play 3 because it seems like a great RPG but I've tried 1 and the combat is TERRIBLE.
play 2, it only took me 15 hours to beat and it was good fun
>implying Lambert isn't just getting Geralt's sloppy seconds
only thing that crybaby bitch deserves.
>Not being satisfied with Lambert getting your sloppy seconds
Just read the story online then.
Playing 1 is kind of needed to play 3, but 2 you can skip, you just won't recognise some characters.
>taunts you throughout the game about how she will kill Yennefer if she doesn't step down as Ciri's advisor
>can't do shit about it
Her voice is shit as well
if you really want her to die so badly then let her go to Radovid because he has her impaled through the cunt and out the mouth, alive.
Never happened to me
>unironically choosing Empress Ciri ending
It was mentioned in books. Some higher mages make young sorceresses infertile for reasons
watching philipa kill radovid gave me a boner
Why do you even care abou Yen? This Witch is 10 times hotter. In fact all the girl you fuck are hotter than Yen and Triss. I dunno why people care so mujch about these two.
A more wrong post couldn't have been made by even a literal down's syndrome retard.
how does this even happen
This is horrible.
Let her go to Radovid with the papers
The game looks so shit on Nvidia cards.
Letting her go to Radovid of course
You let her go to Radovid with the cure instead of telling her it's a bad idea.
Any pictures? Just to check if it's true haha.
Is the Witcher 3 the most blatantly misogynistic game of all time?
the spike goes up her ass
Already in this thread, spic.
You take that back you motherfucker
You just made Lambert die a virgin.
>game looks like shit
doesn't she know that Radovid doesn't forget nor forgive
She thinks giving him the papers to cure an illness will let her slide. Dumb bitch.
What's misgnoistic about executing a sorceress?
Can we all agree the best characters in the game were the various Rock Trolls.
Nah, he already fucked triss, Even vesehmir fucked triss
No, its Broltan Chivay everyday
Even the Baron and Johnny fucked Triss i bet
What a slut
Yes, and we love him for it.
This girl is better than both of them. The best girl is the girl from the gwent tournament.
No, I'm being serious. Nvidia cards run the game better but you can clearly see why. Pic, for instance is a random interior shot from a R9 card.
Sec and I'll post another interior shot from a GTX card.
Yennefer is the only decent girl in the game Geralt can fuck
And this is an interior shot from a 970 - with higher settings, mind you.
>liking tumblr the witcher more than Yen
Tsundere is love
>tfw couldn't bang Cerys
A shame, best girl is best Gwent card.
i mean the witcher girl fuck
>can't fuck a single succubus the entire game
The only thing keeping it from being a 10/10
Its not the same area, or even remotely the same. Much bigger, more NPCs, more light sources, etc.
Terrible comparison.
Post >yfw the first time you got here
Eskel pls
Go fuck the one in 2 Eskel
If I could swap cards quickly enough to take the same screen shots, I would, but you're going to have to just trust me in this case. For whatever bizarre reason, Nvida cards to do give the same interior detail that AMD cards do and really bugged the shit out of me. Another random screen from the R9.
>this is considered good writing by video game standards
Who here /lolisofskellige/?
Jesus Christ, reduce your UI size, user.
She did a bad thing.
>CDPR bothers to put Shani in the game and make her best girl, vastly superior to Yen or Triss
>Can't stay with her despite Geralt being able to settle down after his fight with the Wild Hunt depending on your choices
fuck off
Hey Faggots,
My name is Eskel, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any Succubus pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on art museums.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the Witcher team, and starter on my Gwent Deck. What battles do you fight, other than “jack off to naked drowners”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
Before The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age 3 came out, I was reposting one DA3 concept art image of a castle in the mountain with a TW3 filename, and people were defending how great it looks. Then someone would say its actually DA3, and everyone would turn around and say its actually shit, it has all these problems, etc.
This Kaer Trolde shot looks like it, and reminds me that Sup Forums is full of drones who base their opinions on brand and franchise loyalty.
Also the soundtrack for the island was worse than the continent, by far. And the best track is Caranthir's fight theme. Got chills when it started.
>be witch
>get impaled
In world of Witchers Radovids are Hitlers.
Do you think the succubus gave him a fisstech blowjob like Geralt told that one TW1 prison guard?
You let her be a retard.
And doing business with those Hitlers is bad.
Yea, Eskel is a party animal
Come on, find a comparison where it's the same place, camera angle, and max graphical settings
>thinks Shani will settle down with a single man
She is the army's comfort girl, not even Geralt can keep her satisfied by his own lonesome.
Maybe if Vlodi would've remained in control of his body, that guy was smooth.
meant to say they don't give the same interior detail.
I swear to God that Herbalist chick with the perfect ass is there in purpose. She was placed in game, in that position to taunt us.
Thats a lot of cottage cheese.
Geralt is more of the skinny vampire bony lass with a body ass type.
Now thats a job for Eskel
CDPR just blue ball'd everyone in Witcher 3 knowing they were forcing you down this two cunt love triangle.
So Dethmold, basically?
I just vomited in my mouth.
Those are different areas.
Running the witcher 3 at solids 18-22 fps here, anons. Feels good to be part of the master race.
it's amber
Man, Shani must feel like shit for missing out on that cossack rogue after their amazing date.
Her voice reminds me of pic related.
>tell her taking super AIDS to a lunatic is a bad idea
>tell her she should just burn it
>wow geralt youre such a dick, if you want to stop me kill me
>tell her to step the fuck down
>its treason then
fucking hell. How does it feel that the last sensation you felt as I tore you apart was the cum I just shot in you
There needs to be more SFM videos with Shani. So far there is only one "full length" video that isn't just a montage of clips on loop.
>You never see Ciri's tits in game
>Not even in the bathhouse
Feels bad.
I would if I could but the Nvidia was completely maxed. The R9 was not. Still the Nvidia card made the game look like cartoony shit in interior situations. This was something not present with the R9, despite the lower settings.
Radovid did nothing wrong
this actually got me pretty hard desu, just imagine the stake going inside her asshole.
Ciri is for daughterfu!
Dude, she's like, your daughter. Would you really want to see your barely legal hot teen naked?
>can kill radovid
>can kill dijkstra
>can't kill fuckin philippa who deserves a death more than radovid himself
I'm mad.
But that's not a goat
DA3 Morrigan looks fucking awful