If you want to discuss New Vegas in this thread you must know the password

If you want to discuss New Vegas in this thread you must know the password.


No one wants to discuss that shit game OP

Now fuck off

That was fast...

I haven't played New Vegas in roughly three years now. But I played it so thoroughly between release and 2013 that I can remember most details about the game. I really hope that Obsidian or some other remnant of Black Isle makes another Fallout game one day. They get the setting a lot more than Bethesda ever will.

>password for mobile scanners at a RobCo owned REPCONN facility is Icecream
>password to bypass Securitron cap checks is 1C 3C R34 M

There's something going on here, mark my words. Something involving iced creams.


Ice Cream = ice CReam = ice CR = i c CR = I see California Republic

>Ice Cream
>Ice Cream most popular flavor in US is Vanilla
>Vanilla New Vegas is almost unplayable because of bugs and glitches
>Bugs and Insects
>Lot of them in swamps
>Swamps are mostly in swamps
>New Orleans


t. Todd Howard


How do I stop losing interest in the game after beating Honest Hearts and returning to the Mojave. Its just so shit looking compared to Zion.

Don't go there?

>hands you 500 caps
>steals them back
>you wish me a good day
>we never talk to each other again

It doesn't seem like the Legion and BoS would ever come to blows over shit like technology as the Legion is very self reliant, anti-tech and don't use it and the West Coast BoS chapters just keep to themselves in their bunkers now. Midwest BoS might have a problem, either the Legion attacking one of the tribal villages under BoS protection or the Midwest BoS takes a hard stance against slavers.

Fuckoff you Redesign using piece of brahmin shit.

But i need to say hello to Joshua Graham and get the Desert Ranger armour

>merely pretending

Nigga that's a vanilla screencap right off the wiki

Thats what you like to pretend nigger

When is the point where you reputation with the NCR can be reset? Sources online are vague on what the exact point is.

>Sources online are vague
I find that hard to believe. It either happens after you exit the Lucky 38 or talked to Benny in the Tops, whichever happens first

As soon as you visit House for the first time and a NCR trooper meets you as you leave the Lucky 38?

exiting lucky38 for first time for NCR i think, exiting the tops after confronting Benny for Legion rep reset. You can skip ever confronting Benny if you do NCR route.

Dear old friends, remember Navarro


post screenshots of your current playthrough

Some of the slaves have been spreading stories about the Burned Man again.

Yet Croaker says he'll forgive your crimes if you do the boomers quest for him. To that end, I've heard people saying that it's after you do that quest for the NCR.

Nice shit face mod faggot.

>those eyebrows


dude, a shoe would be an improvement over vanilla

Whats with the Overseer from Fallout 1 eyebrows?

Legion would use energy weapons if only they could get their hands on them. And using them exclusively to oppress and subjugate people would probably piss the BoS off since that's kind of the reason they hoard them in the first place

Fallout ENB is so primitive that the effects will fuck up with the tranparencies on armors and hairpieces. that why the eyebrows look like ass.

jesus christ what have you done

Shame that Legion was left unfinished because of bethesda.

Who are you, that do not know your history?

If you're not using this beauty, you're playing the game wrong.

Haven't played this file since before FO4 came out. But I'm going back. Modded NV is superior in every fashion.

>baguette shit
>using it

ITT: Obsidrones circlejerk over their game while blaming Bethesda for all the world's problems

Not the Gobi Campaign rifle.

For Fallout's problems*
Which it is.

>EVER using .308 weapons after the nerf

Bitch I guarantee 90% of the people in these threads wouldn't even know about Fallout if Bethesda didn't put it on the radar

I don't understand how you guys have daily 400+ post threads about this game. and scanning over its not even good, its straight up /vg/ level of shitposting/circlejerking.

>Energy weapons playthrough
>Decide to fully upgrade my Holorifle during Dead Money

I have seen the light. Best weapon, hands down.


>its straight up /vg/ level of shitposting/circlejerking.

Not enough waifus for that.

nice, forgot the image.

don't reply to it

Is Implant GRX pretty much a necessity if you're going up against powerful opponents like Deathclaws at close range using non-shotgun guns? I can't seem to not die without replying on it.

Say that to my face, and stand still.

shoot the legs, turbo, deathclaws unsurprisingly have thick skin so dont use low caliber shit and you should be good


We could fix that.

Don't reply to him, he posts that every single day.

Are you kidding? Holorifle is pretty shitty.


Sounds like you guys could use a little... Mercy.

How is it that Legionaries think Caesar is a god when everyone in New Vegas, from educated people like Veronica to uneducated hicks like Trudy know about the Roman Empire?

>shitting on Redesign
It's 10 times better than FCO.

I mean... pick one, user.

Do you want to play a game with consistent internal lore?

Or do you want to play Fallout?

The same way we have flat earth theorists. Besides, knowing that the Legion is modeled off of something called the Roman Empire is a far cry from actually knowing about the Roman Empire.

The Automatic Rifle has a spread of 5.5. That's higher than most shotguns. The Light Machine Gun has a spread of 1.5, for comparison's sake.

>Tribals indoctrinated into an army
>People that have heard the NCR anti-legion propaganda

>think Caesar is a god
[Citation Needed]

Neither of them are gonna stand a chance when I steal kill you with a silenced Lil Devil.

Legion are tribes from Arizona, who knows what sort of bumfuck lands they live in. Vegas was semi preserved by Mr House, so possible books or holovids about history survived. Also the Followers of Apocalypse in NCR have knowledge of ancient civilizations in the Boneyard.

I would also think that Caesar would destroy any historical knowledge about ancient rome in order to further the illusion of him being a god and that the legion is a unique culture.

The Automatic Rifle has double the crit of the LMG

also to add, Joshua Graham says himself that Caesar edits history to suit his ideals. Why wouldnt you if you were in his position?

>he says this as he complains about the slightlest inconsistency in Bethesda lore

Fucking NVfags christ

Nah. I never played anything before FO3 so I don't know enough to be a shit about it.

But when I play them I'll be sure to be a total fag about it. :3

The tribes of Arizona were so far removed from Old World culture they didn't even speak English anymore

>implying they spoke english before the war

Not much good when you can't hit anything for shit

As is tradition.

What perks should I get to become Raiden?


He probably just google image searched it. Stop being so sensitive, you're like one of them.

Maybe if you have little 4 STR baby arms and didn't put points into GUNS like a man

>have maxed out guns
>10 strength
>guns still wave around unless I'm in ironsights or using steady

Travel Light, Bloody Mess, Stonewall, Terrifying Presence (optional), Finesse, Nerd Rage! (optional), Piercing Strike, Adamantium Skeleton, Better Criticals, Slayer, Implant GRX.

big iron

I don't even know what you're talking about

Most OP gun there is. Cuts through legionnaire assassins like cheese

Sorry here is the pic

Why the fuck must you post this in every thread?

Isn't it weird they can have nuclear driven cars, planes, even suits of armor but they still can't make guns that don't require ammo?

Their miniaturization isn't that good.

>burns through weapon repair kits like candy

No thanks

How do you feel about mods that limit carry weight?

Weapon repair kits are cheap.

>What is Recharger Pistol
>What is Recharger Rifle

Granted, they're fucking shit. But that's the price of not needing ammo..

An energy cell can discharge a greater amount of power in a shorter amount of time

>what are recharger weapons

>they're fucking shit

Because you're trading energy output for sustainability