Which one to play
3 Games
o shit nigger what are you doing?
>pc was stolen
If youre by yourself, make a character in skyrim for the sake of wreaking havoc.
If youve bros to play with, titanfall is a pretty alright passtime.
Ive never plaied universe at war, so why dont you come back and lemme know how it is if the first two games dont work out.
>universe at war
o shit nigger what are you doing?
>any platform
if you think that you can play UAW on xbox you're in deep trouble.
Sorry I like those games Master of the internet
If you actually like le Plebbit maymay games, you should fuck off back. You obviously don't belong here, newfag.
Protip:Play Dark Souls
Why should I play Dark Souls though?
It's not shit, that's why. It was made by From Software, and at the time, they actually cared about making vidya. Bethesda, and Respawn want to suck cash away from normalsfags who like "le ebin rpg eggsperience!!XD"
>Xcuck 360
I have no idea what you mean by "le ebin rpg eggsperience"
Titanfall cos it's great
Lurk moar faggot. I'll give you on spoonfeed.
Normalfags don't actually play games. If they did, shit like Uncharted 4 wouldn't come out, and make millions of dollars.
Titanfall is a shitty meme game, with shitty mechanics and gimmicks. It was marketed as a cawadooty RPG-like FPS game, and it failed miserably. Skyrim is supposedly an "RPG game", but it lacks:
>turn-based combat
>ability to master one trade (magic, healing, warrior). You're a jack of all trades
>only about 3 factions to join
>simplified skill-tree that even a retard could understand
It's for normalscum that hate RPG games, but want to play an RPG
Any reccomendations except Dark Souls?
He could,but it is gonna be a big trouble
I know. I've tried it
>Rayman (Playstation)
>Chrono Trigger
>Resident Evil Code Veronica: X
>Metal Gear Solid III
>Secret of Mana
This is some fucking amazing bait, well done m8, I really do appreciate the effort put into it
I'm trying to think of 3 more redundant/crappy ports for b8 purposes. Resident Evil 4 PS2? Silent Hill Remastered 360? Dead Rising Wii?
I got three of the mentioned games
go back to Sup Forums faggot
I really liked Titanfall. I actually think it was really solid mechanically and stripped away a lot of the shittiness from CoD. I think the problem is that the thing they like about CoD is the skinner box shittiness.