ITT: The most underrated Castlevania

ITT: The most underrated Castlevania

The music sure sounds "fart-ish" but the compositions themselves are amazing, it's just the low quality of samples that hurts it.

And the graphics are without a doubt best out of the GBA three, especially after you fix the color palette and get rid of the glow.

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It's not underrated. It's the worst. It looks like shit, sounds like shit, and is 90% long empty corridors especially late in the game.

HoD isn't just underrated, it's legitimately the worst metroidvania out of all the gba/ds games.

level design is shit, the ost is nothing to write home about, it's just a painfully mediocre game with no redeeming qualities
though wiht that said, it's still a better game than most of the indie "metroidvanias"

>looks like shit
Bait as fuck, kill yourself.

The only thing I that HoD did that I wish carried over to other Iga games was the forward-dash.

What do you mean by fixing the color palette and getting rid of glow?

It's at least better than Circle of the Moon, its predecessor. Later handheld Castlevanias blew it out of the water of course, but it's important to remember it in the frame of its release.

Look at the other games you tard. Also stop cherrypicking images from your L337 romhack. Most of HoD is just empty bland hallways.

>underrated Castlevania
>Not CotM

It was needed in HoD because most of the game is corridor filler you want to skip over.

The problem is that the music does sound shit in the actual game and the graphics look bad in the actual game

>OST is nothing to write home about

Kill yourself son for your shit taste.

Forward dash should be in every CV game.

I take it you never played HoD? By default the colors are oversatured to all hell with brightness set to blinding levels and main character as well as his friend-rival figure have disgusting glow aura around their sprites. It's technicolor as fuck.

I get that. But it was still fun to dash like a maniac.

>Later handheld Castlevanias blew it out of the water

The DS games were trash, though.

>l33t romhack
Literally the only thing "romhacked" about this is removal of the outline glow from Juste and Maxim.

Everything else is vanilla visuals desaturated by 15% and darkened by 50%

It makes my ears bleed

i booted this up yesterday, i came out of the hospital after a surgery, and i looked to play something, and booted this up from my rom list, it sure looked cool, i liked the abilities and stuff, it stood out to the other castlevania's , but this music?
i thought for a minute it was gbc shit i was hearing.

Do you recommend this one?


>A GBA masterpiece

Why did people hate Dawn of Sorrow so much? Other than the garbage artstyle for the character portraits and the seal shit, it was definitely the best DS CV.

Wanna know how I can tell you're underage and never grew up during NES era?

My favorite as well. I like how the characters and story are pretty much copy and pasted from Symphony.

Having played NES as a kid does not preclude having taste. Stop projecting.

This sounds good. What the fuck is the problem here?

>wah wah I can't stand 8bit music
How does it feel to be underage tasteless fucks? You clearly never played the original NES Castlevanias either.

>as well
I never said it's my favourite, just that it's underrated especially seeing how you can fix the colors when emulating.

It's just AoS 2.0.

Which isn't bad mind you. But it suffers from early DS game syndrome. By that I mean all the parts you have to use the touch screen.

>Dracula X, CV1 , CV3
>OoE, AoS, HoD

But the castlevania i actually spent the most time on and enjoyed most was Harmony of Despair. Godamn i'd pay a lot of money for a pc port of that

>Shit taste
The music compositions are amazing, you're the only one with shit taste, see and then kill yourself.

Just because you can't handle the fact that the music uses 8-bit like soundfont doesn't change the fact that compositions are way beyond anything NES could ever do.
sounds miles better than the shitfest that HoD's soundtrack was
Castlevania 1 was my first castlevania game too
How does it feel to be deaf?

Because it was generally a downgrade of AoS in every sense except for graphics.
>Having to soul-farm for the best weapons in the game
>Level and boss design is considerably more lacklustre
>Most of the weapon attack animations are notably worse and slowed-down
>Gimickly use of the touch-screen, particularly those shitty seals at the end of boss fights
Having said that, I still liked it a lot. Considerably more than PoR, at least.

I've likely completed more NES games than you. My first console was an NES and I played the first two Castlevanias to death (I had a friend with 3 but didn't own it myself). Don't tell me that music compares to great NES chiptunes just because it's low quality beeps and boops. It sounds like a shitty mobile ringtone from 2001.

can't remember if it was CotM or AoS but they did it better
indeed nothing to write home about
this is a remix, not the original track that was in the game. please don't do this. we're talking about the game's soundtrack and qualities, not about the remixes.
it's also nothing fancy. it's bland and not at all amazing or anything.
again, a remix. user please.
literally every other castlevania game has AMAZING clock tower songs. HoD doesn't.
again a remix
but yes the original is a good song
i agree
i love this song
but isn't the original from sotn? i could have sworn i heard it somewhere else before, and it sounded much better then.

HoD does not have a good soundtrack in comparison to literally any other of the gba/ds metroidvania games

user you are making me sad

Juste is also the most underrated Castlevania protagonist next to Reinhardt.

Posting best boss theme in the series, bar none:

How to fix the colors and the glow:

Get Harmony of Dissonance US rom (make sure it's the single one and not the dualpack with Aria).

Get this:
Patch the rom using the above using Lunar IPS

Then grab mGBA emulator and use the pic related settings for Shader Settings.

>miles better
Yeah you clearly are the deaf one.

Maybe they should have released it for the NES if that's supposed to be an excuse for ass quality.

i was wrong about the first, hod was indeed the first and it's a great song
but you're still posting remixes and shit
like fuck off and post the originals or piss off ya cunt

Post the original Successor of Fate instead of a remix if you're going to argue about it being better.

Keep projecting even harder you cancerous faggot and see The first track is literally exclusive to HoD since it's the fucking main theme, try harder faggot, get cancer and die.

>indeed nothing to write home about

Nope, it's the original midis extracted through the game with a better soundfont.

None of those are remixes, they are original compositions exactly the way they appear in the game, just with better quality samples for instruments.

I think the soundtrack is pretty solid actually, but the level design is easily the worst of the portable Castlevanias.

>exactly the way they appear in the game, except not

At least learn what projecting means, and then find out why you calling anyone underage is ironic.

Which part of sample quality do you not understand? And HoD's samples are directly NES tier.

As always, Sup Forums proves they're underage shitstains that only love to suck the SotN and DS games cock.

I hope every single one of you kills yourself.

That is all. I'm out of this thread now, enjoy eating shit since that's what you plebs do.

The fact that you're comparing the music to the NES and not the SNES says enough. The GBA is capable of SNES-like audio, even including vocal samples. I want you to compare a few of these.

That's directly from the GBA. It sounds significantly better than that garbage I posted earlier. Another example:

The GBA is WAY better than the NES for audio. Don't act like le retro makes it great.

literally all you do is go full berserk and max out your ad hominem skills
motherfucker debate me
fucking talk about what makes these tracks so amazing to you, when all the other games have much better soundtracks

>>Level and boss design is considerably more lacklustre
>boss design
Why do people keep saying DoS had worse bosses? All of them were far more interesting design wise, and were far more challenging fights than any boss in Aria (except Julius of course).

>this asshurt that no one likes his garbage castlemania

Mad as fuck.

Most of DoS bosses were pretty cool actually. I dunno why people are calling them bad.

>That one boss who smashes the floor and you fight it while freefalling

>but the compositions themselves are amazing, it's just the low quality of samples that hurts it.

What the fuck no, you have it exactly backwards. There is no fucking composition to speak of, every track is dissonant as fuck.

I don't think it's a terrible game but all the other metroidvanias shit on it.
Like you said it looks like garbage unless you go out of your way to fix it. The music sounds like shit, the compositions are alright but that doesn't matter if it sounds like diarrhea ingame.
And don't even get me started on the difficulty, SotN is piss easy but compared to this it's CV3 tier. The game is already easy as is but once you get the wind book, the game is over, you can just hadouken everything to death. If you've been stockpiling potions you can just spam hadoukens to his face while tanking his attacks and healing when you're low on HP. And stockpiling potions should not be an issue because the only threat in this game is the clusterfuck of a map you have to deal with once you get to the second castle. As easy as some of the other games can be (especially SotN and AoS), if you try to do that against the final boss you'll probably get your shit kicked in.
It's a shame, I like Juste but his game isn't all that good.

I don't remember a single challenging fight in DoS, to be honest. Even Menace and Abaddon were pretty easy. The hardest one was fighting Golgoth whilst underleveled, and even then that was only because of the boss arena was so tiny compared to the size of the actual boss.

Gergoth, even. Golgoth must be something else.

That was the best. Probably the most memorable moment of the game for me was when I was punching its chest with the Kaiser Knuckle weapon while it was falling down. Puppet Master, Zephyr, Aguni, and Abaddon were pretty cool too.
Harder=/=Hard. Aria's bosses were absolute jokes anyways.

The true most underrated Castlemania coming through

I suppose. Most Metroidvania bosses were pretty trivial regardless, with the exception of certain OoE bosses like that faggot Blackmore.
Also, that fucking Jiang Shi. Fuck that thing to death.

It's the most divisive, I wouldn't call it most underated.

A lot of people suck this game's dick almost daily, you might want to look up a definition of "underrated".

Not underrated, but definitely the best. I'd actually say the most underrated on the DS is PoR. Nobody gives it the praise it deserves. Everyone who likes the DS games says they get better every time with Ecclesia being best.


I'd say Ecclesia was the best handheld game of them all if half the game wasn't playing the exact same levels again.

Here's the most overrated IGAvania.

Well, it's going to be that or SotN. They're overrated for good reason though.

That game has a shit ton of love for it though. It's regularly said to be the best DS Castlevania.

I just realized recently, that game feels like they tried to redo Simon's Quest and make it actually good.

Which one exceeds it other than Symphony?

If we're talking underrated Castlevania I want to know if this is any good.
Never heard of or played it, I do know it apparently has 2 versions and is a port.

It has best waifu too.

I agree on all of this especially the music, but the true most underrated Castlevanias are Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness.

I played it a while back. It was pretty decent nothing special.

Aria of Sorrow is the best Igavania though.

>And the graphics are without a doubt best out of the GBA three
>especially after you fix the color palette and get rid of the glow.
"it would look good if it wasn't bad!"

>I just realized recently, that game feels like they tried to redo Simon's Quest and make it actually good.

-Hub-village with wierd people who'll gift you shit
-a series of monster-infested zones that aren't actually in Dracula's castle
-Dracula is actually destroyed but needs to be revived and re-killed to fix things

Yeah, I can see it.

it's just CV1 with better graphics and fancier music. So yeah it's good.

To be honest, the originals sound better than those

I'd say the only thing holding SotN back from being a perfect game is the slightly low difficulty. The rest of it's really solid. It's aged ridiculously well to the point where if it was released for the first time today it'd still be praised for its tight controls, gameplay and graphics. It's just a really solid game.

Having said that, there's been many improvements in the series since, most notably in the DS series, and the heights of the other games are better than SotN's. I think the main pro for SotN is that it doesn't have any particularly bad sections or glaring flaws (other than the inverted castle being tedious, but it's really cool that it exists at all). I prefer Ecclesia for challenge, gameplay and general quality but SotN is polished to a shine and a ton of fun. The DS games recycled sprites from a 10+ year old game and still looked amazing.

I've been playing this game recently.

It's definitely not underrated. It's by far the worst Metroidvania I've played. The enemies are boring and easy, the art is dull, the music is forgettable, and the whole castle feels annoying and contrived to navigate.

Good try at being contrarian though, OP.

>it's just CV1 with better graphics and fancier music
No it's not
The level design sucks


>better graphics
Brown everywhere.

>fancier music
If by fancier, you mean dated as fuck.

Why does Simon look like a shemale dominatrix in that game?

>the slightly low difficulty
I agree with your entire post except this. It's not "slightly" too easy, it's WAY too easy. There are so many different ways to fuck the game over it's actually entertaining in itself.

Being designed by Ayami Kojima can do that to you.

It was an odd time.

Wrong. Here is the best boss theme right here:

>No it's not
>implying Chronicles' level design is any different
found the memester

Best music thread? I feel like Reincarnated Soul is vastly underrated compared to Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears.


>tfw using shield rod + alucard shield for the first time
>tfw finding the crissaegrim for the first time

Hell going at the game with just your fists is hilariously easy as fuck. Sure your range is shit but your damage output is stupidly good.

favorite boss theme

>you can just hadouken everything to death
Not him but explain?
Which subweapon combo with wind book gives that?

I'll never understand what's with the hate for HoD. It was fun and mechanically was fine, sure nothing too special but it worked and it wasn't clunky like fucking CotM. And yes the sprites and music look and sound like shit but the art needed more polish and the music simply was too much for a weak 8mb GBA cartridge. The pieces themselves are really good.

I still await the day it gets officially remixed.

Bloodlines has some damn good tracks.that need more love.

my favorite single track in the entire series

>finding about soul steal
>fucking soul steal
>being able to nuke the entire screen and heal as long as you have enough MP
>doesn't even cost that much MP anyway
>you can "steal" the soul of inanimate objects too, like candles or those invincible stone skulls in the inverted castle

Sacred fist or whatever it's called, the one that makes you go ORAORAORA when you use it without spells. You throw a hadouken that does insane damage and goes through enemies too. Enemies that are big enough will get hit twice by it. It's way too fucking strong.

that's the problem, it was ugly as sin and the music scratched your brain
it's like playing a great pc game in a potato tier PC at the lowest settings, you know it could be amazing but it looks like shit and detracts from your overall enjoyment.