Atelier Sophie

Best RPG out now!

it's shit because i never played it, it's not on the pc, and it's not made by nintendo. it's also pedo shit even though i oogle nintendo characters

why can't Japan into proportions?

Its cute. Shut up.

i want to fuck books


I like it.

Sophie already beat you to it.

The story goes nowhere and the "final boss" if you want to call him that is literally a deus ex machina.
I'm having more fun with the $300 I spent on Tokyo Mirage Sessions and a used Wii U. I cant wait for Atelier Shallie to make me completely forget the game.

I want to lick her legs

>only japan dont know proportions

But Sophie's Monika's girl.

>buying censored idolshit
What's wrong with you?

How long until you get a 4th patry members?




Worst Atelier game. I'm a big fan of the series and I still can't recommend it.




Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?




Reminder that Sophie is a whore.


Those are very plain panties, whores wear much more interesting undies.

>Wondering why people don't like Monika
>Her friend level is stuck at 45
>Then she starts bitching to other people that I don't go to church.
At least her friend level isn't stuck anymore.


Literally me



Best girl.



So what do you feel makes this the best Atelier game?

I never played one of these before, should I buy the Arland Atelier Trilogy or get each game separtely for the Plus versions?
What other games are there, that have a US release, besides those three, Ayeshan and Sophie?

Best? yah not even close. The only good reason to buy this game is Pamela. And unfourtantly there's not enough of her to make up for the other crap.

Series really went down hill once Meruru hit.

>only good reason to buy this game
Plus the mechanics, combat, story abd characters.

Have you never heard of chibi?


This has a thread. Surprising.

I had to drop this game near the end. The alchemy system was really fucking irritating. Whole thing felt like a real step down over previous titles. Bums me out.

Sophie was kinda disappointing.

What? The mechanics are nothing special. I would even say they are worse than most previous titles, all around. Combat especially is weaker than previous games. The balance is all fucked up, and it has zero depth. Everything basically plays itself.

Story isn't that great either. Its average at best. And most of the cast being completely pointless doesn't help either.

So you didn't play the game.

I was playing it literally 5 minutes ago. If you think its the best in any category, let alone good in all those categories, you must have completely skipped Arland and Ayesha, which are all much better than this game in every single one of those.

Yeah, they've just continued to streamline all the gameplay aspects. A lot of it I blame on the people that complained about wanting to "explore the world without constraints."
Now we have something that more closely resembles a light novel with some menial gameplay than an actual RPG.

The cast is OK.

>Plus the mechanics,
same alchemy crap, hasn't changed much since Rorona
downgraded badly
>story abd characters.
worse it's been at. They dropped the ball back in Meruru destroying everything the previous two games had built up. Dusk trilogy didn't put any effort into it. Shallie messed up so bad they had to redo stuff to fix Aeysha being able to actually appear in the plus version.

I've enjoyed the games but the quality has dropped a ton.

Addendum: The sad thing is, I still like it despite the simplification.

>Camel toe
Thank you based Nips

Can you get this on the PS4?


Funny enough the idolshit game is vastly superior game lol

loool lmao

There's an Arland Trilogy bundle for the PS3 and Vita.
The PS3 one has old version Rorona. You should dump this for Rorona Plus. The PS3 does not have plus versions of Totori and Meruru, but you can still play them just fine.
The vita bundle has all the games in plus format. You'll have to deal with some poor performance but there's extra content from the dlc and some bonus costumes/endings.

Ayesha is part of the dusk trilogy which includes escha & logy and Shallie.

What do Atelier games really play like?

Can you start with any of them?

I want to _____ Firis!

generic turn-based JRPG with a great item creation system and emphasis on exploration

i started with ayesha and it's pretty fun

Does he want to fuck Sophie?

I normally like turn based JRPGs, like the older FFs, or more recently Bravely Default and such

So you're saing I could start with this without missing out on story, lore or anything? Alright.

Is it it available on Europe too?

Not more than Fritz does

i think they're all self-containted stories.

it should be available. do you have a ps3 or vita?

This is for PS3?

oh, sophie is a ps4 title. i haven't played it.

ayesha is for ps3/vita

I see, thanks. Will look now.

You can get Sophie. They are not all self contained but Sophie starts a new trilogy so it's okay to start there.

Why? I'd like to know more.

What game?