Why does the Fantasy Genre need inclusion and multiculturalism?

The basis of the Fantasy Genre is from European and Northern European Folklore, no where in it does it have minorities in it, so why add them into the games we play?

You can say that Fantasy is just that, Fantasy thus not based off of Historical Fact, which is in fact incredibly wrong. Fantasy at its core and basis is directly from historical, factual folklore and no where in it, were there non-whites, blacks, or asians.

Everyone now a days wants to be included in a Fantasy game; if they want to be so included then they should make their own games, based off their own countries folklore. The only ones to do this have been the Asians but they still LOVE to steal European themes and designs.

The latest of this was the Witcher series complaining there weren't any blacks in it.

And lets be honest, black people, multio's, and other non-whites don't play Fantasy games. So theres no reason to appeal to this demographic when all they do is play NBA Basketball games. No one complained about Lord of the Rings and not having blacks/asians in it so why the fuck are people bent today?

Depends on the story, but most of the time it's just fucking insulting.

I think most of my hate for white people stems from the constant forced diversity.

Cause why not, you fucking faggot. Have a sense of imagination dude , and stop taking everything as a race war

Protip, only white people care about this shit

Every Black person I've known who knows about the Witcher just enjoys the game for what it is.

Also do specify that you mean "European-based Fantasy' when you say Fantasy, its the smarter thing to do in this context.

>Lord of the Rings and not having blacks/asians

Sure it did.

They were called Easterlings.

Or rich suburb kids/transfers

No, I'm pretty sure me and my nigga James had some fucking fun playing the hack and slash LoTR game for PS2, and that Musou-Like Return of the Kings

I also regularly enjoy Skyrim whenever there's a gameplay related mod and not some fap shit.

Quit trying to use weak ass excuses for why brown people can't be in fantasy games.

I prefer Sci-Fi Genres for the record.

Old Early & Mid 2000s RTS games, Tiberium Sun, Homeworld etc.
Pic fucking related with my shitty ass amazon tech support quality webcam.

Dark Elves are hotter

I do agree with you that people who want any game to be different should just make their own game and quit complaining.
But this also means that if developers want to include all races in their western fantasies, you also shouldn't complain about their choice.

Too many white elves have blue eyes and blonde hair
Needs more emerald-eyed redheads

I'm not sure about blue-eyed, pale-skinned, raven-haired elves though

>whining about historical accuracy in a genre with dragons, vampires, and wizards

Just fuck off back to Sup Forums, racist.

as is almost always the case with the diversity argument, the issue is shoehorning.

the witcher takes place in a fantasy kingdom derived from 14th century poland. it makes sense that there are no people of color.

if a fantasy game that took heavy influence from, say, the ancient Mediterranean world or dark ages arabia, it would make sense to have plenty of people of color.

walking into a village in fantasy medieval poland and finding a hypothetical token black npc in the tavern is insulting.

In the best case it's similar to the TES world, where a black human race already exists.


>implying we were not kings when whitey was living in caves

>Wanting to shoehorn black people into european culture instead of wanting games about African mythology
You're fucking double-racist, /reddit/

Black guy here who knows plenty of black people too , I came to say this

When did you first realize that the liberals coddling you were just as racist as the ultra conservatives who openly spit in your face?

>Black goy here
Niggers truly are the women of races

>if a fantasy game that took heavy influence from, say, the ancient Mediterranean world or dark ages arabia, it would make sense to have plenty of people of color.
That's fine and all but when was the last time you heard or even played a game based in those areas of the world?

Almost every single Fantasy/Fantasy RPG game to date has been in Europe where blacks shouldn't exist. Like you said.

Elaborate nigga

>And lets be honest, black people, multio's, and other non-whites don't play Fantasy games. So theres no reason to appeal to this demographic when all they do is play NBA Basketball games. No one complained about Lord of the Rings and not having blacks/asians in it so why the fuck are people bent today?
you almost had a thread until this last part.

mods, please shutdown this Sup Forums race baiting thread.

We can't make games about African Mythology.

The fucking Africans got trolled out of their fucking recorded history.

Nobody really remembers what in the flying fuck happened on that damn continent other then WARS WARS WARS

It's like the history of Orkz

>The basis of the Fantasy Genre is from European and Northern European Folklore

Wrong. The basis of a subset of specific tropes found in certain fictional universes of western high fantasy is what you are referring to, not the fantasy genre as a whole. 'Fantasy' can be anything. I think it's why the Final Fantasy games are so popular, because they actually bother to deviate from the oxymoron of 'standard fantasy'.

what? also its not my first day on Sup Forums, I fully expect to get shit from you guys for revealing i'm black

it doesn't. I don't really care when it's there but it's annoying to hear both sides bitching whether there's a black dude in medieval not-Europe.

Because niggers, op. Dem niggers ruin everything.

Only insane SJWs care about this because they have ulterior motives, user. It's a non-issue otherwise because no one is wasting their time on it. Good game is a good game, that's all that matters.


i totally agree. what i'm saying is hypothetical.

the point i'm trying to make is that the idea that the games industry is racist is a fucking joke

By all means feel free to make said games. I'd love to play something that's not just fantasy Europe, but I don't see anyone making those games aside from some indies.

you wut now?

Because, racist. It's fantasy. We can have an ogre, a fire breathing dragon, and elves, just not black people.

You want attention so you reveal you are black.

>Europe is the only continent with legends and fantasy stories

and games like final fantasy are deviations, not the norm.

the fact remains that any notion of "standard" fantasy is that which is derived from tolkien-esque nordic and european mythologized history.

Our real world is pretty interesting because there are different cultures, places and people. I don't see why that doesn't apply to a fantasy world too.

Because all of those things, ogres, dragons, and elves are BASED off of historical factual European Folklore.

Relevant ones yes

Installed dictatorships happened. Libraries burned, and scholars killed. Just an average day in a third-world regime.


vavra is too savage for these people

Completely agree, I'm black and SJW types who want to change a person's game just because it isn't diverse enough are unsufferable faggots.

Why do mods not delete pointless threads like this?

Who cares about Europe? Definitely not Britain.

people want unique fantasy worlds because the standard setting has just gotten stale and boring.

You're preaching to the choir here, you know? You'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who says games should include minorities or they're racist, bait excluded.

It's not, but if you see a game set in a fantasy setting it's gonna be european based for about 9 out of 10 cases.

I honestly don't mind blacks in there as long as they're well explained and possible. Not just "haha I'll add a black dude for no reason lmao".

Because I could not place myself in the shoes of a black man in the Walking Dead. My immersion was ruined by the fact my skin was a different color that I could not get anywhere past the first chapter.
Same with GTA 4, because I'm neither Serbian, Hispanic, or a Biker.
Same with Skyrim because none of the races are a WASP which is who I am and I can only myself and cannot imagine other people wanting to be other a non WASP.
Same with Halo, because he's not even from Earth so I couldn't even relate with him because he's a supersoldier and I don't even know how that works so I could empathize with the character.
And don't even get me started with the Asian looking characters of Final Fantasy and the Yakuza series.

I didn't do it for attention, I did it to help give that guys anecdote some weight with my own anecdote. He said "EVERY" black person he met, obviously black people themselves know a lot of them too since we live with them. So every one I met too

>why does real life need inclusion and multiculturalism?
Answer: it doesn't, but the kykes want it so it's happening.

>muh based daniel vavra
fuck off

And many of these newer games are created by non european developers, that decided to create their elven fantasy world in their own creative way.

no one complains when japanese make fantasy themed games/anime, using an all japanese cast of characters.

>Lord of the Rings and not having blacks/asians
Blatant lie.
Orcs = blacks
Elves = asians

I'm always surprised why aren't people cheering for this shit offended when something is included and it's obviously a token addition? Whether it's a black or gay character, it's obvious they just added to appease these people. That's not a victory at all.

Africans dont even have written history before colonials came, how does anyone even consider them people?

Only white people care about multiculturalism because Jews have been hammering it in your heads for thousands of years to feel ashamed of your race and to feel guilt for the bad things you've done in history (even though every single race on the planet has done equally horrible things and continue to do so)

Because that would mean having a team of competent mods that would delete or ban any pointless post as soon as it comes out, which simply isn't the case.

Also Corsairs, that were basically arabs.


Most fantasy stories do not take place on earth. So shut the fuck up. The writers can put black people wherever they fucking want.

>why are sjws complaining about boob armor sex sells and blah blah and hurr hurr anything is possible in fantasy that's why it's called fantasy
>but no wait not colored people hold on a minute we have to be realistic because if muh hitler power fantasies aren't present at all times I can't play anything ever forever

That's a result of laziness more than it is about the definition of the fantasy genre. Fantasy genre is literally you can put anything in it because magic. What's the problem with skin colour when you have these beast races running around in the same setting? Surely they didn't exist back then either.

>Former roommate was black
>Friends from back home would come to visit all the time
>Played PS3 and PS4 games
>Shit like Uncharted and more core shit like Dark Souls
>Not once have I heard any of them complain about the race of a video game character

The simple fact of the matter is that most people, of all races, don't give a shit.

How can elves be Asian?
There's, like, 100 elves but 100 billion asians

>Orcs = blacks
>not mongol or chink

lol thanks user i was looking for this

People who post often on Sup Forums should be shadowbanned from every other board

it's your oxymoron.

Because the people who complain about it don't know shit about european Middle Ages and think it was a wonderful time where all races lived together in harmony.

Spolier alert: It wasn't a good time period.

When I moved to Olympia Washington and started gigging for a living. The only reason I was getting to play certain shows was because I was a token black dude.

That's when dislike turned to hate.

Other ethnicities won't change that though. They're just white people with a color palette change. It's literally the laziest way to change things up.

Source: Every video game ever

Why does everyone hate Black Knight? Its fucking awesome

But nearly all high fantasy stories don't take place on earth.

If it's a different world, then why can't there be black people?

Its ok as a nigger movie. Compared to more refined cinematic works, it falls short.

your post is fucking retarded from the first sentence.

Honestly you can blame white nu-males and feminists for the push for multicult etc. Minorities are a small percentage of the market and an extremely tiny segment of the target demographic for these games. The latest hip new cool thing is to be down with blacks and muslims and gays and trannies and stronk womyn so devs put them in to pander to the loudest demographic, which happens to be nu-males and feminists. It's part of a larger cultural shift, but if I name it faggot (((mods))) will give me a timeout again.

It's a movie about some asshole imposing his culture on other people

So it's only popular in the US

If it's a different earth, why can't there be no black people anywhere at all?

For the same reason there aren't black and white people in a fantasy feudal Japan and China world save for maybe some token characters.

So what you're saying is that you just hate everyone that isn't like you.

Pretty much. They're just really really loud on social networks so people think they're way more numerous than they really are.

Doesn't work that way

that's up to the creator and if you don't like you can just make your own game.

Nobody remembers because they didn't have a writing system. Plenty of tales and myths have been recorded by others since then, much like with Native Americans. It's just that most people don't care or don't know about them.

>It's a movie about some asshole imposing his culture on other people
But I thought Europeans would love that stuff


>And lets be honest, black people, multio's, and other non-whites don't play Fantasy games.

This actually isn't true.

Two things, I went to a mostly black highschool for 6 years (there was this 7th and 8th grade magnet program) and am now in the military (which as you can guess picks up a lot of black people trying to get shot by Isis instead of getting shot on the block).

When I was in school there were a lot of nerds who just played video games and talked about weeb shit. There was maybe one or 2 white people in the group.

Now here in the army a good deal of my black squadmates are hype about getting The Witcher 3 on steam, or the new Dragon Age, or watching E3 releases.

Ironically enough a good deal were never bitching about not having representation, but they were happy with little shit, like having the ability to "be brown in Pokemon", shit like that.

I just think it's a more complex and layered issue than Sup Forums and social media like to make it out to be.

it's hilarious juxtaposition

Why not?

Tell that to the person I responded to as well.

If it's a different earth, why can't there be no white people at all?

See? I can make those arguments too.

that was a funny movie

This is a pretty silly rebuttal. If a game has bad controls saying "oh, just make your own game" and "the bad controls are up to the creator" doesn't excuse the fact that it still has bad controls.

Don't be such a bigot.

you're implying a fantasy world has to reflect modern sensibilities, which is silly

There could be no white people. And no one would complain.
So why get up in arms when no blacks are included?

>If it's a different world, then why can't there be black people?

Because most authors still work with what they know the best and most of said authors are not really living in predominantly black countries. Just because games CAN be anything it doesn't mean developers won't inherently be attracted to working with what they're familiar with from mythology, other fantasy works, etc.

I agree. Make a game with no white people and let the market decide its success or failure.

The Haradrim are from a different ethnicity, the humas of middle earth aren't only white people.

>a game specifically set in feudal japan has no non-japanese people
Yes that makes sense.

>a game set in the magical world of Thakhaar where magic replaces electricity and all kinds of races live happily, including black white people living in the same places
Suddenly this is a problem for you? Just admit you hate black people and be done with it.

>you're implying a fantasy world has to reflect modern sensibilities

Fucking spot on. I just wish developers had the balls to say "we're making our game the way it is because it's our game" instead of trying to weasel some shitty PR friendly response. I think CDPR is one of the more recent where devs clearly didn't take any shit from SJW crowd.