How is Junkrat so tall... I thought he was a twink
explain please
How is Junkrat so tall... I thought he was a twink
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>How is Junkrat so tall
He's constantly hunched over during gameplay.
>homocidal thief who also want's to burn everything to the ground
>a twink
he's also always hunched over
>junkrat taller than zarya and 76
his model looks so small though
He's just tall af
But ingame he slouches way forward with his knees bent because his posture is shit
he's unbelievably hunched over
he has the actual worst posture in the universe
he's 6'6 but if you play him in game your view level is like a foot lower than Widowmaker's
No fucking way a manlet like myself is taller than tracer.
>Genji gets a super duper robot body
>still shorter than his brother
That's possibly the worst form of manlet. At least if you're tiny like Torb or Lucio there's a novelty there but if you're slightly stunted you're fucked.
>you will never be a fucking aryan mountain like Reinhardt
5'7 isn't manlet though.
T.Third Worlder
T. Manlet
Anything below 6 foot is manlet status.
>A fucking gorilla
>5' 7
That's about standard for a gorilla, actually.
You mean 5'3 don't you?
charts wrong, not accounting for his posture.
>Tracer is shorter than D.VA
lel what a womanlet
>Zarya will never princess carry you
who 6'1" master race here?
It's fucking annoying, i've burned my hands on the lights taking my shirt off twice.
I want to hug junkrat and suck his huge dick
Genetically defective freaks
>Master race
>Barely taller than a manlet
6'5" true master race reporting in
Pretty much.
the manlet thinks hes people
Everyone's a twink compared to the Hog.
Gorillas don't have much leg, so it's actually typical. Their legs aren't proportioned or shaped like humans so even though their torsos are bigger they still have short little legs
Your height gives you a natural socially retarded look.
I laugh at you whenever I look up your nose.
Hope you like having heart conditions and a shorter life span.
>as tall as Pharah
I can accept this.
5'10 to 6'1 is probably best height, anything over seems to tall. I'm saying that as a 5'8 manlet though.
>not being as tall and as built as reinhardt
[/spoiler] i wish i was
Tfw 6'4 and carry shitty pubs as zarya.
It OK small cyka blyat I carry you on shoulder so you can be tall as well
>black character one of the shortest
does it mean no BBC?
>Tracer is shorter than D.Va
>Picture shows her being quite obviously being taller than D.Va
>Even has her legs spread apart, reducing her overall height
I like how the 3 action hero attackers are the perfect action hero height of 6'1"
>Be 6'4
>Have a marginally shorter life than a manlet like you, but bitches will be all over me doing that life
>Meanwhile you'll never get to fuck anyone, because no one wants to fuck a midget
Though you do have the right hight to suck a normal sized gay mans cock, so you might be useful for something at least.
>be 6'2"
>have tall girl fetish
>surrounded by 5'5" and shorter girls
fuck my life
short nigga but my dick tall
I know this feel brother
While it may be true that girls refuse to be with someone shorter in most cases, I highly doubt a guy on Sup Forums, Sup Forums-video game board, Overwatch thread bragging how bitches will be all over him, will actually at any point in his life acquire bitches in question.
I was mostly talking shit for fun. In reality I don't really give a fuck about sex or relationships.
And how much do you weight?
300lbs, so what? People always care about my weight when my height is literally Adonis-tier
Girls hate manlets to death, they wouldn't care about you anyway so just be glad with what you got.
Not that guy.
I'm 6'4 and weigh about 264 pounds. I'm slightly over weight now, but most of my life I've been lower than avarice weight.
>A little tall and fat
Guarantee I've fucked more women than you brah
Shit happens I guess, also according to skeletal remains found, during the viking age most of them were 174cm
>what is hair?
This. Skeletal remains from before the scandinavian iron-age shows that we where about the same hight we have now, but after the iron-age and until relatively recently we've had about the same hight as everybody else. The shitty diet is often blamed for this.
So all the girls are actually a foot shorter cause of the heels, right?
Hanzo gives me faith that if I lose all this fat, fix my posture, and get /fit/ it might actually balance out being a manlet.
For reals though, would all of you be mad if the average was 5'8 - 5'9 and you were around 5'6 - 5'7? I know most people here are from America, which the average is around 5'11.
The average IS 5'8 and 5'9, unless you're Dutch or something. The problem is, when people talk about height, it's almost always related to what women find attractive, so the average means nothing. Women never ever compare potential partners with the average, they compare them with the best they know.
>Dad was a 6'5 Aryan god.
>5'0 Mom poisoned you with her Irish genes.
>Be 5'7 and still the tallest in the rest of the family.
I ate my veggies growing up and officially feel gypped.
You don't even know what a twink is. Fucking fujoshits.
>1.83 metres/6 feet tall
>58 kilos/127lbs
>The problem is, when people talk about height, it's almost always related to what women find attractive, so the average means nothing. Women never ever compare potential partners with the average, they compare them with the best they know.
Same goes for penis size.
Congrats, you got hit by the "height doesn't matter for women" meme. All the faggots making fun of manlets and then reproducing with women shorter than 5'4 are literally sentencing their children to manlethood.
Literally me except I'm 1.85
just suicide out its easier
That's what you get for carrying a giant tire with a motor in it everywhere.
>tfw ~5'10"
>just want to grab that extra inch
A-at least I'm 5'11" in shoes ;_;
who here /perfect 6'/?
Thats king of the manlets tier.
Anything below 6'3" is manlet tier.
Imperial system is hack anyway since inch is 3cm.
>king of manlets
>master race
yeah sure.
Hanzo looks like a repulsive gook.
I'm 6'2", would love to be 5'7.
>Torb is 4'7"
>Literally half the size of most characters in-game
too many manlets
Just drop your fat
Nothing else matters nearly as much, trust me on this
Why is Lucio so short though?
>fucking D.VA is taller than me
Thank fuck I'm a fag and don't have to impress women.
Can I get this chart without untermenscheneinheit?
As long as you're not fat
Winston should be heigher on this list when he's on two feet.
How would I even get fat with this tiny body? I only have to eat every couple of days.
>implying 5'11" isn't kind of manlets and everything between 6' and 6'5" is ideal
fucking lanklets man
I'm 511 . I like my height , 6 foot would have been primo but w.e I look down on most girls I've dated and only one was eye level.
Though seeing some user go through being 55 56 57 I'm thankful for my height .
How do you even lose weight
You eat 1500 calories a day and no more.
How do I get huge like Reinhardt?
Why the fuck is the gorilla 5'7
I hate /sci/ whenever I see a gorilla now I just start laughing
Because that's an accurate height for gorillas.
Be extremely succesful, invest all you have in robotic suite research, by the time you are his age, maybe you can have a suite just like his.
Be extremely succesful, invest all you have in neural research and neural interfaces, by the time you are his age maybe you can be hooked up into a matrix that will let you be tall.
>tfw 5'6''
feels fucking bad
Just be cute user.
>m-muh height
good luck with your sub-8 inch penis
>m-muh penis
good luck with your "magnetic" charm and social skills
>5'3 with leg power armor
>no girl over 5'9
gutter trash
I'd take the joke with Zarya, but Pharah?
Height doesn't matter as much people like to think it does, I'm 6'0. I don't get girls because of height, it's because of your body. Eat correctly and healthy, and at any height you will get a girl, trust me on this. Literally go to the gym, and grind. You will see many improvements in life.
No point if she has no proper armor.
What do you mean by that?
I'm ugly too
>I'm 6'2", would love to be 5'7.
Nigga what?