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Too many traffic lines dood.

I haven't played a city builder game since the original SimCity and I was disgusted by the EA reboot.

Did Cities Skylines turn out to be better than the SimCity reboot?

Delete the red traffic roads. The more green the better.

Oh hell ya

Yes but it doesnt hold a candle to SimCity 4


infinitely better

why do you have two 4-way avenue junctions in such close proximity you eejit?

One of the best city sims according to some, simply good to others.
Either way it's worth the shot, I liked it, myself.

More lanes.


>Two 4-way intersections that close
>Those line-ups
>Six-lane roads backed up in only one lane

You did this to yourself

It's pretty good famalam. Currently making my perfect Cyberpunk metropolis. Shit is so cash.

Very good. The after dark expansion really cements it as better than SC2013. The snowfall expansion is trash, though.

My bro is a civil engineer working. He loves sim games but is always pissed at the traffic models. Traffic needs to be modeled based on fluid dynamics with organic reactions. Basically, 1 fucktard breaking in a slight corner reverberates like a snake changing direction slowing everyone down the chain.

I keep telling him to get off his ass and program a realistic traffic model but he won't.

If you're interested, search some traffic pattern studies. It's fascinating and infuriating how a single car can fuck up traffic for miles behind it.

>Yes but it doesnt hold a candle to SimCity 4
It's so unbelievably superior that your nostalgia becomes that much more evident.
Not talking about graphics though

Literally delete the red roads

wait, how did some indie dev make a better simcity game than EA? also, wasn't their game like half the price as simcity on release?

because they wanted to make a good city sim, while EA wanted to make shekels

Thanks a lot asshole now the entire town road is jammed and that dead guy is never going to get buried.

Stop being a stupid traffic planner.
You don't even need to get gud, just don't be retarded.
I know that is a challenge for people nowadays but that is because they dont even try.
Im not even going to tell you what to do, im just going to tell you to stop underestimating a challenge and not properly dedicating to solve it because it's inside a game.
It's something that everyone should do really.

glorious finnish engineering

Git gud


why do you have so many avenues

why are you using avenues for your roundabouts

Might as well post some shit.

>the pink haired chick isn't actually fat

what the fuck

>Git gud
But that intersection is disgusting and inneficient
/cbg/ remembers you, you faggot

now that's bad

fuck that looks good

Would this game be good for someone who has never played a city builder before?

she's also the game designer

You have a lot to learn friend.
A lot.

I never played a city builder before and citites skylines was great fun.



it's designed quite well to be fairly intuitive and easy to get into

it feels a lot more "video gamey" than the older sim city games, but I think this works in its favour nicely.

Why the fuck didn't you just make them one-way in different directions.

Everything is better than this!

somebody give me some protips on traffic
isn't enough and I must be retarded because the AI does the opposite of what I expect it to

are the dlcs worth it?

Lots of Asians can pull that look off.

lol /cbg/ is ded
I miss you fagets


Winter is best setting

first one yes
second one only on sale unless you desperately want trams

roundabouts are what you should use in place of 4-way junctions
3 way junctions are a lot more efficient

try not to have too many connections to the highway

have big roads leading to smaller roads leading to cul-de-sacs

As an engineer working in my state's bridge department, I came


Not really.

I think how they implemented trams is a pretty shitty way. Why didn't the do it like they did in CiM2?


I'll post some of my other cities too.


Connect districts via highways.
Connect highways to heavy roads, connect smaller roads to heavy roads, and keep your zoning to the smaller roads to prevent vehicles from stopping on higher-traffic roads.
Use mass transit and use it well.
Make sure there are pedestrian/bike paths to connect nearby areas (citizens will walk farther than you'd think to get to work and buy goods).
For highway connections, run your on/off ramps so as to avoid weaving.
Use three-way intersections over four-way to avoid traffic lights.
There's way more, but these are the tips I'm sure of.



That's the default 3-way interchange you retard.

thanks anons


It is definitely the spiritual successor you're looking for.

jesus navigating that would be a nightmare.


A nightmare of FUN



I also do playthroughs on JewTube but I don't feel like being a faggot today

>literally simcity 4 but for retards
And dont forget to buy the snow DLC stupid goy


It looks super plain in my opinion. Did you just start building this town or something? Maybe try to spice it up a little

>game got a bit simplified in comparison to SC4 so it means it's for retards


Anyone know any good custom regions? Thinking of spicing things up a little.

>A highway through the middle of the city
American '''''cities'''''

Game was fun but it's too bad the game completely chokes when you get to real metropolis sizes. 500,000+ pops and the game is just not fun at all. I have a save with 1mill pop that chugs so hard I can even believe I got it that high to begin with because it's so excruciatingly slow. The game needed more effort put into multi core support and from what I've seen with Stellaris this is a failure of their chosen engine. They knew from they went with the same shitty game engine it was going to perform like shit late game yet they gave no shits.

i5 6600k @ 4.6ghz

Not that guy, but how? The only way C:S is better is through road design. It's otherwise piss easy and mechanically shallow.

sorry, was afk

locating all highways underground gives more room to build above.

I love making custom interchanges
was made before tunnel update

That's no highway. Look closely.



It's just as anti-pedestrian as a highway would be though.

>camera angles: the .jpg


>cpu 100%


>completely straight roads and blocks
Are you compensating for how bent your sexuality is?

How does agriculture work in this? I want to make small villages around a big city, but I can't figure out how to make farms.


Are you?

There's very small things that annoy me like the emergency vehicles not getting the right of way, cars not switching lanes, or traffic using the dirt roads for their convenience even though they're made for maintenance vehicles. Besides that and other little things that bother me this game is amazing.

It's simple but it's still fan fucking tastic. Expantions add a lot to the game too.

my problem with this game is knowing where to start

ill get ready to play and then make a few roads, but then have no idea what i want to do with the city and exit

You can designate industrial districts as agriculture, but you'll only get food processing plants if the area you build on isn't arable land. There are some agriculture mods out there, but I haven't tried them out so I can't say whether they're what you're looking for.

niga ill suck yo dick

I wish there was an easier way to choose building styles. I know there is a mod for it but you have to sort through the million building files manually.



>Road Rigatoni


But also these cities look like hell to drive through.

Never played a city builder game in my life, can I play skylines as and not fuck up my city everytime



IS there a mod that lets you select house styles by districts? It'd be cool to be like, "OK, I want European houses up in the hill districts, and US styles in my business districts."

Yeah, theme manager

Holy fuck why would anyone design anything like this.

Shit looks like a fucked up pretzel.


>we mexico now