
>Favorite RTS
>Favorite Faction

Other urls found in this thread:

>C&C 95
Still my favorite after all the years, NOD/GDI and tiberium was really interesting with a gulf war era backdrop.
At least for lore and design. I liked them the most when they were a cult with no overt mystical bits about them, just weird architecture and fringe science.

Played it back when it came out, never played the other C&C games before then, thought it was fucking awesome.
Our lives for Kane!

>Supcom: FA

>Nod from C&C

Supcom's the tightest shit but you can't beat Nod's design.

Favorite RTS, probably C&C Tiberian Sun.

Favorite faction, NOD by a longshot, as many stated, the aestetics and methods they use are really interesting and awesome.

Right now,
>Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
>Imperial Navy

>Starcraft Brood War
I'd say Tiberian Sun but Brood War just gave me more fun and had more of a lasting impact.
There's just something really charming about Nod, both in terms of unit, design and story. Also Kane.

>C&C Generals

Tiberian Sun

Brotherhood of Nod

great campaign, great multiplayer, great fun watching inhuman korean pros killing each other at 1000apm for two hours
fucking Slavik is most bitching RTS protag ever

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

>Supreme Commander FA
>Cybran or UEF

Im thinking of buying it.
How is it?

>liking the game that killed RTS
Fuck off cancer

Command and Conquer and Starcraft put the RTS genre on the map as a popular genre. Complaining that either of those games killed RTS is like complaining games like the original Doom killed off FPS.

In short, stop being a fucking idiot

Games themself don't kill the whole genres, shitty developers does.

Saying that Star craft or C&C killed RTS is more like saying Halo killed FPS.

Fuck off blizzshills

>Warcraft III
Siege and Mortars were just too much fun in that game.

It'd be really neat playing FA and getting the ACU into neat situations, like sniping. Where da FA at?

I played one like 10 years ago and I forgot the name. IT was a pretty good looking advanced RTS where you had to build lots of different military constructions, oilfields and whatnot. I think the time was set to around 2000. Anyone got some ideas?

Probably Starcraft. between the single player and the User Map settings there was endless possibilities.

Favorite faction?
Maybe the Soviets in RA1 or GDI in any of their games gameplay wise.

Maybe this? Other than that, only Act of War comes to mind.

>C&C Generals
GLA are fun
I love the idea of a swarming menace.

>SC killed RTS
Is that what zgens believe?

Anything more specific? Like factions or overall setting?

No it wouldnt because FPS were already popular before Halo because of things like Doom and Medal of Honor and Half Life.

Halo tried to shake things up with regenerating health.

Starcraft and C&C literally became the foundation of RTS though. Ya there were games before it but they werent great. Those two games made the genre into something people wanted to play.

So again, those games are like the Doom (and Quake?) of RTS.

Dont be retarded. No one is claiming Starcraft 2 is good. Its a disgrace compared to the original. Hell the other guy you replied to even claimed blizzard was a shitty developer. We just understand that a company becoming shitty doesnt retroactively mean their old games that were good are now shit and always shit.

>Act of War
aw man I fucking love you! I have been looking for years!

Cheers, enjoy, i replayed it like two years ago and it still holds up well.

>Dune 2000
>House Harkonnen


>all these fucking noddies


Starcraft Brood War didn't kill anything.

World in Conflict

Murrica. Fuck the commies.

>siding with technojews

This is Sokol one! All battlegroup elements are now reading this in my voice!


Nod, Soviets, Yuri

Cloaking, Strong mid-sized tanks, Mind control

Soviets had heavy tanks, light and medium tanks are Allies.
Also soviets are so fucking broken it's not funny



My brother.

Is this literally the best cutscene in all of RTS?
Still gets me to this day.

>Is this literally the best cutscene in all of RTS?
most definitely

I grew up so much on RTS. LANing AoE and C&C at 8 was great but if there was a game that always has a place in my heart it has to be Dune 2.

In terms of faction, its gotta be Kane and the Nodbros.

This thread is now a NOD thread.


Goodnight sweet prince ;_;7

>C&C Generals Zero Hour
Awesome campaign and the 8 player skirmish is fun as fuck

>Imperial Guard
Just because I'm a 40k fluff autist and there is nothing more satisfying than steamrolling lesser races and heretics with tanks.

The MP was fuckawesome. Except for the 2cool4school heli only faggots

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

TEC or Vasari Loyalists
great taste

while it's true that the single player campaign quickly devolves into building fucktons of salvage corvettes and stealing every ship you find like some sort of space gypsy, the multi player, the lore, the soundtrack, the graphics, really do put it in a special place in my heart.

As for faction, as much as i love Homeworld, both factions play pretty much the same so i will go with the GLA from C&C Generals

Forged Alliance,

Scrin from Kane;s Wrath

Not the user that you were replying to, but I've been really enjoying it. With 5 hours of play time i'm up to the 7th mission of 13. And I'll probably fuck around in Skirmish a bit. If you're the least bit interested, now is the time to get it because I really wouldn't recommend a full price buy.

-Aesthetic. (Everything looks great and i'm a real sucker for deserts + homeworld ship design)
-It looks pretty
-Units are resilient but not invulnerable.
-Rachel S'jet is the first female character in long time that doesn't feel like her gender is a fucking plot point, it's great.

-It's to short, the missions are great but I know I'm going to want more after the 13th mission.
-DLC is/should be good if you can find anyone to Multiplayer with, but it's basically just Skins and Models for multiplayer. Just get the base game and the Expedition Guide if you're a lorefag.
-Occasional Crashes? Apparently it's a thing. Better than on release but It's crashed a couple of times on me. Nothing -that- critical though.

tl;dr: Buy it now when it's on sale, it's great but i'm very happy I didn't pay full price.

Earth 2150-2160
Company of heroes 1 & 2
C&C every game

>Dark Crusade
>Protoss or Necrons

The Emperor smiles on them

Alright who wants to organize an FA long-play game? I so fucking love this game and I waited 9 years to finally play it a few months ago with a new pc

litteraly the best videogame in the universe of Warhammer 40k
some voice acting wouldn't hurt (for the nightbringer adn necron Lord)

>Age of Mythology
Egyptians are sissy fags

>supcom FA

let's do it to it, i miss the good ol' days of supcom vanilla with gigantic standoffs



Used to love getting King Dain early

Total annihilation
The core

I think I might still have supcom or maybe supcom 2

>siding with terrorists


worst side

>Starcraft killed RTS.

No the reality is RTS simply died on its own due to lack of interest from a changing market.


I'd say I'm surprised at TIME, but they did make Hitler man of the year back in 1938


Honestly though, Forged Alliance and Aeon
>They removed Aeon navy in SupCom2 because "dude hover units lmao"

play some forged alliance forever, community is still somewhat alive, though most games are played on maps with chokepoints

recently started playing again, its still a nice game and FAF is lively enough for me

i wanted to buy this because of the steam sale
is it worth $27?

peace through power! the technology of peace

just play forged alliance forever

good times

advent (loyalist)

Fuck you Sam

I feel im missing something here

is this a new mod server or something? I literally havent played for 9 years, and have been slowly re-learning through skirmish mode. Id love some FA online, but i get the feeling not many people like to play siege/turtle style games anymore just blitzing me after norush expires or maybe thats just my impression from playing on Supcom2 on consoles


That's how rts are generally played. You have to rush or adapt to the rush, constantly expanding

Got some practice on x4.

i want to like supcom but goddam, there are just so many poor design decisions and subpar software development

nah you're just a fucking retard

>AoE 2, a game from 1999, has basic formations
Fucking SupCom.

Currently CoH2.

Favorite faction: OKW, especially after the balance changes. Having access to MG34s and Panzerfausts along with capable Volksgrenadiers w/STG-44s makes for some excellent gameplay compared to previous balance states. No longer do retards Volkshrekblob.

There's nothing like getting that early ambush in a 1v1/2v2 with your Sturmpioneers after circling around the map and wiping his first squad after a late retreat. Feels great to see idiots ragequit.

This. SupCom can't even keep units at the same pace.

I tend to agree, Supcom's actual unit control was subpar for the era.

what are you shitters talking about, supcom has formations and units move at the same speed with ctrl+move

>WWIII Black Gold
Oh fug, the memories. Dropped it like a rock once I got Generals but still.

Dark Crusade
Tau, fire warrior spam is the most satisfying shit.

>caring about controlling your units beyond just a-moving

If you're playing supcom right at all you'll have so many units on the field and being made so consistently you won't even have time to care about formations or if a few get stuck on some walls here and there.

and besides

>Zero Hour
I'd played and enjoyed Red Alert 1&2 and Renegade before it but Generals/Zero Hour was basically the defining C&C game for me. Helps that the mod scene is still decently active.

>Spess Mehreens
It's still so satisfying to successfully execute a good steel rain while deepstriking terminators and assault marines to fuck up the rear. I also like a good bit of the lore

>schreckblob is gone
>cromwell gets free reign to run over krauts

Reminder that Original War is on sale on Steam right now for less than £1, there is literally no reason not to play one of the most brilliant RTS's ever made.

Sure, it's janky as hell, and the translation's off in a couple places, but it's so unusual and unique you'll forgive it. It's a blast.

Also it's -less than a quid right now-! Go for it!

my nigga, this game was GOAT

too bad the arabian expansion never happened

Mod community's made one, it's on the steam workshop. Apparently it uses some assets and things that were left in but never used. Haven't played it myself yet though, still working through the campaigns again.

It doesn't, the Sturmpioneers can now carry Panzershreks.

Two Sturmpioneers w/ Shreks and two Volks W/ STG-44s + supporting Racketenwerfer make short work of armor, and it's become one of my standard midgame 3v3-4v4 OKW builds.

With the reduced mine lethality I no longer feel the need to sweep in the midgame, or at least until I get a PzIV/Panther out. I'm just not scared of mined that can't squadwipe, frankly.
Anyway, I'd be more worried about emplacements as OKW desu, at least they nerfed the counter battery and land matress. It only took them nearly half a year.

Earth 2150

EuroAsian Dynasty or UCS
How can moonfags even compete

>Sturmpioneers can now carry Panzershreks
>expensive and fragile engineer squad is AT infantry now

Dunno, didn't have any difficulties dealing with schreckblobs with the crocodile, don't think I'll have any with engineer blobs, but Jagdpanzer IVs with the phasing device are the bane of my existence.

Teller mines lost all meaning tho.

pretty sure a lack of good singleplayer is what killed rts

>C&C Generals Zero Hour
China Nuke General. The glow, that wondrous glow! Can you feel it general?

>Age of Empires 3
Germany. I loved rushing to the fortress age and pumping out Uhlans and Needle guns. The British are a close second for those mad powerful Musketeers.


if you play okw you should kill yourself irl. literally babby mode


>Someone else who fell for the 'I only play 3-3/4-4' meme

OKW was balanced before and is even more balanced after last weeks patch, dude. Get good. All of the factions are incredibly viable now.

>planes won't stay with units
>becomes a fuckfest as the planes are shredded, and the bots have no air support