Go to finally buy console for some exclusives

>go to finally buy console for some exclusives
>see that ps4 costs 15 quid for 3 months or 40 quid for 1 year

What the actualy fuck? Wasnt the ps3 online free? how the fuck are sony getting away with htis shit?

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Stop being poor

I don't use it personally. I play FFXIV for my social fix but mostly stay to SP games.

Its not just the price, its the principle

Why the fuck should I pay a permium to sony when they cant even keep thier shitty servers from getting hacked?

Is ps plus at least good? free games might make it worth it.

The games are kinda shit. It used to be better when it wasn't mandatory. Hope you like 2k16 and indie games though.

I think online play on ps3 is still free, yeah its shitty but all the consoles are doing it. but hey some of the games PS+ are ok, I guess. Sometimes.

because sonyggers

>spend years saying psn was superior to xbl because it was free
>now psn is paid and still shittier than xbl
>sonyggers lap it up

dont get ps plus then faggot, stay left behind

Honestly I dont play online games much, do you? There are also some games that dont need to sub like FFXIV

But I still use PS+ to easily be able to back up all of my saves, shareplay with a friend and occasionally get the good games they offer each month, which doesnt happen much anymore of course

Besides its only 20 dollars a year on cyber monday.

Why? because Microsoft isn't having free online play and Sony is winning the "Console War" so they have no reason to not have PS+. If Nintendo was fucking huge I could see Sony or Microsoft being swayed towards having free online shit.

>its the principle

Then don't do it and fuck off

because their consumers are willing to pay for it, regardless of how scummy it is. They're in the lead sales-wise, so they can get away with quite a bit.

Well maybe you shouldn't live in a Harry Potter book you ass badger.

>actually defending this shit

You fuck off you slimy cucks. I at least want to find out why this is happening and wther its worth it.

>50 USD a year
>1500 USD worth of games a year

Seriously shut the fuck up and quit being a poor manchild. I can guaran-fucking-tee you don't pay for your own internet if you're unironically complaining about 4 USD a month.

>how the fuck are sony getting away with htis shit?
Unregulated industry. False advertising, paying real money for the chance at digital items, paying more for a digital copy tied to a single account than a physical copy.

The government needs to come down hard on the videogame industry, and I'm not talking about censorship.

Sony had an investigation regarding false claims made about the VITA, well it never ended there.

That's what non-Nintendo consoles do now. They charge you to use your own internet.

If you don't like it get a fucking refund like a big boy and stick to whatever the fuck you had before.

It's barely a fraction of one fucking check in an entire year.
It's fucking chump change.
Get a job and stop fucking complaining.
Yes it's fucking worth it if you want "free" games and to able to play online and use all functions of it's subscription.
It's not a whole of money in the real world.
It's not like it's thousands of fucking dollars at once.

>People think this is a valid excuse
Don't own a Lamborghini? What are you, poor?

Sonyggers did like they always do to Sony.
>Drops to their knees.
>Licks the balls
>And suck the dick.
>Be the ones that pay for it.

Yeah cuz a Lambo costs 60 bucks right?
That's how much it costs to play online?
Nice projecting, poorfag.

I got a job last week guys

I worked a single day and made 70 dollars

I spent 45 dollars on this membership to last 365 days. Fuck sony am I right?

>see that ps4 costs 15 quid for 3 months or 40 quid for 1 year
But I don't pay that and it works fine...? Are you getting ransomwared, dude?

Good meme.

>when they cant even keep thier shitty servers from getting hacked?
Let me guess, you think DDOS = Hack?

>Unregulated industry

And pretty much every major player is guilty of some bullshit.

>Hey you know how you already pay your internet company to online?
>why don't you pay us just so you can use that Internet on our system
Why are console gamers so retarded?

Because Microsoft did it first.
Following the rival is common in this industry.

> paying real money for the chance at digital items, paying more for a digital copy tied to a single account than a physical copy.
What are you talking about here?

Not him, but Sony has a tendency to get their data compromised every year or so. They just get DDoS'd every fucking month. It's not just Playstation, it's their movies too. Then there's Adam Sandler scamming them to pay for his vacations.

Sony is just really, really fucking bad with security in general.

2k16 is fucking amazing. Though itnis not for casuals or people that lime arcade style of sport games.

PlayStation Plus is literally the best thing to happen to gaming.

The thing is such a deal, it pays for itself within a month usually with really good discounts on games and bretty good free games. I have a ps3, a ps4, and a vita so getting 6 free games a month is not too shabby.

It's what kept me from moving on from gaming, OP. Literally that good.

>beta cucks pay for my bills and subscriptions

feels gud man

Every PC store has great discounts steam Gog etc. and they're free to use.

>tfw you've been sitting on a 1-year card for over a year and still haven't used it because there isn't a single worthwhile plus game so far
>tfw you have SFV but the online is a joke, so there's no point in activating it for actual games

>Not him, but Sony has a tendency to get their data compromised every year or so.
When it comes to playstation there's just literally that one time years ago. Yes it was bad but it doesn't happen fucking all the time. And the only hack regarding to movies is one time deal as well as far as I know.

>They just get DDoS'd every fucking month.
Nah, DDoS has died down a lot for now and it's not as often down as people proclaim it to be. Sometimes people start whining about fucking maintenance downtime as well.

Is this some kind of new meme? I'm genuinely confused about the logic of this post. Sony hasn't been DDoS'd since 2014 and there hasn't been a security breach since the PS3 days.

What are some good ps plus games that i could get right now?

What the fuck is Quid

What he is saying is that p+ users get even better discounts that if you just use the traditional psn discounts.

Are you one of those dumbfucks who think all online is PS+ restricted - including patches and stores?

>pay us £5 a month to maybe get some dicsounts!!!

Fucking jews.

That shit is the reason I didn't get a PS4 even though I liked my PS3. I won't let sony cuck me with this.

Nba 2k16.

I dont like sports games

I only played fifa a year ago and didn't like it.

He probably is

Many people think that PS+ restricts shit like demos like xbox live did

Are you one of those dumbfucks who pays for Internet and then pays Sony just to be able to use the Internet connection you already are paying for?

Yeah but you would have to buy an expensive pc and then you'll be that weird guy that uses his computer to play video games.

Plus my friends come over at least once a week to play games and drink (and lately my friend Carlos has been bringing over weed and we've been having really great philosophical discussions I can't believe I never gave it a chance before).

I don't think that'd be possible with a pc unless I bought four pairs of keyboards and mice and then we would only be able to take turns playing Gone Home or any of those boring pc exclusives..

>Japan got Psychobreak as a PS+ game
>America gets Gone Home

SCEA; Being a shit company for over 20 years.

There are none

Are you one of those dumbfucks who has no arguments so you must make up strawman arguments?

>I don't like sport games
Are you a nerd or something?

>b-b-but we can download demos for free!
Who gives a fuck. You still have to pay an extra fee just to be able to play your games online with other people.

>it's totally ok to have to pay Sony/Microsoft just to use the internet connection you are already paying for
Consolecucks, ladies and gentlemen

I'm still playin my FREE Rocket League fa.m

Who are you quoting?

this is why I won't get a PS4 until it's hacked

>buy one piece burning blood
>it says you need ps+ for online
>wait with getting new ps+ subscription till i get good at the game so I don't get my ass kicked online, current ps+ games are shit anyway.
>mfw it completely works without ps+

Any other games that lie about needing ps+ ?

I could've sworn Evil Within was on PS+ already last year but seems like it wasn't.

Most likely coming out in west on PS+ as well in time.

Good strawman, m8

The free games from ps+, are they limited time like a rental or can you play them whenever even if you stop subscribing?

>I can't justify having to pay twice for internet so I will keep saying strawman

They can all be played as long as you have a subscripition

If you leave the service and come back later the games will be reactivated

"limited" but if you renew you can play them again.

Just make a habit of playing the single player games when they come out so it doesn't matter too much when sub runs out.

I'm glad a decent number of PS4 games I'm interested in are also coming to PS3.

I'm just fucking praying the leaked GotY Edtion comes out sooner or later. I don't feel like paying for the DLC again or begging online for Bethesda to give me a working Day One Edition code.

Galak Z was a great game for free on PS+ at least. Had a fucking spiffy Indiebox too.

Literally cucked by Sony again

You seem like an insufferable person who would complain about everything. If it wasn't this then you'd be complaining that you have to pay for internet, electricity, rent, health insurance, etc.

I would literally pay money to never be in the same room as you.

daily reminder that you are now responsible of anything that happens to your account in a sony security breach

Is it retroactive or do you have to get the games when they're available and cant backtrack to get old free titles?

what is an 15 squid?

WAIT, sony ps+ is limited meaning you cant even play that shit offline? Why is xbox plus so good? They got like 7 games this month and they actually give real games

Galakz was shit, it wasnt even a completed game.

It's not retroactive. You have to claim the games each month or it doesn't count.

When they're available.

Overall I've liked the games these past months with the rotten apples mostly being the vita/PS4 games. And Locoroco or whatever fuck it was for PS3 last month, classified as "screensaver" no less.

>If it wasn't this then you'd be complaining that you have to pay for internet, electricity, rent, health insurance, etc.
Hello retard. I bet you would gladly pay Sony an extra monthly fee if they added an electricity service just to power the console on top of your electrical bill.

You can play the "shit" offline

Someone please justify paying for PSN or Xbox live when the money doesn't even go to the developers who host the game servers and add content to the games like MMOs


What principle, you silly little user? It's fucking video games.

I don't mind paying for ps+ because online is so shit on the ps3.

Sony and Microsoft both pay devs to have their games on PS+ to begin with you dumbass.

Paying for nothing

Is it even changed between PS3 and PS4?

You have a weird definition of "nothing"

Eww. Don't reply to me you're gross.

What could it be done to please both finances and customers?
I'd go with
-More strict actions against false advertising
-Stronger quality check
-Cheaper prices for yearly PS+ subscription (50 USD to play online for a year is not really fair)
-Buying a game (rental or digital) is tied to your account so you also have the PC and the last gen version of that game
-No more gimmicks like "Exclusive to Xbox One" *timed exclusive

P2P online play is nothing. It costs them pennies. I don't care about whatever other crap they have; they're paywalling the ability to connect to other players without even playing on their servers.

>get to play games you don't have to purchase as long as you have the service
>get to play games online with other people
>get exclusive discounts and sales for downloadable games

Between the PS3 and PS4 I have benefited many things with PS+.
It's not like it's gonna end anytime soon and I'll just renew it cuz it's not expensive.
I'm not gonna lose my "free" games and I'm always getting games I missed out on for cheap.

>I don't care about the stuff that it gives you, so I'll just say that you pay for nothing
Bravo, user.

Go back to neogaf. You fucking nigger.

But I don't want that stuff. That stuff's an irrelevance. It's the same jewish tactic going on with that CoD 4 remake.
I don't give a shit about whatever else you're trying to peddle; you're charging me way too much for what I actually want.

Mods! MOOOODS!!!

Yes, very much so. It doesn't take 3 days to download 20gb
Match making is quick
Lag is minimal and connections are pretty solid.

P2P online play doesn't cost anything though
You could do it with a freeware on PC with pirated copies
If they had dedicated servers more often or people who had PS+ would benefit from dedicated servers things would be very different

>how the fuck are sony getting away with htis shit?
Microsoft showed it's A-OK to charge people for online so Sony decided to copy them
It was never better, it was the same exact P2P shit that PS3 had but now you had to pay


>What the actualy fuck? Wasnt the ps3 online free? how the fuck are sony getting away with htis shit?
because retards like people in this thread will eat whatever shit sony gives them
Fuck microsoft for starting this completely cancerous trend and fuck sony for following them
anyone who defends locking MP games behind a paywall should be shot

there was another hack six months ago
do you live under a rock

He said good, not top of the bell curve casual trash.

You might as well just go back to PC gaming if it bothers you so badly. We've heard it all before; and until the Playstation brand stops reaping a windfall of profits from the charging of online fees, then Sony has no incentive to change, least of all from a handful of people whining about it.

But again, that's irrelevant. That's just you.

If you don't want extra discounts, features, games, whatever. Fine. But don't pretend that the service offers nothing but online.

>P2P online play doesn't cost anything though
The point is that he claims that you "pay for nothing" with PS+ which is just wrong because he, personally, doesn't "want" anything else.

That's your problem familio.

>anyone who defends locking MP games behind a paywall should be shot
It's acceptable if you actually provide dedicated servers.