I've never played an MMO game. What am I missing on?
I've never played an MMO game. What am I missing on?
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nothing, today's MMOs are shit, so don't even bother trying to get into them
>summer doesn't know what a MMO is
You never played a MMO? And you are in Sup Forums? Impossible.
Literally nothing and don't trust WoWfags, their game is shit and will be dead next year if it keeps this pace, stick to single player games or games that have a multiplayer on the side
>will be dead next year
that's what they say every year
>Missing on.
More like missed out on. Their golden age is gone and done.
Wasn't the movie successful?
The the last expansions have a disastrous run like WoD? That made the announcement of the new expansion, Legion, not be hyped at all, for fuck sake, even the players are moving to FFXIV, a game that is more or less the same shit, so unless WoW changes drastically in this expansion they are fucked
Yeah, in china, that means 2 things, the sequel will pander almost exclusively to the chinks and WoW might change to pander even more to them, they are what keeps the game afloat
According to Sup Forums, any MMO that doesn't cater to niche NEET losers is a failed MMO.
I dont understand, who should MMOs cater to? People who don't play the game?
MMOs should cater to a wide audience if they want to be successful. But Sup Forums hates normies because they casualize games, so they hate shit like WoW and FFXIV while praise MMOs like FFXI and Runescape.
So, how come spreadsheet simulator is successful?
The memes jack
Why aren't you getting ready to try that darkfall remake on Tuesday user. New dawn is liking to be great
They cater to a niche dedicated audience of space sim autists.
But you said that to be successful they can't cater to a niche audience and have to cater t othe broader audience
>he played a MMO even once in his lifetime
hello summer!
>"I'm too casual to be a part of the politics and conflict so anyone that plays it is autistic!!1! DX"
Spreadsheet simulator is still better than 99% of MMOs because it actually nails the massively multiplayer part.
Space sim autists have high paying jobs to fund their game.
Roleplaying autists are usually NEETs.
All the good MMOs are dead.
Saying EVE is successful is like saying why Second Life is successful, they are both very demanding in time and patience, do the social aspect well and are "fun" in their own way.
I tried to get into it several times but I couldn't handle the waiting for everything, waiting for skills to train, waiting for the ship to arrive, waiting for mining vessels, it was just to much dull stuff it required all of my time, sometimes it felt like a literal job, I found myself saying to my head, "I can't wait 1 more hour until I'm done here to play some good old devil may cry"
I'm sure many people have that time or really really like this kind of stuff, but for the average person who just want flashy active combat, EVE is dull and boring as fuck
I'm playing FFXIV right now and I'm enjoying it a lot. The novice chat channel has been really friendly and helped me a lot with crafting and dungeons. It's also one of the only MMOs I can recall in recent memory that doesn't run like unoptimized shit.
>it's already been 3 years
can you elaborate? I don't know anything about this
links appreciated