Pitch ideas for TF3

Pitch ideas for TF3.

More cute girls than Overwatch, it's the only way.

No art style suicide this time around.
No F2P.
No microtransactions.

>valve game
top meme friend :^)

>it's like Overwatch except less shit!

ultimates and killcam

It already exists and it's called Overwatch.

That sound really boring.

TF2 has much more players than Overwatch.

Overwatch can't even compete against a 10 year old game. So why make a TF3 if TF2 is still the best PvP only online shooter?

>No F2P
>Keep the old classes/characters
>More classes as new characters
>Fully fledged singleplayer campaign
>New game modes
>More weapon variety
>Better character customization
>No Microtransactions
>Keep the artstyle
>Keep them as an all-male cast
I only want the last one to see the shitstorm it could cause.

I hate Overwatch but to think a game with 40k players isnt being comepletly overwhelm by a new game that sold 10mil is ridiculous

>Thinks valve still makes games.

Valve is making Left 4 dead 3 though.


perks or specs for each class

ability to easily mod the game for lasting fun.

Really the laziest way to make a game good is to allow for mods as players will make what they want and play it their way.

What's competitive like?

10 million sales != 10 million players

>a physics gamemode on a new engine

Not F2P

>No art style suicide this time around.
who the fuck gives shit about that crap?

long objective based versus matches, i.e Enemy Territory, Chivalry

you can play as the robots against the mercs.


>gameplay similar to TF2 on launch
>allow one "alternate" weapon for each weapon to replace unlocks. there's no need for two million rocket launchers, but giving the soldier a super shotgun instead of a rocket launcher is interesting, for instance
>maps that allow for four teams to play at the same time. territorial control is shit with two teams, but it's a blast with green and yellow
>no unlockable weapons, when you join a game you are on equal footing with every other player
>only microtransactions are gun skins like in CSGO
>updates should mostly be new gamemodes and new maps

Because we don't need to flood the game with as many shitters as possible

just turn it into a hero shooter

>They think unlock weapons are better than stock

Some unlocks are just upgrades. There's no reason to use the stock needlegun if you have the blutsauger or the stock bonesaw if you have the ubersaw

I think it's safe to assume that at least 1% of people who own OW play it semi-regularly, which would still be 100,000 people.

i think The Machina is also straight up better than the regular sniper

TF2 is still very easy to balance since there's only a few weapons that's kind of OP

And two classes that aren't particularly useful.

>Heavy and Sniper
I agree man

Only off by 20k though.

>no cosmetics that don't fit in
>better optimization
>more voice lines and voice commands
>more game modes, maps
>a lot of weapons that have unique stats
>regular balance updates
>no crits
Oh wait, all this could be done in TF2 with patches.

Is there any reason for multiplayer-only games to get sequels when they can patch in the stuff?

female characters!
i'm sick of men being hyper-sexualised


goys love em

is there any reason for games to get sequels when they could release them as free patches?

Cool. Now can you answer my question without meming?

>more games modes
Did Rugby and RD come out yet?

I can't believe valve got so cucked on tf3. Overwatch's success should by all means have gone to tf2 but they just didn't release the damn game. I have about 1200 played hours of tf2 and bought it In the orange box like 11 years ago and I didn't even buy it on release.

11 years? Come on my man.

*success gone to tf3

10-12 classes, make separate classes out of the huntsman sniper and demoknight

some old TF2 classes still in the roster but a bit older, like the Scout or Medic

maybe a female class, i dont really care if we never get one

More game modes, no fucking hats, and if they put hats in, an option to turn off cosmetics

I honestly can't believe people still care so much about muh art style

It's been 7 years, get the fuck over it, this obsession is so autistic

TF3 wouldn't be a moba in disguise and have blizzard's marketing

>Now can you answer my question without meming?
It is legit though. The biggest reasons a lot of AAA companies shit out multiplayer games every year is for the easy bucks with minimal effort. It is a rational decision if you ask me.


I think people bitch about it to justify their nostalgia goggles at this point (TF2 is 9 years old after all)

>better optimization
Nigga Valve games run like a dream even on toasters

What are you smoking?

>tfw you realize people were not joking all these years about hats
>there are autist out there that actually think hats ruined the game

>10-12 classes, make separate classes out of the huntsman sniper and demoknight

>some old TF2 classes still in the roster but a bit older, like the Scout or Medic
All the classes from tf2 were in the original qtf.

>maybe a female class,

>More game modes, no fucking hats, and if they put hats in, an option to turn off cosmetics
Yeah sure ok that actually sounds good.

Then I must have a sub retard proto toaster.

Hats only

no more characters, just hats
no guns, just hats

Are they really though? Looking it up on Google, I find nothing but speculation of a Left 4 Dead 3

>run like a dream even on toasters

My newest bought laptop (2015 model something), which has toaster specs, runs TF2 at ~30-60 fps based on the map. With Chris Maxframes, hell even Overwatch runs just as good with lowest graphics.

Get rid of hats and craftable items.

give all classes more weapons/tools/movement tricks/grenades/little twists/whatever, each class just having 2 guns and a melee is actually really lame, and all classes should have high skill ceilings instead of soldiers having limitless movement, airshots, juggling and so on while other classes like the heavy can only walk slowly and shoot in a giant spray AoE cone (I understand if he's

if necessary have some form of weapon pickups on the maps/make ammo drops more important

add certain areas of destructible terrain, ridiculous chokepoint spam should never return but the maps should be able to be closed off to a certain degree, engineers can repair the terrain while only certain weapons should be able to destroy it

make movement faster
make the maps more vertical

tone down overreliance on explosives spam
somehow fix the spy so he's not shit against veteran teams

no stupid ass unlocks like bonk/probably no unlocks in general because giving everyone 100 ways to play their class means that the differences are either very slight(so it's not needed) or it interferes with the incredibly finely tuned and complex original design(so it's bad) or the development teams are demi-gods(unrealistic)

moon maps

give the heavy the bofors cannon

>Fully fledged singleplayer campaign
>More weapon variety
>Better character customization

Just go play battlefield faggot

This is actually a very good plan. Can we get some new class ideas, anons?

dog class

cat class

What if we combined TF2 with Shattered Horizon for 6DoF class-based combat?