Have you ever noticed how Dota 2 fags cant take any form of criticism for the game

Have you ever noticed how Dota 2 fags cant take any form of criticism for the game.
Even worse thy tend to criticize other games for the same exact shit dota has.

I have a friend who hates how hard 360 and 720 moves are on Zagief in SFV.
I explain that its not hard for everyone that most people who play znagief can do 360 moves wo jumping and the 720 move is made that way because its way to good to be a regular super input and is designed as a setup super.
he still claims is way to complicated and it should be made easier for everyone.

Ask him why not then make Evoker easier to play in Dota 2 so everyone can play him he instantly goes butt mad because i even dared to suggest such a thing even thou it was just an example not an actual opinion i have.

no. i don't play that game or pay attention to its fanbase.

MOBA players are cancer

fite me

I live in Slavland.
So its hard yo ignore them.

are you me? also people are too thin skinned.

been playing dota near 11 years now, dota has flaws, people who fanboy that shit are fucking cancer, and i tell them they are cancer, fuck

>1 commend
How? Did you beg for it?

I play Zangief in SF5 and I complain that he's shit. But regardless I like him. Inputs are hard if you're starting out but you get used to it, specially when SPD is his best move. Dota2 is great and I love Invoker, but making him easier to play than he already is would be absolutely cancer. Also your friend is shit and the dota2 fanbase is bad.

Your friend's a shitlord, but "Evoker" isn't hard to play at all. He's a casual pubstomper. If you mean make it more obvious which spells you'll get...I mean the game tells them to you. There's a tooltip and shit. Do you want less skills? Cause that defeats the point of a "character who has a shit load of spells with a limited # at once to do anything but they're all basically ultimates with proper cooldowns"

It was my friend's commend

ASSFAGGOTS are ASSFAGGOTS for a reason op

You're a faggot

Meant for

Meant for this

I feel you though man everyone here in the Philippines plays fucking League like a full-time job

why is Sup Forums so easily baited

Give me some decent argument, not some sort of comparison to a fighter game.

Game is constantly changing, patches are coming out regularly. So I advice you to not talk about game balance.

You're friend in retarded.
He's in good company.

On a side note, invoker is beyond easy to play competently. The same 3 spell combo will win you games until you are well above the average mmr. He's the hero to play when you want to look good at the game, but suck at micro and don't know how to actually play support.

>my one friend is autistic about dota so I'll just use that as a metric for the entire playerbase

>they're all basically ultimates

i wouldn't go that far

*Invoker is not that hard to play, how about you fucking learn the hero instead of just complaining about things that aren't even an issue.

Why don't you lay down some ACTUAL criticism about the game, instead of complaining about nonsense

>Why don't you lay down some ACTUAL criticism of my argument, instead of complaining about nonsense

The thing about invoker is that he's essentially multiple heroes rolled into one, where you choose basically two starting paths and continue on from there until late game where you're strong enough to do EVERYTHING well.

You either go quas wex for a more teamfight oriented control build or you go exort for a more carry/dps build.

The thing is, for low level players, sticking to quas wex makes the hero pretty much trivial. You just spend like, 15 minutes memorizing his skills and after that you're good. Fighting game characters require much tighter inputs and as such a 720 input raises the bar of entry for a character significantly. Invoker's skill set has a SLIGHTLY higher barrier of entry, which requires very little time for you to become decent with.

There, how about you come up with some other criticisms then