What will Nintendo have to do with the NX to get you to own one?
What will Nintendo have to do with the NX to get you to own one?
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Gotta admit
I'm gonna buy one no matter what happens
Stop with the rehashes and pandering
Stop with the censorship
Stop with the shitty hardware
Stop with the amiibo nonsense
make it less than $250 and make splatoon 2
Free online
Backwards compatible
Dreamcast on Virtual console
Region free
Gimmickless controller
>won't happen
>already confirmed
splatoon 2
backwards compatibility with wii and wiiu (gamecube would be nice too)
less shitty prices for virtual console games
no gimmicky controller
Nothing would make me buy it.
Nintendo can fuck off and die for all I care.
if it's fun
release it
Comes packaged with a fuckable waifubot
Third party support
Regular controller
Optional shitcontrollers for backwards compatibility
Good UI
Mature games for mature gamers such as myself
>less than 250
U crazy
Stop with the gimmicky bullshit
>Stop gimmick bullshit that no one implements well into the games.
>Current visuals and not a generation behind.
>Good online framework.
>Good exclusive titles.
>Stop censoring games that are not even rated for children to begin with.
They'll do none of it though, I have no faith in Nintendo.
Will Nintendo move on the the PPC 750 cpu core from the Gamecube era?
The answer is most likely no.
Honestly Nintendo has more than enough money because of capitalism.... they can make a $250 console without suffering losses
gamecube compatibility won't happen because of virtual console
more than one worthwhile game at launch
good games
good price
good hardware
Remove the controller gimmicks, they're a huge limiting factor and half the reason why a lot of the games on the wii u are bad
Good games.
Happened with the Wii U, so I have little doubt I won't get the NX eventually.
Fuck off, it's pointless that they censor it but jesus christ you faggots need to get over the fact that you can't pet your fucking waifus anymore.
Otherwise, I agree on all counts. Those are the major issues with ninty right now and I'm really hoping they can fix them. Amiibos have slowly been grinding my gears and I'm not a fan of how popular they are, they only hurt the consumer.
If they're going to cut content from the game they should sell it for less than a game that's intact. With how much they butchered the dialogue something like Fire Emblem Fates should've been $30 compared to the usual $40.
>Stop with the rehashes and pandering
>Stop with the amiibo nonsense (DLC)
I don't get why you faggots always give Nintendo shit for this when literally every other console does it.
Just make fun games for it.
I'm not a Neogaffer, I do not give a single fuck about how much marketing it gets or AAA western trash.
you already posted it user
>asking for a console release to be less than $200 dollarydoos
Price drop
Second revision (Nintendo is full-Apple now with multiple versions of hardware)
Original games that are not the same as the last 30 years of Nintendo games I can pop in and play on older hardware
The only thing that can really gain my attention for a launch purchase is if it really is a console / handheld hybrid, and could possibly work with 3DS titles. There are many a comfy game I would not mind playing on my TV, such as New Leaf, or 3D Land, especially if it removes the jaggies on 3DS titles due to hardware power and tweaks.
I'm already planning to buy one for the new Zelda since it will obviously run better on the NX.
>Price drop
>Second revision (Nintendo is full-Apple now with multiple versions of hardware)
We are talking about the NX, its the Wii U's successor not revision, the PS4k and Xbone S are revisions
All I want is a decently powerful console, with no gimmicks and solid 3rd party support. Which I have no faith in Nintendo delivering.
Also if it's some kind of double platform shenanigans.
Gimmicks is literally the only reason I pick Nintendo over nothing at all, though. I don't want a downgraded PC with a shitter OS and having to pay twice for online services just to play some exclusive games. I want a completely unique gaming experience which gimmicks go a long way towards doing.
The double screen gimmick? Fucking love it. The Wii U controller definitely could have been more ergonomic though, and the system's primary fault is that nobody wanted to fucking try anything with it.
Spla2n. With a longer single player campaign and playable Octolings.
>The Nintendo Cross-ross
You can't make this shit up
>backwards compatibility
Not going to happen. The thing is gonna use cards instead of discs.
1. Don't make it super underpowered. It doesn't even have to beat the Scorpio or even the Neo. Above the current PS4 might be enough.
2. Make the system a better haven for third-party games. I know third-party on consoles has never been Nintendo's strong point since the NES (or perhaps SNES) days, but it sure would make the console more appealing if it wasn't just first-party and indies.
3. Have games for it. When the Nintendo 3DS launched, its lineup was a joke. It wasn't until the end of 2011 that the system became truly viable. The same applies to the Wii U with the dates changed. I want to have a strong start-up with this new system.
4. It won't affect ME that much since I'm pretty knowledgeable about current Nintendo news, but this system must be marketed better than the Wii U. That's all I will say there.
To be honest, I'm in the same boat as . For this thing to be successful, however, these four points would be good to follow.
Took it from this.
Easily my least favourite Digimon. EASILY. I hear the second season was even worse.
>Stop pandering
>Stop censorship
You either want your titty-waifus or not.
Unless you just mean the occasional dialogue-case like with FE.
The gamepad is a normal controller, you autist.
Kingdom Hearts pronounced it as "ki" or "chi" or "key"...
Season 4 is my guilty pleasure. I'm a really big fan of digimon but I hadn't checked this out because I wasn't sure if it was going to be good or not. I'll try it out. Thanks user
All Wii U games compatible with it
proper Metroid game
proper Mario game
Pikmin 4
Splatoon 2
Bayonetta 3
Okami 2
Xenoblade 3
Free Online
Unified account system that doesn't make you buy VC games every new fucking gen
Give me this and I'll even pay 500$ at launch no matter how gimmicky it is.
Release six games I want to buy.
NOT upcoming promises of games that look good. Fucking release them. When and if there are six on the shelves then I'll cash out, and not one goddamn second before.
>All Wii U games compatible with it
I know, but I'm also very aware of how Nintendo operates anymore after Iwata took charge. Even the Wii U launched with a normal and enhanced version, with the White 8 GB for regular consumers, and now standard Black 32 GB for gamers, while the 3DS has about three revisions by this point (Regular > XL > New)
The big caveat is that ever since the GBA or SP, Nintendo has begun to make flawed hardware with things they know from R&D hinder their hardware, then seem to think that they can tweak it a bit and re-release a new version with the fixes, and be hailed as messiahs.
I expect them to continue this trend, which means overpriced hardware that will be replaced by a better version or bundle about two to three years into the lifespan of the system, complete with price drop to compete with other consoles on the market.
I'm just tired of being burnt since Gamecube / Wii / Wii U, where there are a handful of games worth owning, then a trickle effect for the rest of the lifespan as third party devs bail out, and I realize I bought a Nintendo system just to play Nintendo games for the umpteenth time.
You wish, lol.
I bought a wii u
They're not getting me again
Here's your (you)
Oh, sure, Frontier was pretty alright. But it fell apart towards the end in the way other Digimon have tended to - it focused too strongly on the main two.
I am seriously disappointed that the other kids didn't even get fusion evolutions, never mind their own ancient evolutions. But then, budgets amirite?
I liked Savers. It did real good up until the end when I feel like it started falling apart, and even then I started noticing a subtle trend towards the main two even though there were only four primaries and literally everyone else was support.
They really need to fix that shit. I'm kind of getting tired of the main guys getting the coolest shit and everyone else getting the shaft.
>what are digital downloads
>what are factory emulators
>what are ports
>the autistic petting minigame is 25% of the game's content
It's time to add censorship to the filter
stop censoring
make good games again
That's not what compatible means. At all. Of course they'll port most of them anyway. That or put them in the VC, but you won't be able to stick Wii U discs on it and play them right away.
Make it a good console that can run games. I don't want to watch some great game come out only to have it be on every platform besides the NX because it's 2 generations behind.
Then make good first party games. Don't make trash Mario Parties and Mario Tennis games with no content. Make games that aren't mostly platformers or that are really short and not worth buying at full price.
If you want smut over gameplay the Vita is still alive.
>tfw will probably buy nx anyway for the next smash bros. even though my main snake will never be back
Monster hunter on TV
A new F-Zero that's not shit or Bayonetta 3 but I doubt either will happen so I probably won't get it.
>tfw I bought a wii u for fzero and metroid
>tfw now I'll have to buy an nx for fzero and metroid
>tfw the nx won't have fzero and metroid
Backwards compatibility,
At least with the WiiU, even better if the Wii and/or GC is also an option.
WiiU cost enough, I feel like I will probably skip NX no matter what.
>new, actually-awesome Metroid.
>new successor to Super Mario Galaxy's effort.
>5mash Bros, preferably with Dillon, Splatoon, Ever Oasis, Wars and Banjo reps in it. Maybe even Boxboy.
>new Paper Mario or Super Paper Mario that isn't just another Toad-a-thon.
>Pokken sequel with a much larger roster.
>less focus on gimmicks/amiibos/Fisher-Price appeal and more on interesting gameplay. Sometimes story too.
>better ergonomic controller options.
Any amount of those would be nice.
No gimmick controls.
But we all know they can't resist trying to innovate with retarded gimmicks.
not make it cost more than $500 dollars
I have to own every console.
1.backwards compatibility
2.at least ps4 level graphics
3.an online system that doesn't feel like it was developed by 60 year old out of touch japs
4.a decent launch lineup
5.good advertising
I'm going to be disappointed aren't I?
If they stick with the gamepad I wouldn't be mad, I liked it a lot and its convenient for some games. Just don't get crazy on touch controls for everything
The issue would be how it effects game performance. I know StarFox had issues rendering on both screens or something.
Didn't Bayo in Smash raise 2's sales? A Bayo 3 could totally be a thing, mainly cause Nintendo are the ones paying for it.
They should drop the whole double rendering bullshit and off tv play and keep a smaller screen for menus, maps and to draw stuff in miiverse. Basically like the 3/2/DS' second screens.
>All these people wanting backward compatibility when the Wii U emulator is already almost working
Not saying it shouldn't be there, but still
I think you're taking the dolphin for granted, Most emulators never come close to as good as it
No gimmicks
An actual decent 3rd party library
No amiibo cancer
>more developmental freedom prioritizing younger minds
>something that makes it special while not being too obnoxious
>a good price:powet ratio
>cool it with amiibos
>3rd pillar merging handheld and console is a good idea
Spend years building up hype for a new game that they say will be exclusive to their current console, and then they announce it as being compatible with the next in their line of hardware and even go as far as saying the visuals will be improved on said hardware over the hardware they were initially hyping the game up for.
Just hypothetically, you know?
>Stop with the amiibo nonsense
>Already confirmed
>Amiibo are compatible with Breath of the WIld
>Also releasing on the NX
Release a Kirby or Animal Crossing game on it.
Chances are, the NX is simply able to play U games. Even if the NX uses cartridges, it doesn't mean it won't come with a dvd drive.
I don't understand your post, the Wii U emulator borrows a shit ton of code from Dolphin which is the whole reason it's already almost working. Not to mention the Wii U is pretty much just an overclocked Wii and by extension a superoverlocked Gamecube.
They got Smash 4 and Splatoon pretty much 80% functioning already and that was even before the Dolphin 5.0 release. With the DirectX12 backend and the countless other software optimizations that have been introduced, I can't imagine a functional Wii U emulator is very far off. Especially in a world where GTX 970/980 performance cards, enough to render Mario Galaxy 2 at 4K with DX12, can be bought for $200 now.
>I can't imagine a functional Wii U emulator is very far off.
That was my point, the people who want BC have faced awful Emulators before thats why we want the support in hardware, if even only to softmod the compatibility in like with playing GC games on the Wii U, because when its in hardware you know Nintendo will put a strong effort to make compatibility flawless, you do not need to rely on hope of hackers free time to reverse engineer it and implement it in software.
>ctrl+f "f-zero"
>one result
Damn. I guess the dream's dead.
They need to keep calling it the NX
Because if they give it a new name it's going to be something really, really stupid
Like the New U
>it doesn't mean it won't come with a DVD drive
And yet, it mayn't. Because removing that would reduce a LOT of the potential cost of mass-producing it. Smaller profile for the system overall, smaller boxes, fewer parts to import or produce, fewer moving parts in general, and so on.
It's one thing if you're going to use a DVD drive for the current system's games and the old system also used it, it's another thing entirely if you're not going to bother using it for the current system's games at all.
The original Nintendo DS got a free pass in this regard because they probably had enough space they could just jam it in, y'know? Plus they were trying to sell it as not being a direct successor to the Gameboy Advance even though that's exactly what it ended up being.
They need to bring back what made them great in the first place, motion controls.
Otherwise, they aren't going to compete with Sony or Microsoft.
I think he talking about the actual dialogue they cut
One C support is just three lines of "..." back and forth in the US version, while the JP is an actual fucking conversation.
And even then most supports got cut down for no reason. Like, enough was cut from each support where it just feels rushed.
What is that image exactly?
Hackable or new PROPER Metroid.
>censoring censorship
neo/v/ is real
No gimmick
Good games
Good hardware
No censorship
No more amiibo shit
Stop marketing towards family audiences
oh wait none of that will ever happen
and time to add you to the banlist
Just about the same for me, though I don't care about Dreamcast. If they make it free online, BC, region free, then it'll be a lot more appealing to me than other consoles.
it would sell billions in a week
Release it.
Nintendo drones sure like their cartoon shit.
Fire miyamoto so that some new games get made. Also get some third parties on board.
Make it a handheld. That's it.
Callie and Marie ARE vocaloids
He's already retiring to lead a small subdivision he can fuck around in until he dies