Opinions, Sup Forums?

Opinions, Sup Forums?

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Fucking shit community,
2010 was its golden year.

dantdm killed the community and the game


good for a fap

2006-2010 was when it was actually fun, too bad it died alongside Erik Cassel

You can still find Hidden Gems like Purple Skittles, Phantom Forces, Miner's Haven and the Paper Roblox series, but the rest is just notstop garbage. Do Roblox Devs even know the basics of game design now a days?

Shit. Return To Blockland was ALWAYS better.

>game monetization
>game passes
>removal of tickets
>constant movie promotions
its shit

studio is good for comfy coding tho

make a decent game and you might even be able to make some money off the kiddo community

lmfao no

most devs are like 18-21 year olds, and only really care about the ezpz cash flow

miners haven dev said he made 2.5k in a single day once

>stay in a Place for more than 10 minutes
>starts lagging like shit
>everyone stops moving, connection errors all over the fucking place

no thanks

>>removal of tickets

>18-21 year olds
>making 2.5k in a single day

>Join any game
>Filled with bacon-haired noobs
>All of the noobs are ODing
>Decides to go on another game
>Dev event for [insert Disney movie here]
>Dev event attracts more noobs
>Attempts to go on another game
>inb4 it's Paid access
>Decides to shop for clothes
>mfw no tix
>logs off
>never goes back again

yea that happened

jewblox came up with some bullshit reasoning about how it hurted their profits, blah blah

but no one can really do anything about it cuz the community is just a bunch of kids who can't do shit

funniest part was how they said they were going to release more free items as a trade off, but its mainly just movie promotion items.


>15 year olds are making more money than i probably ever will off of the fucking DevEx program

Ever since then more games have more pay2win stuff to make up for no tix

Used to be fun back before 2009-2010

then the whole game mutated into some sort of freakshow cloning experiment gone wrong and now it's clones of games cloning clones of games that are clones of games cloning games.

All of the games suck, have 0 originality and are just shitty clones of old good games that nobody plays anymore for some bloody reason

fuck off swadely

Fucking ice noobs

reg please leave

swadely please fuck off


No you


The Conquerors 3, Lumber Tycoon 2, and Tradelands is pretty decent too.

Relatively original, and mirrors legit vidya gameplay

Reminder that /reg/'s 2 year anniversary is in 5 days

I got your anniversary right here, mommy fricker.

Community is what you'd expect, besides a couple of mature roleplay groups.

A few games are legitimately enjoyable, but the front page is probably still fucked by clickbait garbage.



Oh okay sorry.

vampire roleplay killed roblox.

There's something magical about Roblox that still keeps me playing.


Skip to 21:52 for the Great Flying Malik

this is modern art

Was better 5-6 years ago when:

>Everything wasn't all about money
>People were Creative
>Old Building System
>You got viruses from world prop packs

Anyways, it's shit now.

only good for the memes


They shouldn't have removed tickets.

How bad is this character

The penguin arms are A+.

Can't be worse than this.

I rarely ever see anyone with the katana gear I actually forgot it exists

r-real life c-cash user??


People make mad dosh off this game

its great user

What's Sup Forums's opinion on the superior BLOXCity.com?

Wait how? selling accounts or something?

They make robux off game passes when they get a game popular

Then they use the devex program to transfer robux to money

I think 100k robux = 1k $

The fuck is this

I have 3000 robux... can I get cash out of it?

Haha us 4channers huh



You have to have OBC and the minimum is 100k

That doesn't stop people from getting 20k$ though

I remember joining it as a kid in '09, i still remember some if the cool shit people made back then.

Then that stupid ass roblox high school thing came around and autists started flocking to the website like geese. Now only the extremely autistic and kids who are too antisocial for minecraft are there.

Roblox clone that still hasn't added games.

Has shitty hats, a shitty community, and is essentially just a forum website that is somehow worse than Roblox's forums.


That's horrifying

that's not 2008

>been playing since 2008
>literally watching the game degenerate into a cash-grabbing disney shilling shitheap
>promotional items
>RADICAL DUDE disney garbage
>weapons that you can buy
>shitty new player avatars to make them look more human
>they blatantly steal from Blockland
>ultra fucking COOL dude builders club bullshit
>nuked my friends list, so I lost all the popularfags I was friends with
>now they've removed Tickets so they can jew people out for Robux
I fucking wish it was fun again

>players are shit
>games are shitty clones
>you pay for everything now
>DanTDM ruined the game even more
>more autists thanks to the autist mentioned above
>game is pretty much shit in general

Also, am I the only one who is surprised that Disney didn't buy ROBLOX yet?

my 10 year old sister plays this

whats the appeal?

cant help but think autism when i see her play...

>playing since 2007
>die inside as the game does

>block land