I like DmC better than the original Devil May Cry

>I like DmC better than the original Devil May Cry

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I love game sack. So much better than other YouTube game channels. Actual adults that aren't annoying as fuck and dont need to scream into the camera.

>Who am I even?

He said he didn't like Donte and mainly liked it for its good graphics though. What a casual.


Gamesack are among the only good youtube game channels.

They talk kinda slow and stilted, but their Youtuber parody video is amazing


I only recently seen them, i finaly have a someone to put on in the background that is not screaching at the cam while talking about old games.

I do. The original DMC wasn't very good.

>good youtube game channels
Sorry, but there is no such thing. If anyone likes DmC over DMC1/3/4 then he/she can't be a part of good youtube gayman channel

I don't know about that. But I do prefer the new rebooted Tomb Raider games over the originals with their stiff controls, bullshit leaps of faith and dodgy camera control. Fight me if you disagree.

So do I.
Though I understand that hardcore devil may cry fans are angered by the change in direction of the series.
I hope they get the sequel which they desire.
As a non-fan, I had a really fun weekend with Fuckyou

They're massive plebs though. Joe didn't even know how to upgrade his sub weapon in castlevania 4.

Dave's way of speaking drives me up the wall. I know he writes his script and don't talk like that normally, but his superfluous sentences are grating.

>"The game was a ton of fun and I really liked playing it"

Maybe you're just a pleb

>The original DMC wasn't very good.

it's pretty good outside of the RE camera, and it's much better and challenging than donte may cry for sure.

So does everyone else who isn't a massive weeb.

>everyone else
>all 1.2 M of them

DMC was already a niche by AAA standards. Normies don't even have DmC on radar

Is that screencap taken from when he freaked out over a game having a little girl?

That game had genuine loli, but yes.

Lolis are little girls.

But what if said lolis are in their 40s actually?

Then they're 40 year old little girls.

Was that the Chip Chan Kick one?

I watched some of their old console reviews and it's honestly painful to hear them talk about anything other than specs.

It's just the most uninteresting and uninsightful blabbing imaginable. "This game has good graphics and it's fun. I like this game." Or like "This game is in japanese so I had no idea what to do, but maybe it's fun."

Contrarian opinions make me stand out so I'm going to keep having them because I love attention.

Doesn't beat Easy Allies.

I just went through a bunch of Game Sack videos. Their tastes are questionable and they don't seem to be very knowledgeable. A lot of what they say is borderline wrong.

Their latest video they say DmC is way more responsive than the original Devil May Cry series. That's just plain wrong considering DmC is running at half the frames.

They even say Bayonetta is only on X360 and that it's inspired by DMC when it's more of a continuation by the same director.


>Putting fingers on the cartridge label when pulling it out

Game Sack makes me cringe.

Game Sack is boring af tho

MetalJesusRocks is better

*40 years old little women

Dave's scripts are usually bland but at least he talks like a normal person.

Joe is the one that makes me cringe.