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It's digital. They won't run out of downloads. You don't need to pre-order.
Why wouldn't you get the PC version?
I think not having a chance of playing with you should be considered a feature.
Oh boy
Another game with threads that will be infested with "WHY NOT BUY IT ON PC??"
Also resurrection this Tuesday on vita, I think it has crossplay with ps4 users
>Playstation version
>It just werks
>Crossplay between PS4/Vita users and Jap users
>PC version
>Launch issues out that add
>multiplayer will be dead in a week after everyone has posted their lol I'm such a weeb epic ironic meme review
Stop man. He is depressed enough as it is.
I do if I want Ressurection free boyo
I have a toaster and PS4/ Vita have the same community so more players
Don't worry one day you'll be able to afford a gaming PC.
GE2 isn't out until August
Resurrection is the one coming out Tuesday
Maybe the preorder will go up for tomorrow
>cross play between PS4 and Vita
>can also play with japs that might still be playing the game.
This is in the PC version too.
Fuck I meant to say Tuesday, I forgot that it's only Sunday.
What is? This isn't getting a PC release in japland and there isn't cross play between PC and PS4/Vita games.
is this what they call a public execution
If you pre-order Rage Burst, digitally or physically, you get a download code for Resurrection
Japland isn't another planet. They can buy the Steam version too.
It's not.
That'a a cool cover.
>mfw gaming PC, PS4 and Vita and buying God Eater on Vita for comfy ass portableness
If you preorder physically you won't get the code until you get it in the box of the second game, which comes out in august.
I know but it's still months away. Besides, go physical you fucker
Yes it is.
>Japland isn't another planet
You're kidding me right? I swear I read the map of the galaxy right. Let me go look it up.
I have a Vita so lol no physical for me
It's not. Tell me where they've stated that it will be.
For anyone who might not understand the terms, cross play is the ability to play multiplayer games with people in different playstation platforms, the PS4 and Vita will have this and thus have a shared community, PC version will only be able to play with other PC versions of the game.
You think PC gaming is relevant in Japan?
>I have a Vita so lol no physical for me
Why? If you buy digital your memory card will be out of space.
>"Just as a reminder, GOD EATER Resurrection is and will always be included with GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst: it’s not a pre-order bonus in Europe, Middle East, Australasia and Africa but part of the release! Learn more about this here, and watch our latest trailer if you haven’t already: we revealed the release date of the games!"
>Vita doesn't need to pay for online like the PS4
>Can still play with PS4 owners who are forced to pay for PS+
Well it's not always included if you buy it used.
>play with japs
Uh no thanks.
Because the Vita version doesn't have a physical release and I don't have a PS4 that's why.
The Vita has a physical release of god eater 2 though. But I can see where you are coming from
I already made some space in my 64GB for both games, it's annoying how many physical only releases are forced onto us when memory cards cost an arm and a leg.
Buy it on Steam you retarded faggot. You can mod back the blood and jap voices.
Only in Europe. North America vita owners get stuck with digital only.
>physical only releases
Whoops, fucked up there, meant to write digital only. I need some sleep.
>no gundam breaker 3
could be better user.
I need to look up on how much dlc the games have, if there's barely any I might import an euro copy.
There's no cross play on the PC so I'm getting it on the Vita.
Eh that has a chance of localization since Gundam extreme vs force is coming over. So I'll wait and see.
So do I have to buy both games separately on Vita?
No special bundle?
That fucking sucks. I am sorry for that user.
Well, you can already play it in english so why wait?
You gotta be a cuck if you're ok with the shitty english dub.
Does it have any dlc?
I have a toaster, I don't care about the stupid blood, and I never use Jap subs because I really don't mind the english voices. Fuck off with your inferior dub shit its all a matter of preference and nobody cares.
Yes, it's for free. But you need a Singapore account.
Jokes on you I already played Burst when it came out 6 years ago so I'm already used to the shitty voices.
It's Rage Burst that I'm worried about, but as long as autistfu sound alright then I don't give a fuck about everyone else.
was meant for
Some of you are alright. Don't go on any missions tomorrow.
at least she is cute.
Preorder goes up on Tuesday.
Did they say if it was going to be cross region with JP players too? Guess we'll find out on Tuesday.
>dubs apologist
Kill yourselves.
amazon has physical copies
In 2 you go on a mission to help cure her of her friendly fire.
Who /boosthammer/ here?
Scythe users can fuck off.
>____ bitches
Go away child.
I don't know anything about these new weapons, are there only the two?
>censored with less blood
>dub only
2/Bage burst added 4 new weapons. Boost Hammer, Charge Spear, Scythe and Shotgun.
They're all in Resurrection as well.
Oh shit a Scythe and a spear? I'm happy they finally made the hammer a thing too, I remember the model in GEB, but it was just a regular greatsword.
>supporting censorship
Disgusting to be quite honest fampai.
I don't know if this image applies to NA, but maybe it will.
Disgusting to be quite honest fampai.
You have to buy both separately on Vita in US.
Resurrection will be $20. Rage Burst will be $40. Each will be around 3.3GB.
They mentioned that on the stream they did.
>reverse gripping a scythe
Fucking plebs
Thinking about getting this, never played God eater before, it kinda looks like shit though, the weapons look awful from the footage i've seen.
>look at me i am a professional autist
>patches to fix censored content and jap audio
>free online
>playing on console ever
So you don't like the designs or something? How do the weapons make the game look like shit?
>no crossplay
And that alone makes me not want to get it on PC.
Dumb weeaboos.
No one is forcing you to buy the game.
>Can't play with the 5 guys that own a vita
not much of a loss.
Kill yourself.
They just look stupid as hell, swords that transforms into guns, and the animations look kinda bad. Monster Hunter comes to mind with interesting gameplay.
Honestly though I have an amazing PC and have a ps4, but why would you get this game on PC? Noone will be playing it on PC, ps4 will have the community, it's not like graphical fidelity will be an incentive to get the PC version.
Online on pc will be dead in 2 weeks.
I would only play with friends anyway, it's not an issue for me.
tfw no MH4U or Generations for the Vita
Welll okay, still won't make me get me get the shitty Steam version though.
I want a vita for imports but now ps4 is getting the same love. It's difficult to choose between the two.
Damn right I'm not.
Pirate with undub patch, mate
Japanese PS4 games DONT require PS+ to play online
>lose online play
>lose online play
We have freaking soul sacrifice delta. But another freedom unite would be nice.
The Dub for God Eater is actually hood. Have you guys not played Burst?
You're right, you eould basically have no online community anyways since no one is going to buy it on Steam.
Wow the west is really are getting suckered
>since no one is going to buy it on Steam.
You overestimate white, buddy. They always easily get jewed.
Wait so who's getting physicals? Are we (US) getting digital only?
NA is digital only.
does Vita version also have day one edition. I wouldn't mind preordering 2 if I get 1 free.
whats better though. Vita or PS4
US is getting physical for the PS4 version of 2 Rage Burst (the one that comes out in august)
EU is getting physical for the PS4 and Vita versions of 2 Rage Burst.
Resurrection is digital only.