Okay so how would you like fallout 5s story turn out. I'd like to see I'd be in Canada or the Ncr take the Hoover dam and push the legion east, fast forward 5 years and the legion has rebuilt it strength and is fighting the Ncr for arizona or Utah, and for it to be developed by obsidian instead of bethesda. Your thoughts?
Okay so how would you like fallout 5s story turn out...
>in non america
>in a game that's genre is america memes
Set it in Florida
This is fan-fiction tier of a story idea. Shame on you.
But Canada is America now....
Why would they skip all the way to five when they've only made three fallout games?
If God of War can be set in north Mythology, then Fallout can be set in another place than America.
Here hoping for medieval knights with lasguns and bickering nation states fighting eachother.
Obsidian is never going to work with Bethesda again so why bother.
>If God of War can be set in north Mythology
but isn't god of war about the god of war of which there are multiples
My predictions for Fallout 5:
>No HP bar. Chems are removed and food is used exclusively for cooking minigames. Stimpacks work like non-addictive Jet and health regenerates instantly.
>Damage results in the screen turning red while your character holds his PipBoy to his face displaying "YOU ARE HURT. FIND COVER." in giant letters.
>Player is only allowed to hold two weapons of any kind. Inventory system is limited to ammo and crafting items.
>Armor is limited to limb add-ons and purchased via microtransactions based on the player's Charisma. This goes for large weapons as well.
>Every single environment is littered with chest-high walls. Sneak also doubles as a third-person cover system.
>All dungeons are one way corridors and pseudo corridors, with looting areas replaced by setpeices.
>Radiation mechanic is removed. Irradiated areas simply act as "RETURN TO THE COMBAT ZONE" states.
>Perks are removed altogether along with skills, with the only remaining option a selective straight increase of SPECIAL integers. Everything else is completely linear JRPG style.
>Dialogue options are completely removed, replaced with "press A to keep talking".
>During combat, player can spew profanities and make lewd gestures toward enemies using taunt buttons.
>Protagonist starts game in a vault overrun by super mutants only to be liberated by the Brotherhood of Steel which he joins immediately.
>Plot twist involves protagonist being the President of the United States with amnesia.
>Super mutants are retconned as the result of a joint Russian/Chinese project and FEV was conceived for biological warfare.
>Power Armor is available from the very beginning of the game but only as unlockable DLC.
>Factions are removed entirely. Player is allied with the BoS at all times.
>Engine locked at 30 fps.
>Mouse disabled in PipBoy and menus.
>Game Over screen is Vault Boy flipping the player off with one hand and $60 in marked bills in the other.
My problem with a fallout in another country is that there isn't much source material or lore to go off of
Didn't stop Bethesda :^)
>ignoring the rest of his post.
I like the Arizona idea, deserts kinda been done before though. Even though the rock formations would give it a more unique look than the flat nothing of the Mojave.
However I saw this idea on a fallout thread the other week
>Hawaiian islands
Imagine having a working rowboat or kayak or something and just going from island to island, hoping one of those dolphins on the beach in 4 don't decide to rape you. Can also into reconnection with the rest of the world being so close to the eastern Asian lands.
Also the whole of Alaska
>makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Of course there isn't. That's why people want it.
To figure out what kind of shit goes down over there. Has Europe managed to rebuild society? Is China a mutant-infested Hellhole under a communist regime? Are the russians hiding in their Metros instead of Vaults? Did the middle east got glassed in the most literal way?
Tenpenny claimed that he sailed the Atlantis iirc so there definitely has to me something left.
you tried really hard to make me mad user senpai
dont forget that the plot and setting is the same as fallout 3, but in High Def for the consoles
>Fallout 3: Remastered
if fallout 3 were remade with the gunplay of 4 would it be a better or worse game?
Bethesda might as well reboot the whole damn series at the rate they're going. Though a shift from '40s/'50s to '60s/'70s retro would be interesting to see, no matter how "not Fallout" it is. I'd just like no have to put up with pre-Beatles music for a change.
Takes place in NOLA.
The first part of the main quest involves an election.
This gives the player a reason to explore the area and take their time learning the factions involved.
The second half can be whatever big bad is coming.
>fallout 3 with customization in the ~10 rusty broken guns and trash based melee weapons
sounds great senpai
All of Bethesda's Fallouts hinge on "le wacky 50's hue", when Fallout's 1 and 2 featured references all from throughout the mid to late 1900's. If you take out the 50's aesthetic from one of Bethesda's Fallouts then its just another gritty shooter.
"Main" quest is a plot separate from your character. You wake up on a farm or something, get the tutorial out of the way, and go out into the wide wastleland with no attachments.
>The beginning cutscene
>Escaping the vault
>Amada hands you a pipe pistol
Thanks to Bethesda in Mothership Zeta, China is a literal massive green glowing crater.
It will be set around the power plant in Niagra Falls.
It will be a battle between a modern military force from Ronto battling a group of raiders based on Spartans wielding spears and shields.
Who am I kidding nobody would use a plot that stupid.
Care to explain? Didn't the giant laser hit canada or whatever?
Wouldn't mind Fallout setting having a war between a bunch of fiefdom's, but have it set somewhere like Michigan, Indian, and Ohio. Lot's of open plains and hills and shit to have castles on.
>I read a summary of New Vegas on Wikipedia: The post
Sadly I have actually played it.
Live and learn I guess.
I wouldnt post that ironically
Todd might either
A) Do that just to spite us
B) Unironically believe this is a brilliant idea
It will be somewhere else in the american northeast.
The game will contain dogmeat and at least a dozen utterances of the phrase "war never changes."
Perks will be removed.
They will present yet another creation story for supermutants which contradicts the previous games.
Ghouls are radiation zombies.
Dialogue will be simplified again. Instead of picking your individual lines and responses you will select a vague and often ill-fitting keyword summary of your character's side of the conversation. You make one dialogue choice per conversation. In most instances, both options will mean "yes" but one of the yes options will cause your character to make a funny voice and reference fallout memes. Example: "Do I look like a big dumb super mutant to you? Of course I'll fetch (item) for you!"
The game begins with you in a vault.
You are searching for a missing family member.
Hi /fog/
sup' Codex
So caring about consistence is an insult
I would love if Bethesda moved on, god damn was 4 a travesty.
Just returning the greeting.
If you frequent a forum full of RPGeezers stuck in the 90s it is none of my concern.
I would like to see a continuation of Obsidian's way of having the world rebuild. From 1 to NV you can see it in progress.
>In 1, everyone is surviving the apocalypse, everything is scarce and you could be killed just for a tiny bit of water.
>In 2, shit has calmed down and people are beginning to form tribes and communities. Sciences like Agriculture and Medicine are being reintroduced along with new ways to adapt to this war torn world.
>In NV those communities have turned into their own government and have stabilized their territories enough (to the point they even have their own currency) that they're beginning to push into the western frontiers. There are still a few tribes around but they're being pushed further into America by the bigger and badder factions.
I would like to see a FO game where the world is pretty much rebuilt for the most part. Water and food is plentiful, Radiation is still there in places but nowhere near as bad, and such things like indoor plumbing and electricity are being reintroduced. The player would be from the very few tribes remaining in the US. An obsolete idea from a bygone age. What would you do in that situation? Adapt and join civilization? Remain a stranger in a strange world looking for the meaning of your life? Maybe even just accept this as life and slowly fade out with the rest of your tribe, content that the world will fully be rebuilt and not even the apocalypse could remove the human race?
>Maybe even just accept this as life and slowly fade out with the rest of your tribe, content that the world will fully be rebuilt and not even the apocalypse could remove the human race?
>Existentialism: the game
I assume you mean it'll be like the Native Americans and colonists, where they are trying to take over your land by force or persuasion and you can either help it along (traitor) or fight back for your tribe... sound good man.
>Okay so how would you like fallout 5s story turn out.
I'd like it if Bethesda stop trying to play up only 50's science and remember the rest of the good points of fallout like actual role-playing or justifying the stupid changes they make to canon by at least characterizing it well enough you can believe it. BoS nice guys? EXPLAIN IT WELL.
>Power Armor is available from the very beginning of the game but only as unlockable DLC.
Mount & Blade; Mad Max edition.
I'm serious.
Pls no Todd Howard would make millions
I mean, I'm not Todd, but if I were you I would pre-order Fallout 5 just in case, you know? Just send money to Bethesda in the mail, say 150$ for the collection edition.
>a spinoff fallout game where you play as a fleeing mutant after the master was killed
A super mutant who dresses like Napoleon has taken most of what was Quebec and is going to invade the Wastelands with a giant army of nightkin, super mutants in power armor, and enslaved ghouls
I'd liek to see a cyberpunk New York.
I'm never buying another fallout game again after he overrated mess that was fallout 4.
>filled to the brim with bugs and glitches
>fuck all towns and settlements to make space for the base building
>base building is shit
>hoarding junk is tedious
>crappy mass effect dialogue wheel with massively limited choices due to the unnecessary voiced protagonist
>fuck all content, most of the quests are just generic repeatable fodder
>power armor is cool, but there's basically no reason not to use it after you've played for long enough and collected excess power cores
>the only thing to actually be improved was the gunplay, which is good, but not so good when every other part of the game was purposefully made worse than the previous titles
And I'm not even some whiny autists who only hates mainstream games because they're popular. I honestly had high hopes for this one and they fucking totally ruined it. Even survival mode couldn't save this dissapointing turd of a game.
>Your thoughts
Stopped reading there, take your recommendation thread else where.
Europe Fallout game would be S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with pipboys, maybe.
I would hope so with those being the last two words of the post
>wanting a Fallout 5 after the shitshow that was Fallout 4
>not wanting obsidian to save Fallout once again by developing 5
It would just be a spun-off subtitled game like New Vegas.
Sorry, pal. Bethesda has literally rekt it.
>new vegas
>spin off
>Still thinking America is a country and not a continent.
Sure is United Stats of Stupid in here.
You know what I mean.
I'd welcome it, but only if they reconstructed SPECIAL back to how it was, and put stats back in the game.
As well as change the exhausted ass lockpicking and hacking minigames to something different.
>Implying Bethesda would let Obsidian near Fallout after they made Todd look like shit with NV.
>the exhausted ass lockpicking and hacking minigames
fucking this, even other developers are using it, like holy shit
Put a bullet in the head of this franchise already.
Its suffered enough.
Bethesda needs to retire their Fallout brand.
I do not trust them with the IP anymore. They have proven themselves incapable of making good games.
Talking shit behind my back, user? You should make it up to me by preordering The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Definitive Edition.
Found the south american huehue monkey
I think the series should stop.
>Fallout 4
>Sells 12m copies.
>Implying Bethesda will ever stop.
Behind your back, Todd?
I'd never you worthless sack of human flesh and blood.
what's wrong with his mouth user
He's trying to smile like vault boy.
He's mentally retarded, user. Fuck! Show a little sensitivity.
Obsidian already said they don't want the NCR to expand past the Mojave if the players decide that the NCR wins. They're done with them.
Let Obsidian do it.
Too much F.E.V
Don't push me, user!
Otherwise tonight you'll be preordering TWO copies of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: Definitive Edition™.
I keep hearing people say when are they going to fix fallout 4? What did they mean by this? I've heard about a plethora of negative critiscms but nothing about the game actually being broken.
New Vegas 2 with expanded east and west borders.
>House/Independent endings made canon
>NV completes its status as a gleaming oasis after absorbing Freeside
>due to the NCR withdrawing from the region, the wasteland surrounding Vegas is just as neglected and barren as ever
>NCR retreated westwards and the furthest explorable area is San Francisco
>the Legion retreated eastwards and the furthest explorable area is Denver
>because of the sheer diameter of San Fran-Vegas-Denver the game world is a scaled, condensed version of the real life southwest
>plot draws parallels from the original story, but the battle between factions becomes more of a Cold War
>attention is shifted more towards Vegas itself rather than Hoover Dam due to its status as a metropolis and shining trade hub
>once again you decide the fate of the Mojave Wasteland
>Courier is the secret final boss like Red in Pokemon Gold/Silver
If TESVI has the same lockpicki9ng mecvhanic, I will legitimately fucking lose it.
I'll take Oblivion's back at this point. At least it was actually cool.
A reverse "closing of the frontiers" moment happening in the east coast in the mid/late 2300's sounds really cool. It doesn't even have to be the player being one of the last Lakota or Apache or something, even playing as a settler/soldier pacifying the east sounds cool as shit.
But we all know it's just isn't ever going to happen with Bethesda in charge.
>Tumbler bumping minigame
Better than "Spin the circle!"
At least it was more involved and required brainpower.
Besides all the normal shit people want,
I want then to stop setting it 200 years after the bombs fell but writing and designing it like it's fifteen years after. Pick one Bethesda, your internal inconsistencies fucking ruin it for autismos like me and I imagine even normies are slightly off by it.
If Vegas remains isolationist, then the Mojave suffers. Your character can easily be from outside the walls of Vegas, resulting in some pseudo-tribal tendencies. And then he can travel west, seeing the new dawn of civilization unfold before his very eyes, or east, seeing a primal hellscape dominated by the fiercest despot around, in the end choosing between the two.
It would be a fitting conclusion to the West Coast storyline.
>That upskirt.
I'd love it if they recycled the premise of Fallout Tactics 2 with the irradiated GECK and man vs nature themes. It'd be cool to see a lush, verdant post apocalyptic setting for once instead of the same gray, burnt out concrete playgrounds and deserts we see over and over.
I preferred the tumblers over the current one that's been used in the last 4 games.
>even normies
You do know only "normies" use that word, right?
I agree with what you're saying, you'd think there would have been more changes in that timeframe, but what are some examples of these inconsistencies?
While yes you could and while Canada would be les fucked up than most but it was only america that was nuked and china, so the rest of the world just had to deal with the fallout especially that vault tec was america only.
>Literally wants the same dev factions and fucking story as NV
shut the fuck up retard
There's a fucking southie boy in fallout 4. 200 years later.
Russians with accents.
Ruins basically untouched.
No growth from nature at all
Fallout UK would be interesting to say the least.
I want to see the return of Augustus Autumn. After all, he was the real hero of Fallout 3.