Do you enjoy local multiplayer?

Do you enjoy local multiplayer?


My only friend doesn't like videogames so no.

It is infinitely better than online multiplayer. It just happens to be a lot less convenient.

So hard to find a decent Co-op game if your gaming buddy doesn't like beat 'em ups though.

>modern consoles
>Local MP

Nintendo is the only one that still pushes local MP.

Welcome to online era.

I enjoy Umaru

Yes, it's the only multiplayer I actually enjoy.
Playing online with random strangers really isn't my thing.


>my friends reunite to play online games like Overwatch or league just because it's so much fun playing them together in the same room

feels good

>controller cable goes to the back
>no ports, they're built in

The famicom was dumb.

That's kinda sad actually

Gundam vs. Gundam Extreme VS is on PS3 and still has split screen play, though it is an arcade port, pretty old by now and has half the framerate in split screen.
Still really damn fun.

That'd imply I have people to play with locally.

Local multiplayer is best multiplayer.

>there is no extra power/screen cable


It's funny because my xbone has more local co-op games than my Wii U

I'm 30 years old and haven't had a real friend since high school, so I don't even know anymore. I assume it'd just be awkward as I'm an awkward piece of shit anymore.


>Welcome to online era.

>played all kinds of games as a kid like RAD and ZOE that had versus modes despite not actually being built around it
>boy I wish there was a way I could find someone to play these with
>now everything is online, but people don't make these modes anymore

I just want to play war of the monsters online

Modern videogames are shooters or open world rpgs. Local MP dont work in that setting.

>tfw have the same three friends from high school and have not made a new one in 7 years

Hard to find desu

I want to fuck that rat

Better three good friends than thirty acquaintances, IMO.

>hfw grindin on me dik

Only with the right person.

Does Odin's have couch co-op?


chinese bed bugs



It worked for the Japanese in their 3 sqft. huts.

weeb shit

Xbone has dick for local MP beyond indies you can get on everything, sports games, MCC and CoD.

I skipped the Xbone entirely because they cut Splitscreen and local co-op out of Halo 5 for no real reason. Fuck that.

>Local MP doesn't work
Oh boy, I'm laffin'

I miss those days.

Umaru on the front page!


Diablo 3 has some pretty fun couch co-op.

Umaru is a dumb rat


Reminder, if you like this series you are a pedophile

Not really. Consoles have terrible framerates and jaggy visuals, it looks and feels annoying and I have yet to see any games at my friends place that are fun in local co-op.
The only "local multiplayer" I enjoy is 40K



I'd fuck her/them.

>Overwatch or league

No matter how much you say that no one will ever let you fuck them


It's just a shop though, theres only one pair of conjoined twins with one body and two heads, and she/they are pretty ugly.

What new(ish) games still support LAN?

You're a cuck

I have no friends.

Hair doesn't actually look like this. I sure wish it did,

I used to a little bit, but I never liked splitscreen because I couldn't see shit. Nowadays I just get a headache playing anything but explicitly multiplayer games with friends.

Yes, since I only play FIFA games with a coworker.