Tell me games where my fists are the deadliest weapons

Tell me games where my fists are the deadliest weapons

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super mario 64


God Hand.
Ken's Rage 1, 2 has more characters but there's a lot less substance.

Those are two off the top of my head.

God Hand

Zeno Clash 2

Mirror's Edge

Fallout 3/New Vegas

What vidya character canonically has the most powerful punch?

Why do people hold Ken's Rage to such high regard?
I've never seen anything special surrounding the first game.

I bet it doesn't even have cheesy 80s funk music during the fights.


Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight, Double Dragon Advance, Violent Storm, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Undercover Cops.

Had a much more focused story mode than 1, lets you get the entire first part up to Raoh's death with some nice fighting. There's also the dream modes that have some genuinely nice storylines with their own cutscenes at times (Shin turning himself around, Jagi and Amiba becoming accidental heroes and gaining a fuckton of self confidence).

Plus the combat feels meaty, impact behind every blow, and the singature moves (complete with the character yelling out the move as it finishes in freeze frame) are a damn good touch. Helps that the English Dub isn't really bad at all.

Ah dammit, I meant more focused than 2.

Final Fantasy Tactics.


popeye musou when?

Senran Kagura.

>no one says Breakdown

why is Sup Forums so casual now



Damn that actually does sound pretty good.
The weight of the combat is a big deal to me, and it must be pretty lengthy to last all the way to the end of Raoh.

yeah skyrim isn't a game

nobody played that

it's always such a let down when adaptions like that don't have the same sound design or music as the source material. thats part of the reason the votoms game on ps2 was so charming

Bitch I played that.

One of the hardest fucking games I've ever played.

I love it.

Ken's Rage music is pretty cool, but the only iconic piece is Ai Wo Torimodose.


I played the demo.
It was good, the hallucination gimmick was neat.

>just fucked your shit up
>proceeds to passionately slow dance in the light of your exploding corpse
Best vidya couple or best vidya couple?

I liked Fist of the North Star part 2. I know I'm not supposed to, but I love in fiction when they explore new continents, and I thought Kiaoh was cool.

There would be no point to such a game, would be too easy

shit, I would play the fuck out of that

But Kenshiro's most deadly weapon were his fingertips you retard.

Darksouls Fister build

All RPG's that let you play as a monk.

Gene Dragon Kick's Elvis' ass into the Milky Way.webm

Dark souls 2

God Hand
Sengoku Basara as Ieyasu
Asura's Wrath

are there any good popeye video games?

So was anybody else let down by 2's dreammode? I honestly wanted another story where Jagi becomes the strongest of the Hokuto brothers but instead we got a shitty prologue (Jagi Gaiden did it much better) with fights that barely made any sense.

nope not a one, and don't forget, had things gone differently decades ago, DK would've been a Popeye game. I wonder how vidya would be different today?

Daggerfall is a very good game if you want the Kenshiro experience. Just max out Speed for those lightning-fast punches.

That's if you study one of the schools of Nanto Seiken, Ken studies Hokuto Shinken.

>godhand has gene poke demons to death
>comes with a laugh track when you kill them

Nigga if Ken really wants to fuck you up he'll do something like a front flip in the air and then press the pressure points in your head with just his fingertips.

If you piss him off he will punch you until you are hovering in the air. Plus his kicks also have the same effect so practically his entire body is just as lethal.



>literally teleporting all over the map with the press of a button

jesus christ

this is actually a board game sort of thing with a weird boss fight section where you just wait to eat spinach

that nobody made a simple beat em up after all these years is staggering to me


Play SMT Nocturne and punch out demons all day long.

Fallout New Vegas

That Sony film being directed by Tartakovsky probably would have produced a game, shame it was cancelled.

Fallout New Vegas

>HnK thread

for the Emoji movie no less


That Jackie Chan game for the PS1.Shit's genuinely good.

I fucking love old cartoon logic.
I hope that Cuphead game doesn't turn out to be shit.

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons.

asura's rash

Shatterhand, bitch!

A new Popeye movie is still officially in production, the thing is, it's being made by Sony Pictures, the most slimy and despicable conveyor belt of irredeemably bad movies today. I'd rather not have it made at all.

I need some good Motherfucking Hokuto no Ken games
Tell me some names

All these webm's are doing is making me more hyped up for Cuphead to come out. Love the old cartoon animation style.

>They just fucking turn to coats and shit
This shit is almost 100 years old and it still gets me.

Uh, maybe this would be better than that picture for ants

The PS1 game is really good.

The arcsys fighter is pretty good

>yeah skyrim isn't a game
This is literally and unironically a false statement.


FarCry Primal.webm

imagine these guys in the early 1930's not even imagining people 80+ years later still watching their work in ways they could never possibly imagine

I fucking love these videos. I was worried he had stopped because of the huge gaps. Clearly, art can't be rushed.

Play it

Anyone got a YouTube link to this particular Popeye cartoon? I wanna see it in motion.

damn whip girl is a qt




How come nobody mentioned LISA

Because the game is not really focused on punching people

many of them used that technique, Popeye vs Sindbad most clearly

Was this cover made by Genzo?

>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy

I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but her design is meant to resemble Poison so you can't be sure.

Only non-plebs played it.

>level 1 player vs level 50

jagi dindu nuffin wrong

Jagi did everything wrong, that's the point of him. He set everything in motion.

>Evil guy
>"Evil guy did nothing wrong"

This meme is seriously lazy

>Let me taunt you invincible brother

Say my name

What. The fuck.

He had a bad burger

Fallout 4.

Silver chariot.

